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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been there for about a year but the last time I was there Sona was still good. Stays open till 10:00 am. Usually a good crowd. There isn't a line up. It's more of a stand around the velvet rope until the door guy decides you are good looking enough to get in. The Dome is more of a mainstream dance music sort of place. If you are looking for more clubby good DJ stuff also check out Groove Society. In Montreal a lot of the good clubs are hidden down alleys and have no signs so just ask around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was there on labor day weekend as well.

I was at Sona on Friday night, and I thought it was horrible. It had been 2 years since I last went to Sona. The place definitely deteriorated. The music in the main room was boring, and the crowd absolutely sucked.

Montreal is a drinking town. The after-hours scene, however, is lame. It's much more fun to go bar hopping on St. Laurent than to even bother wasting your time at a shithole like Sona.

I've never been to Stereo or Groove Society. Does anyone know anything about these places?



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I was just in Montreal for labor day weekend. Got there Friday night and went straight to Sona around midnight (after finding it). It's not too hard to find, not like it's down an alley, it's in a parking lot, a blocked off street one block from the Place de Arts (or something like that) on Bleurry and St. Catherine I believe.

The "line" to get in was new to me, every just kinda stands around until the bouncers think you're good enough to get in. They even turn some people away saying "sorry, but you need passes to get in tonight", even though it was obvious none of the rest of us had passes smile.gif

I only had to wait about 10 minutes with one friend of mine, and I got the feeling that it might have helped that he spoke French, not sure though.

When you walk in, you go down 2 floors to the sub-basement which is the Hip-Hop room (or was that night) which wasn't very crowded, but was definitely overcome with pot smoking. You go up the stairs to the next room and they have a couple bars, and a jungle/d&b/trip-hop room I guess - awesome stuff in my opinion.

After a couple hours of being in that room, they literally "herd" everyone into the next room, which is even bigger and more elaborate, with a better DJ (same type of music mostly).

I didn't last long enough to make it to room #4, but I'm sure there was more to this club than I experienced!

I must say though that the bouncers there were assholes (not necessarily the ones at the door) and it took me at least 10 minutes just to find my way out of the club since we couldn't go back the way we came after they had closed the 2nd room.

And oh yeah, it absolutely ridiculously hot in there, enough to kill someone who was rolling on e or anything else and wasn't careful about their water intake. I was feeling nauseous myself!

But it was a good time.

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I don't think Montreal is all that much colder than down here in the new york area, they just get more snow. In fact, I think it was nicer up there this past weekend than it was down here.

I mean, I was there in early September and the weather was maybe high 60s to mid 70s (fahrenheit), even though it rained a couple days.

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Sorry, one more reply wink.gif

I had gone to Dome the next night, and I happen to be with a local who new someone there and we skipped line, and got in for free which was pretty sweet.

But at around 11:30, there was quite a line forming, and I think admission was $10 (not bad... Sona was $20).

Dome is true to Superclubness with it's podiums, stages, crazy bar antics, fake people, cheesy crowd-pleasing dance music. I figured it was probably a combination of college students and tourists that were there.

They would do things like lick whip cream off a girls stomach on top of the bar, poor lighter fluid all over the bar and light it on fire, hang beer funnels from the ceiling, etc. The music was pretty good, and the lighting was pretty cool too, even some pyrotechnics. The music was varied, some top 40, some obscure, and half the people were there just to drink.

Just my 2 cents on the subject smile.gif

Montreal is well worth the trip, especially if you're from the states because the exchange rate is soo good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was in Montreal a couple of months ago and I hit the Sona on a Fri. It was a great time, Frankie Bones was spinning. I tried to go back the next night and they wouldn't let us in because we needed tickets. I plan on heading back in the end of October...lets see if it's as good the second time around. As far as the Stereo is concerned...it sucks.

I went there after trying to get in the Sona and once I got in there I realized it was a sketchy shithole. I walked into one room and there were people sniffing all kinds of crap. No Thanx!!! The crowd sucked and personally I would never go back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are some things from a MONTREAL-ER.

As a general rule, I agree with whoever said that our afterhours scene sucks. But we live with what we have. In fact I know people who are willing to drive 4 hours just to get here to party.

Out of the two clubs, the bigger, and more widely known is Sona. BUT, and this is a big BUT, they recently changed promotional teams and are not doing as well as a result. I used to go there EVERY weekend last summer. It was cool. It's a good place if you want to hear house that you're going to hear everywhere else, and it's good if you're at all homophobic.

That brings me to Stereo. The more respected and mature of the two. Stereo is in the Gay village and DOES NOT tolerate homophobes. If you point or start to pick fights, I guarantee you you will be out within minutes. Go there if you want amazing music and people who respect it. Lots of gays and trannies there, but they're amazing, wicked people.

Another thing I should mention...if you are a guy and you want to pick up, go to SONA...the people at Stereo are not into that.

And whoever said it's sleazy, you don't know how wrong you are...that room is for people who want to do that...it's known if you're familiar with the club.

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