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both pretty cheesy imo


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Originally posted by highmay:

who is it by? cosmic gate?

yes ...

Its on the flip side of that "Exploration ..." record

Do people even buy vinyl anymore or is everyone just strictly mp3s ?


" cAn sOmEoNe PlEaSe HeLp Me, I'vE sEeM tO hAvE LoSt SoMeThInG ... MY MIND "

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the problem is half the peopel on this board probably cant even spin, so they get their lil MP3's and think they are gods.. and prolly dont even know what the fuck vinyl is.. makes me mad.


"a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again"

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Originally posted by djustinh:

the problem is half the peopel on this board probably cant even spin, so they get their lil MP3's and think they are gods.. and prolly dont even know what the fuck vinyl is.. makes me mad.

Ok well for the record...and im probably speaking for a good amount of folks here...im not a DJ, just an avid dance music lover...napster has made it way easier or me to get music and know what is the hot song out...so no, I'm not an MP3 dj...


"ID, Please."

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme



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