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Who's your fav for the Democratic nomination?

Guest djdimaggio

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Guest LeVeL

I dont like that John Kerry Guy.he makes a little bit too much money in my eyes to be president. I dont feel like he understands a working class individuals problems...he talks about all this Special Interest people..but then u look at him and his Campain is being funded by heads of Corporations.....

John Kerry is also married to the Granddaughter of the creator of Hertz Ketchup. This man is a multimillionaire who doesn't care about us.

I feel bad General Clark dropped out the race......I felt that he was our only hope....but money is more important than the good your trying to do for the people.

But I want to Vote Democratic this upcoming Election...but if John Kerry gets the nomination I wont vote at all.

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Guest endymion

I agree completely, Levelistic. The democrats are all extremely uninspiring and Kerry just seems mediocre to me. I don't mind so much that he's rich, it's just that there doesn't seem to really be much there at all.

I would have voted for Hillary.

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Guest coach

Also, you can go here: http://www.presidentmatch.com and answer a few questions and it will tell you who is most closely matched with your views, and why. This is not one of the silly web-quizzes, it is actually a research site dedicated to helping people understand the issues and candidates. They have asked the candidates the same questions and then see how they match with yours.

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Guest saintjohn

i think the presidentmatch website was having problems when i visited a couple of weeks ago. after i completed the questionaire, it suggested that i would be happy with edwards (anyone who knows my politics would understand). anyway, i did like the candidate comparison feature, because you can quickly see where the various contenders stand on the issues.

good looking out, coach.

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Guest djdimaggio
Pod and Coach, don't forget that Nader got Bush 'elected'.

[glow=red,2,300]Because of this fact and because Nader is "thinking" about running but he's not sure if it's going to be with w/ the independant or green party" there is actually a online campaign that basically states, "Say no to Nader this time"

It is very true...although he may mean well for America he split the democratic vote last election allowing Bush to wiesel into the White House >:([/glow]

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Guest djdimaggio
Also, you can go here: http://www.presidentmatch.com  and answer a few questions and it will tell you who is most closely matched with your views, and why. This is not one of the silly web-quizzes, it is actually a research site dedicated to helping people understand the issues and candidates. They have asked the candidates the same questions and then see how they match with yours.

[glow=red,2,300]Thanks Coach.  This addy will open peoples eyes a bit about the politics of these candidates.


Check it out and let CJ know what you think.[/glow]

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Guest JMT
first year i am "thinking" about voting for someone other than Rep...the only way i will vote Demo is if Edwards gets the nod..if not, back to Bush....

we think alike.

did anyone following the early campaign stories? you would know that Clark is a Rep masquerading as a Dem.

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