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ibiza misunderstandings

Guest bcnjunkie

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Guest bcnjunkie

why does everybody think that Ibiza is a free for all drug haven ??? in Ibiza drugs are Illegal and they are hardly tolerated. When you go to some clubs (especially Space), you are searched. Police has random searches outside Space all the time. At the clubs you will see the same as here, some people messed up, some not. I will admit that it is propense to drug use, I mean, instead of liquor or perfume advertising in the airport shops, they have club promotion and the first billboard outside the airport is a Space billboard, granted !, however, if you go to Pacha or El Divino there's a fairly good amount of people just drinking and there are people who really go for the music (since there's alot of it, you can listen to top knotch dj's everyday for 5 months). Plus Ibiza is a beautiful Island that caters to even families. There are some beaches where you will see entire families with their small children on vacation !, Yes there's the crazy nightlife but there's the chill side of Ibiza too ! If you get caught with drugs in Ibiza, you are prosecuted and deported, just like in any other country !

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Guest bcnjunkie

what do you mean some dumb reply ?, if you hang in Space and Cream night in amnesia, yeah there's loads of drugs.  however, Ibiza may not be as known in the US but from South Africa to Chile it is known to be a party and vacation Island. And it is an expensive Island and you do see alot of wealth (part of it is like an escape for the wealthy).  There's alot of people from all over the world in summer and I don't think (infact I know) alot of those people are not there to do loads of drugs. If they catch you with hash it is very light, but if they catch you with hard stuff, you will get kicked out of the island or even out of EC.  Ibiza town has the sector next to the marina with alot of bars & nightlife but there are also towns in the mountains that are relatively calm and you see mainly older tourist with families.  I think you've been talking to people who didn't even hit the beach while in Ibiza !. If you want calm, you can find it there too !

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Guest bcnjunkie

by the way, everything I wrote is not made up, it's what I've seen for myself ! and at the ports (for airport and marine port) they do random checks for drugs, I've seen it done ! and at the clubs, for the exception of Pacha and El Divino (as they are more upscale), they do search you !

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60 Minutes did a story on ibiza not too long ago... Residents on the island hate the drugs and clubs, and drugs are illegal, they just don't lock up anyone for it, and you can buy them anywhere. The island is turning into a dump and you will eventually see a change there...

The story showed a beautiful island littered with drugs, clubs and garbage...

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This is TRUE.....["there's a fairly good amount of people just drinking and there are people who really go for the music (since there's alot of it, you can listen to top knotch dj's everyday for 5 months).  Plus Ibiza is a beautiful Island that caters to even families.  There are some beaches where you will see entire families with their small children on vacation !, Yes there's the crazy nightlife but there's the chill side of Ibiza too ! If you get caught with drugs in Ibiza, you are prosecuted and deported, just like in any other country ! "]

Ibiza is a beatiful island and it's not just for party people. You also see plenty of families enjoying there summer vacation.

They are trying to fight the drug war. But you can get just about anything outside of the clubs in Ibiza Town and inside the clubs. The last time I went to Ibiza inside Pacha there was a guy in sunglasses saying, "Quieres X, Quieres X" to everyone that pass by him.

And the laws are not like here in the US. If you are dealing and have huge amounts, then you have a problem. But personal use. They just slap your hand and tell you not to do it again.

Ibiza - "Like no place on earth!"

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Guest bcnjunkie

of course they did ! the point of the story was drugs. dude, if you rely on 60 minutes for accurate reporting you are so lost !

I know how residents of Ibiza feel, I have friends there that leave in August and september.

60 minutes didn't show the massive luxury contruction of rentals that are selling like crazy, the resorts and time shares geared towards families, the beautiful beaches like atlantis that are hardly dirty or the nothing short of beautiful and clean towns in the mountains sorrounded by hills filled with olive trees.

If you go to San Antonio, yes you will find dirty nasty beaches full of garbage with really sketchy people. As for drugs, yes there are plenty, I never denied that. If they told you that drugs are legal or even tolerated... they are ever soooo mistaken. But that people just go for the drugs is not true. Unlike here, people know who they're going to go see on what perticular night, they know the music. They know both american an european dj's. Even if there are drugs, Space terrace (the original one) showcases incredible talent and is dedicated to mailnly house.

Plus the crowds are better looking, the chicks are not so stuck up. I've been there several times & inside a club I have never seen a fight (that's not to say that there haven't been any) or anyone out of control. I've never seen anyone overdose (again that's not to say that it hasn't happened). Then again I limit myself to el divino, pacha, space and privilege. I'm just telling you my experiences in Ibiza. Plus, nowhere in the world will you ever find such an aggroupation of international good dj's. Alsp Pacha and Privilege may well be some of the nicest clubs in the world. Yes there's alot of party, but it's been an international vacation hot spot for years and not only for the clubs !

I'll tell you where I saw the worst example of drug abuse, in NYC early to mid 90's. In Limelight people where shooting up in the bathroom, In Sound Factory they were selling pills in the open, In twilo all sorts of things were openly done !

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I agree with everyone here---but I gotta say, there arent AS many beautiful people in ibiza as I thought there would be. Ithink there were more Mullet heads-- and goofballs than anyone else.

seriously, 1 in 3 guys sported mullets.

I also saw a man OD on Heroine in the parking lot of amnesia. not pretty. his friends were selling pills meantime to passerbys and blowing lines of Coke on CD cases in between transactions. After all that they were going to drive us to Space, but we decided to wait for a taxi instead. Honestly the driver's nose EXPLODED blood minutes before...

I dont think the issue of drugs really matters there---if you want to indulge you can freely (saw many many people simply popping pills from bags out in the open---no one was trying to be discreet or pop em' real quick or go to the bathroom...I've never even seen a bouncer at any club in Spain ever...i lived there for a year of my life (not ibiza) and visited a large portion of the country...on one occassion did I ever see a fight (Bananas in Valencia, anyone ever been to this psychotic place?? and no bouncer ever came, it just ended when it ended...

I think the whole bottom line isnt whether you do or dont do drugs there...it's that you just enjoy yourself...everyone dances to the same beat, whether it be complemented by drugs or not===everyone just seems top do what they want and not bother people,

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On your last post I agree with you 100%

People don't just go there for drugs. They go there to experience something that only the magic of Ibiza can offer them. Always get both sides of the story thru your own eyes, don't rely too much on second source especially the media.

I also did notice the massive luxury contruction going on the island, especially by the street of El Divino.

In Ibiza and in Europe in general people people know who there going to see and they know music.

Pacha is my favorite club in the island and El Divino with that beautiful view of the port.

I have been to Ibiza twice and next year will be my third. And all I could tell people is that at least once in your lifetime you have to experience this magical island!

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Guest bcnjunkie

EV, yup u r right !!!!

"I think the whole bottom line isnt whether you do or dont do drugs there...it's that you just enjoy yourself...everyone dances to the same beat, whether it be complemented by drugs or not===everyone just seems top do what they want and not

bother people,"

my whole point exactly !, plus any dance scene anywhere has drugs involved. and I agree with MyIbiza, gotta see it once !

EV, nasty what u saw. But that's the reason I mainly go to Pacha & El Divino (plus Privilege isn't so bad), Space just has excellent music !, and I stay in Figueretas (never had problem there). But I don't know about security part, I've seen people kicked out of clubs and I've seen tourist arrested in random searches in the parking lot of Space, just my experience, It still rocks !

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Guest bcnjunkie


"Pacha is my favorite club in the island and El Divino with that beautiful view of the port."

ME TOO !!! ;) 8)


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Did you ever go to Cafe del Mar or Cafe Mambo. I never got a change to check them out. But that view of Cafe Del Mar when the sun is setting is breath taking.

<------ Check out my pic

When I was there I never saw a fight. Just people from all over the world united and dancing to the same beat.

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Guest web_norah
60 Minutes did a story on ibiza not too long ago... Residents on the island hate the drugs and clubs, and drugs are illegal, they just don't lock up anyone for it, and you can buy them anywhere. The island is turning into a dump and you will eventually see a change there...

The story showed a beautiful island littered with drugs, clubs and garbage...

wow! you believe everything you see in 60 Minutes :o

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Guest bcnjunkie

been to both !, the sunset fromCafe Del Mar is outrageous, but I don't like going to San Antonio (I think it represents all the negative of Ibiza ). Cafe mambo is alot of fun. My favorite is Sa Trinxa, have u been there ? It simply rocks, DJ is off the hook ! plus it's more secluded and people are so 8)

doing a day trip to formenetera is the best !, I really dig the beaches there, they are amazing and protected by the goverment, it's really really beautiful and relaxing

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The last time I went to Ibiza, I stayed about 3 blocks away from El Divino. Rented scooters and we were headed to San Antonio, but it was getting dark, so we decided to return.

Where's Sa Trinxa, by?

I wish I could have made it to Formentera, I have heard only good stories. My last trip was only 5 days, a long weekend. It took us about 14 hours (a stop in Paris) to get to Ibiza. But it was worth it.

My favorite part of the airport in Spain is:

"Last call for all passenger of Flight ### destination, Ibiza..."

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Guest bcnjunkie

3 blocks from el divino !, great location ! 8) 8) 8), you didn't miss anything not going to San Antonio. Normally i go to Barcelona first for a few days then hit Ibiza, My favorite club is in Barcelona, La Terrrazza (their dj's spin Pacha also) and the city rocks !.

A day trip to formentera is great. you can rent a car for a day and beach hop, get lunch, and head back at night.

Sa Trinxa is next to es caballet, On the beach there's a long kioske with tables and a restaurant and a bar and that's it (oh and a bad ass dj). Inside the water there are natural formations that form natural seating areas and they've built a plank deep into the water to dive). in the distance you can see the yatchs that dock nearby ! It's bad ass !, the music rocks and it has really positive vibe.

Atlantis can only be reached by climbing a hill and it is one of the mostbeautiful natural beaches, but there's nothing there so gotta take your own food, driks, music, etc.

you going next year again ?

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Those two spots sound amazing.

Yes, I am heading to Ibiza this Summer.

And I am actually going to visit family in Tenerife, but that's in April.

You mention that you lived in Spain?

I am trying to make the move too. I want to experience that life style see if it fits me well. I have on uncle that just came back from Tenerife and bought two houses there. They tell me that Gran Canary is an awesome place to party.

And the Canary Island has the third biggest carnival in the world.

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Guest bcnjunkie

yeah I've heard the same about tenerife but never been, heard geat things though. I've never lived in Spain, I lived in France, but I go as often as I can to Spain, been all over (Santiago de compostela, Vigo, Bayona, San Sebastian, Bilbao (& a bunch of little otwns on basque country), Alicante, malaga, ourense, Ibiza & formentera. Next trip I wanna hit Potugal as well, heard amazing stuff

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Guest bcnjunkie

I second that:

"Ultimo aviso a los senores pasajeros....el vuelo thinco siete seis tres...con destino....Ibitha..."   :D ;D

I have a track of "Destination Sunshine" by BALEARIC BILL Which mixes the announcement at the begining.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D me too


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