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Anybody out there who still listens to trance?

Guest trancemonkey

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Guest trancemonkey

I want to ask this question in search of people who share my same opinion. Lately, it seems that clubs in Miami have united to offer only one type of dance music, however I wanted to remind everyone that house is not ALL there is. Whatever happened to the old Shadowlounge/Mix days when high-energy trance music was playing? What happened to all of those people who used to get together and have an incredible time sharing their love for one thing: the music the DJ was mixing? I do not want to write and discredit house music or the people who listen to it; this is not my intention. Nor is it my intention to insult the people who listen to house or insult the music the way trance was by calling it a "pill-popping scene." I also enjoy listening to house and have partyed in clubs that play house and had a good time. (Which reminds me, I did see just as many people "popping-pills" to house as I did to trance, but this is not the point to my story.) I just want to know if others miss the music as much as I do. I am sure if clubs in Miami played a combination of house and trance on different weekends of the month, it would give people an opportunity to know and listen to other types of dance music. If people have never heard the incredible beats of trance music, how can they ever know the difference? I know there are trance music lovers out there since whenever world famous DJs such as PVD and Tiesto come to play, pre-event tickets go on sale and the clubs get ridiculously packed. But since, world-famous DJs cannot always be here every weekend, it would be great if clubs could find locals who mix trance and give them an opportunity to play their music and us trance lovers an opportunity to listen. Or maybe if clubs could offer a night that played both house and trance in two different sets or different rooms so we could all be happy and get what we want. Trance is not "one beat looped over and over," (Although almost all house songs seem to sound the same to me and the beat never breaks, but this is also not the point to my story.) Trance music like the ones that Corsten, Blank and Jones, and Lange play offer a combination of melodies, break beats, and harmonics that make you feel like you are part of the music. The songs have so many highs and lows that you never know what to expect. Like I mentioned earlier, I enjoy listening to all types of dance music, however this banishment of trance is just not right. (Oh, and one more thing, if trance were so terrible, how come the top 3 DJ's in the world play some form of trance? Could the WHOLE world be wrong?)

Thank you for reading and replys would be great!!! :)

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I agree.

Back when Club Space open and Edgar V was spinning trance was it. Back then the Red room will play House and most people will gather on the main, the Blue room for a night of Trance.

On Saturday night, after Dj Vibe finished his set, which was great. At about 4am, Who ever took over went back to ["one beat looped over and over,"] and over,....... :o

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Guest LeVeL

Exactly my point, trancemonkey I argued this a couple of weeks ago and all the house junkies came on and bashed me. But I do agree that house has become the most premier style of dance in the world. Basically its played everywhere and enjoyed everywhere. Also if you noticed the DjMag top 100 deejays , you will notice that there are a lot of house dee-jays, actually 3 times more than trance in the list. But I do agree that Miami deserves some diversity in the music they play in the clubs. Like everywhere I go if its Space, Crobar, Nerve, Nikki's.....I hear the same house beat.....actually I hear the same songs being mixed but in a different rotation. Now lets see if Level (or whatever the name is gonna be) comes to save us from this repetitive house beat being heard all over our club venues. Now I love Trance..and I wish it didn't get the bad rap it has gotten, but this is something we have to live with.

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Guest pod
(Oh, and one more thing, if trance were so terrible, how come the top 3 DJ's in the world play some form of trance? Could the WHOLE world be wrong?)

I hate it when people try to justify their musical tastes with shit like that..."they're top for a reason". Those DJs are top because most of the public couldn't mix a bag of concrete and wouldn't know true DJ talent if someone dropped a pair of 1200s on their head. There's plenty of trance DJs better than PvD, Tijs, and Armin Van Boring...Christopher Lawrence for one, and none of the trance folk I know even consider him...they're all snowed in by these epic, formulaic deck monkeys.

I think the public got tired of the screaming epic buildups and breakdowns, it got predictable to the core base of clubgoers...the epic sound only really goes over with the suburbanites and weekenders nowadays...

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Guest trancemonkey

I agree with you POD regarding Christopher lawrence. I think he is an outstanding DJ (didn't metion him or many others because I figured not many people have heard of the lesser known DJ down here. Also, I am not going to name EVERY single DJ out there.) I've seen him at Ultra twice and he really played some nice sets(very energetic sets but that's what I like).

If you think that trance is predictable(which I think it isn't) what do you think house sounds like? I think most people are into house now beacause that is all they have heard for the past couple of years. That is all that has been drilled into their ears. However, I am not trying to justify my musical taste. Like I mentioned, I listen to all types of dance music, but trance I prefer. I just do not appreciate being forced to listen to house because no other club can get a DJ to play trance.

If house DJs are so spectacular then how come they had to let everyone in for free to see Deep Dish. Try getting in free when even a little known DJ(at least in miami) named Ferry Corsten was at space.

Thanks Levelostic and myibiza for your response.

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Guest trancemonkey

Of course I was there to see PVD and markus, hydra. ask the house people if the room was as crowded at the end of any other night when only house is played as it was when PVD left at 5:00 in the morning.

PVD was incredible!!!!

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Guest LeVeL

Well if I remember right, I got in for free when Ferry Corsten was in Space, there was a password for that night. And for Markus Shultz........he plays some trance, but I consider Markus more as a house dee-jay.......But Markus is a spectacular Dee-jay.......I love his Clearblue song that is the jam. But what I miss more than Ferry Corsten, AVB,PVD, are dee-jays that never actually make to Miami, who are trance dee-jays who can bring the pain like for example, Scot Project, Dumonde, Darren Tate, Johan Gielen, Mark Norman, Graham Gold, S.H.O.K.K. or Flutlicht. Any of these Dee-jay producers, will certainly attract a crowd and certainly give house a run for its money. But we always tend to get the same usual suspects I wish any of these producers would get booked and come here to Miami.

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Guest pod

You beat me to it, Levelistic, Ferry had a password that night...

Armin Van Burren, each time he's been in town, it's free to get in...

So saying that a club has to comp people to see a house DJ doesn't pan out.


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Guest trancemonkey

Oops, I must have missed the password that night. :-*

And, in my opinion, I did not think Armin van Buren's set was that great the last time here was here at Level. (My friends did not think so either.) But many of his remixes and songs are awesome.

Anyways, the DJs you did mention are also great levelistic, and it would be awesome if they would also come down to Miami. They would give house a run for its money, and I especially love Johan Gielen. Have you heard blank and jones? they are incredible and when I have checked their website, they have never been in the US (at least this year.) I have also never heard of them being here. Have you?

It waould also be great if they would come down. I am especially looking forward to the WMC 2004 and have an opportunity to hear many of the DJs from around the world.

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Guest LeVeL

Blank and Jones are one of the most successful producer and dee-jays in Germany, I cant belive they have not come to Miami yet. Its seems a lot of these German Trance dee-jays always turn out to play in club in DC but not in Miami. Trancemonkey my favorite by far is Dumonde.....I saw them @ Buzz in DC not too long ago......wow what a set....they make PVD look like a walk in the park. And one other Dee-jay producer is Oliver Klitzing.But I am wishing too much Miami is a House dominated city. They would rather listen to Junior Vasquez then a tRance dee-jay. But lets see!!!

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Guest pod

See, that's what gets me sometimes about the trance folk, is the utter lack of, well, respect for the older DJs and artists. Sure, Junior is a queen bitch, but him and others like Frankie Knuckles and Danny Tenaglia, as well as Harvey in Europe, laid the foundations for modern dance music...nevermind the contributions of the 80s New Wave tunes and so forth, especially to the trance sound...trance's frilly synth lines would be nothing without the likes of Gary Numan, New Order, Dead or Alive, and lest we forget Giorgio Moroder.

The above artists and DJs were playing when people like Armin Van Burren and Tijs were shitting in their Huggies, and PvD was still behind miles of razor wire and machine gun nests in East Berlin.

Trance may be a "new" sound, but the roots of it in house are undeniable.

Most trance fans are OK with this, and will go out and actually listen to a house DJ, there's always the zealots though who won't leave the house unless it's flavour of the week Paul Tiëstongenvandykenfold.

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1. trance died in 1999

2. ask markus or edgar if they are "trance " djs, i bet you both say no...

3. House is far more popular, however house isn't adding new clubbers who turn 21 like trance does, trance is on the radio more and marketed better.

4. the house you hear in miami is not what they play in nyc. NYC house has broader apeal and the women like nyc house much better. However this will change soon, and you should all go see TKC at nerve in 2 weeks..

5. Miami is and will always be just a blip on the club radar.. it's meaningless at this point.

6. if oscar, or roland etc had the balls to play more diverse house, then the scene would be much better off. They don't have the balls, they just play what will work.

7. why clubs get packed out with trance heads goes back to me saying, we aren't adding as many house heads as we should, thus the amout of hosue heads continues to be the same, however we are older and don't go out as much or any at all. In my car its house, in my house it's house, in mh shower its house, but at night, i go to bars with adults..

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Guest trancemonkey

o.k. the trance they market on the radio is not the type of trance that I like. Like I said, I have listened to house DJ's and maybe you are right. Maybe if oscar or roland would play much better house music, I would enjoy it more. In fact, I have heard Edgar V and his progressive house many a times and I also enjoy it.

Maybe for you trance died in 1999, but for me it hasn't. In My car it's trance, In my house it's trance, In my shower it's trance, and at night I wish it could be trance. I have gone to hear oscar and roland and have been bored out of mind. Give me a good house DJ like you claim to say that play in NYC and maybe I will not be so bored. Miami might just be a blip on the club radar, but it is the city in which we live in and in which we party in. and Edgar V should not be ashamed to say what type of DJ he is or was, especially since when he started, he began playing trance.

I would just like more music diversity in clubs. I want to be entertained; not continue to hear the same beats and songs over and over and over again.

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Guest trancemonkey

And to me, trance music entertains me the most. Everyone can have their own opinions and like what they want. Like I posted before, I just do not want to be forced into hearing house only. But like levelistic said, Miami is a house dominated city. Hopefully it could change and give trance a chance.

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Guest pod

I doubt it will change in the forseeable future...you're not going to see a Glow or a trance-dominated scene around here for a long time, clubbers and clubs did a lot to get away from that, and of course there's gonna be some whiners, but I don't think Miami's gonna go back to the "good old days"...the best the trance folk are gonna get is diversity in the clubs.

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Guest LeVeL

Ok Trancemonkey me and you need to go out sometime, But for Saleen...why you got to hate on trance so much, is it the candy ravers because man you seem really dramatized by it...lol.....And about you bashing Miami, this is not New York man get over it. It seems week after week Saleen mentions something about New York house being so good and that dee-jays here suck...ect....Well the New York house is good and what not but the issue here is that Trancemonkey wants to view more Trance acts coming to Miami.....It seems like we get a new house dee-jay every week and let me tell you no matter where they bring the Dee-jay from if he's either from new york or Europe it seems all the same to me.........Now I totally have a good time but some diversity in the sound would be nice. Like for example...bringing some trance or getting a hardstyle dee-jay believe me people will enjoy themselves and they will like it too. And for house being for the older crowd and TRance being for younger now thats ridiculous. Because the exposure of the styles is being fed the same way, so its up to the listener to make his choice it doesn't matter what his age is. Also one last thing have you seen lately how many House Compilations have been coming out, now that will certainly get a young 20 year old kids attention. There is so much more promotion and exposure for house then trance. So for any one to say that house is for a more educated older crowd is very funny.

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Guest trancemonkey

I was trying to be nice, but levelistic is right, Saleen. I mean why do you hate trance so much? If New York house music is really so great and if you diss on Miami DJs so much, why don't you just move over there? Why do you stay in Miami?

A little diversity is all I want. Let a club play 2-3 hours of house and 2- 3 hours of trance or play trance in one room and house in another. I don't think this is too much to ask for. No need to eat me up alive when all I want is to post my thoughts and find others who share my same opinion.

And by the way, excuse me for not being so intellectual or such an "adult" and listening to house. I guess I am stuck to my childish ways of listening to trance.

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Very interesting discussion here, and it is so nice to finally see people having an animated yet CIVIL discussion on the topic of trance and house, rather than Trance VS. House. Both are genres of music and both are clearly appealing to audiences.

Being from and living in NYC myself, I think that here we might have a decent blend of what you guys are asking for. There are multiple venues that play certain types of music on certain nights...the likes of Centro Fly, Roxy (usually holds big trance events like tiesto and pvd), Filter 14, Cielo, Avalon and more---There is usually somewhere to go on any given night with a palatable choice of music, respectively.

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Guest dSj

2. ask markus or edgar if they are "trance " djs, i bet you both say no...

markus says he plays progressive (doesn't follow it w/house or trance)

I would definitely like to hear more trance in miami, although I don't find quite the same boredom in house as some of the others on here. I'm not really looking for an all out, eyes rolled back, hands in the air, screaming hard trance though... just some smooth, sexy, uplifting stuff. (it's kinda hard to dance to the first kind) For instance, G&D play quite a few house beats, but they have the synths and flowing, melodic sounds on top... sadly miami didn't take so well to them. Ohh well, I'm glad Markus took over Roland's spot because I'd rather hear him than Roland or Oscar and I think he's gonna hook miami on a new sound.

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Guest bcnjunkie

pvd is just more widely known and recognizable that's why people vote for him (as well as tiesto) for the bs #1 dj ranking. There's alot of people that still like trance and house

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