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Attn: POD


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Guest LeVeL

Well I was looking at your pics...........in the picture gallery. They are horrible pictures I can take better pictures than whoever takes those pictures. Does the picture taker happen to be drunk or Fu***d up on something. First of all the pictures are all blurry, you cant see anything.Well heck i got better pictures of Space that night than whoever took pictures for Cooljunkie. Its disappointing to have lack of professionalism especially when your held accountable to take pictures to put in the cooljunkie.com forum. Picture taker you should be fired.............lol :o:D 8)

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Guest klit
Well I was looking at your pics...........in the picture gallery. They are horrible pictures I can take better pictures than whoever takes those pictures. Does the picture taker happen to be drunk or Fu***d up on something. First of all the pictures are all blurry, you cant see anything.Well heck i got better pictures of Space that night than whoever took pictures for Cooljunkie. Its disappointing to have lack of professionalism especially when your held accountable to take pictures to put in the cooljunkie.com forum. Picture taker you should be fired.............lol :o:D 8)

That is some funny stuff, i think pod is gonna have one hell of time responding to this.

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Guest pod

I don't expect you to understand the images, since your comments on here show a frightening lack of intelligence...but since I'm feeling nice today, I'll enlighten you a bit...I'll keep it to small words so you can understand them...now I don't mind criticism, but only if it's well-written, and not consisting of "what, are you drunk?" or "you should be fired"...I'd rather hear, "Well, image #12 is a bit off center, and your white balance is fucked, but I would expect that under those conditions..." or something to that effect. In order to properly criticize, you should at least know the basics of what you are attempting to judge.

Not for nothing, but if you want photos of your drunk friends and girls gone wild, you're not going to get them here. Those other dime-a-dozen websites seem to pride themselves on how many girls they can get to take their clothes off in one gallery, along with a few miserable shots of the DJ with their $200 point-and-shoot digital. But I'm digressing here...

The images are what big people call abstract...I know you're choking on that last bit, Levelistic, but I know dictionary.com has the meaning of some of those words.

The CJ gang brought me on because my images were of that sort...if they wanted a dime-a-dozen snapshooter, they would have probably found you or someone like yourself. Not to toot my own horn, but it irritates the hell out of me when some neophyte suddenly thinks he's Annie Liebowitz and has the know-how to criticize my work...BTW, I'm drooling in anticipation of you posting your photos. I have the courage to let Nick post mine every week, not to mention that you can see some of my photos in publications like The Street and The Miami Herald on a weekly basis, where millions see them...I don't think I'd have the latter two gigs if I was bad...I'm not the best, but I'm not what you are making me out to be.

I'm getting the feeling that this is something more than just you picking on my images, you probably have some other agenda...

But anyway, I'm practically twitching to see these magical images you have from Space 34...if they're good, chances are I know who did them and have seen them already...

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Guest vanbuurenfan
I don't expect you to understand the images, since your comments on here show a frightening lack of intelligence...but since I'm feeling nice today, I'll enlighten you a bit...I'll keep it to small words so you can understand them...now I don't mind criticism, but only if it's well-written, and not consisting of "what, are you drunk?" or "you should be fired"...I'd rather hear, "Well, image #12 is a bit off center, and your white balance is fucked, but I would expect that under those conditions..." or something to that effect. In order to properly criticize, you should at least know the basics of what you are attempting to judge.

Not for nothing, but if you want photos of your drunk friends and girls gone wild, you're not going to get them here. Those other dime-a-dozen websites seem to pride themselves on how many girls they can get to take their clothes off in one gallery, along with a few miserable shots of the DJ with their $200 point-and-shoot digital. But I'm digressing here...

The images are what big people call abstract...I know you're choking on that last bit, Levelistic, but I know dictionary.com has the meaning of some of those words.

The CJ gang brought me on because my images were of that sort...if they wanted a dime-a-dozen snapshooter, they would have probably found you or someone like yourself. Not to toot my own horn, but it irritates the hell out of me when some neophyte suddenly thinks he's Annie Liebowitz and has the know-how to criticize my work...BTW, I'm drooling in anticipation of you posting your photos. I have the courage to let Nick post mine every week, not to mention that you can see some of my photos in publications like The Street and The Miami Herald on a weekly basis, where millions see them...I don't think I'd have the latter two gigs if I was bad...I'm not the best, but I'm not what you are making me out to be.

I'm getting the feeling that this is something more than just you picking on my images, you probably have some other agenda...

But anyway, I'm practically twitching to see these magical images you have from Space 34...if they're good, chances are I know who did them and have seen them already...

pod i believe image # 14 is a bit dark and has a negative tone to it. ;D ;D

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Guest pod

VBF, though you said it in jest, that is a good example of proper criticism. :)

Actually, I rigged a Kodak disposable once to have a manual shutter (college project) and got some real fucked up looking images...

Glad my fanbase showed up to this thread, too! :D

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What’s up with all the negative criticisms? I don’t really care for POD, but I’m not a photographer so I’m not going to talk trash about his work as an artist. So levelistic I think you need to show us your pics from Saturday and prove that they are better. 8)

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Guest saintjohn
if you want photos of your drunk friends

like this?


just kidding, okay?

btw, i assumed that levelistic was being sarcastic.

your visual style is one of my favorite things about the cj site. it's refreshing to see nightlife photography that conveys the energy of the club experience - keep up the good work, pod.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

i like pod's photos...they have a very ethereal quality to them

and btw, why would you start an entire post about how you don't like someone's artwork? it's completely subjective...

pod has enormous talent and i'd put a million dollar bet that you critics couldn't take a good picture if cartier-bresson was holding the camera for you

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Guest pod

Interview Junkie is one of the few girls I know that can mention that name, and know what she means! ;D

Notice our friend has been quiet, huh?

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Guest LeVeL

Pod, take a chill pill my friend. You had some pics I didn't like.........so I criticized. But just like you, I have taken some fucked up pictures myself. I just had the dignity to delete the picture and retake the picture again. Its a shame you haven't done that yourself. Now I admire that your a Photographer and all that...even though your pics have been displayed on local newspapers. I believe you should know better. Also I understood your punctuation and grammer very well......no need for dictionary.com ;D. The thing that I hoped to do with this criticism is too atleast motivate you enough to post better pics. So my advice is delete and retake.....and if the pic sucks dont display them. Doesn't it hurt your credibility as a Photographer, who has pics displyed all over the local newspapers. Now one last thing is do you go by the name Dan Vidal. Cause if you do I seen some bad ass pic in the past I just hope as time progresses your work gets back to the stature it once was. I hope no harm was done to your feelings and all it really wasn't personal.........just some criticism from us little people, Who dont have their picture posted all over the newspapers and the net. So if I happen to bump in to you @ local Venue I will be more than glad to show you my pics. An even show where the delete button is at, or if you need some one to level your camera while your pic is taken.......I will help..........Just kidding ;):D 8) ;D

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Guest pod

What I was asking is that you at least understand where I am coming from. I don't go out to take just people photos. By adding a flair to them, I'm differentiating it from the rest of the images that are out there. Anyone can take a straight and level snapshot. Hell, I can, but why would I want to? I didn't spend over two grand on 1 camera to take straight and level snapshots...those little automated pods they used to have in clubs down here would do that... I know the photos are blurry sometimes, but if you treat them beyond mere "club shots", it's a different thing. Not to say I haven't taken bad images before, hell I delete half of what I shoot on a given night...but what I'm saying is that you've got the entire purpose of the gallery wrong...I'm not out there to do a Girls Gone Wild CJ Editon...I'm seeking to show that the people are out and about in a club, and not some dark closet somewhere. Clubs have lights, lasers, and other such atmospheric elements...your average snap on xxyzllx.com doesn't really convey that...I'll shoot at a lower shutter speed, sometimes at the expense of image clarity, in order to convey the overall feeling of the environment...the viewer can say "hey, that's Space 34..." or "hey, that's crobar", just by looking at it, without reading a location caption...

And yes, I can shoot straight and level if I so choose :)


I learned all the usual rules of photography, and decided to break them! Again, I'm not saying that I'm the best, but I'm a little more experienced than most.

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i think POD's pics are boring and lack originality... :P


actually i think POD's pics are very very well done and capture the moment better than most local photographers...he is a professional and carries himself as one...and am i kissing ass b/c he gave me very good pointers when i was going to purchase my digital camera...btw, POD u were right...a tripod is the best way to go, those nakeds of me and meli have never looked better.... :P

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Guest pod


I should have my own line of accessories...monoPOD triPOD, iPOD....oh wait...actually over the weekend, Koky suggested that if I were to spawn forth and have children, they'd be iPODs...god's way of getting back at me for mocking Apple all the time I guess.

BTW, what digital did you end up getting?

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Guest LeVeL

Nice to have this little problem solved. Those are the pics I am interested in, the pics that have a story behind them. Not just a girl....or a guy drunk hugging a so- called deejay. That is so lame and so played out......it has been done so many times. Its nice to know thats the way you view your pics.......because when I take a pic I feel that there needs to be something behind it...like a description or so of a compelling moment in the night or in the air.[glow=red,2,300][/glow]

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Guest pod

Don't worry, the upcoming CJ revision will let me add little captions to the images :)

See, the last two posts you had were well thought out...the first one was of a way different tone. I can handle posts 2 and 3, post 1 was a bit off.

The 303 isn't a bad unit though, Matas...as far as point-and-shoots go, the Fujis produce great images...btw, if you want prints from it, drop me a line. I'm a Canon whore though myself.

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