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Why is Miami Obsessed with House Music

Guest LeVeL

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Guest vanbuurenfan

Not for nothing, but Demo909 is an experienced producer and DJ, who knows what he is talking about...not all trance tracks are like that though, but I'll give you a dollar if you go around and analyze all the trance tracks out there, the majority are like that...and yes, the average trance DJ does sit there and scratch his ass waiting for a mix-out point....the majority of house tracks are bit more involved and complicated and don't involve the use of buildup after buildup to get to the point.

Trance is a very suburban bubblegum sound now. When the kids in Little Rock, Arkansas are throwing the latest Acosta CD into their CD players at home, it's a bit of a testament to where it has gone, which is the mainstream, as far as dance music is concerned. Now my real beef isn't over the music itself, it's the tendency for the fans of trance to venerate their DJs to something akin to being a god, and god forbid you question it, otherwise thousands of glowstick-waving maniacs will be camped out on your front lawn in a siege. I'm sorry, but most trance DJs have less skill than I do, and that's pretty sad sinc I'm not a DJ by profession and can't mix a bag of concrete. Most house DJs put a lot of skill and craft into a mix (look, and really look at how Morillo, Oscar G, and Tenaglia mix...), and it becomes more than just two songs flowing into each other.

Now before you all start whining and bitching, I said "most" trance DJs, and "most" house DJs, meaning I will allow that there are good trance DJs, and bad house DJs.  ;D

dont mean to bash the guy, but it gets old, the trashing of house,trance,techno,etc, etc, etc. why cant we just enjoy the music WE like 2 listen 2 without having an "expert" tell me that the music i like sucks? that is what gets old. and u are damn luck POD! that i dont know where u live or else id pick up my 15 year old buddies with their dexters pills in full force and hold a glowstick vigil in your front yard!!!!!! ;D ;)

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Guest bcnjunkie
recipe for a trance song:

2 generic breakdowns

6 basic synth stabs

1 or 2 cords to taste

1 drum loop

put everything into a large bowl and mix well (which by the way most trance dj's can't do) when you are finished you will have a boring 10 minute long track with 2 predictable breakdowns so you can throw your hands in the air and say "damn these are the best pills ever!"

It takes a lot more to make a house track, and I never see a house DJ standing around picking his ass for tem minutes while he waits for a track to finish, only to put on his headphones and do a 20 second (if that) mix out. I can't believe someone like tiesto gets paid all that money to stand around or 80% of his gig and do nothing but wave at the crowd......yeah thats AWESOME!!   Trance definately beats house and house DJ's anytime.........get real man ::)

;D ;D ;D ;D

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Guest chillin-chillin

House, Trance, Trance, House......WTF!!!! I like trance, i can listen to house. One is not better than the other. It seems like the people who listen to house have a problem with trance. ??? What i don't understand is why people have to put down electronic music, be it Trance or House, when the real beef should be with HIP-Hop!!! It seems like they are taking over our venues. You would never hear that music played in our rooms,excapt maybe on a off night. Now every where you look, Fubu jerseys everywhere!!! Not to mention the vibe that that crowd brings. It sucks!!!Fights in clubs,"Thug" mentality. As for House, you can say it all comes back to house, but the facts are that House today is way different than the house you claim it goes back to.("my name is gino...latino...prince of da house sound")PLZ!! Give me a break.How many other cities in the world do you think plays the type of music Miami does? Miami is just a trendy town where people go to clubs to be seen.(See Opium)But if house floats you boat, Great!!Like I said, I like house and dont mind going to clubs to listen to it. But the real issue should be HIP-HOP taking over. Let's stand together as Electronic music fans.

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Guest LeVeL

Well I do agree that as Electronic Music Fans, we should stick together. But the issue here is to allow diversity in the sound. By having a Trance night atleast on more clubs, it a shame every club in Miami or Miami Beach had to play the same house. The only thing that changes is the venue. Now I do believe there are some there is some bad house and some bad trance. But for you to say that 80% of the deejays that play trance just stand there waving while mixing cause the songs are so long. Have you recently heard a House song. The majority of the house songs are 13 to 11 minutes long. Now tell me who is standing more. I believe House Dee-jays are certainly are certainly overexposed. Now as for that Petition for Level to play Trance on Fridays, Van Buuren can you please add my nam to that Petition. We certainly need some diversity on the sound. And a venue like Level will be a nice place to bring back Trance on Top here in Miami

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Guest bcnjunkie

Actually, It's not just Miami, try Spain, England, Portugal, Greece, Tokyo, Argentina, Uruguay and even countries known for ther hard-core favoritism (Germany, England, The netherlands), have all developed house scenes equally as large as Techno or Trance (even though England has always been at the forefront of all genres). All the top clubs in the world play mainly house, and for whatever reason, the glowstick festivals play loads of Trance. But still, i see no reason to bash Trance or any other form of electronic music !, It's all about what sounds good to you ! :)

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Guest vanbuurenfan
Well I do agree that as Electronic Music Fans, we should stick together. But the issue here is to allow diversity in the sound. By having a Trance night atleast on more clubs, it a shame every club in Miami or Miami Beach had to play the same house. The only thing that changes is the venue. Now I do believe there are some there is some bad house and some bad trance. But for you to say that 80% of the deejays that play trance just stand there waving while mixing cause the songs are so long. Have you recently heard a House song. The majority of the house songs are 13 to 11 minutes long. Now tell me who is standing more. I believe House Dee-jays are certainly are certainly overexposed.      Now as for that Petition for Level to play Trance on Fridays, Van Buuren can you please add my nam to that Petition. We certainly need some diversity on the sound. And a venue like Level will be a nice place to bring back Trance on Top here in Miami

i miss shadow lounge and the mix :'( i want people to stop bashing trance :'(jorge acosta has turned into the DJ LAZ of the trance world :'(none of this would be happening if 2pac and biggie were still alive :'(has anyone seen my glowstick and vicks ???

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recipe for a trance song:

2 generic breakdowns

6 basic synth stabs

1 or 2 cords to taste

1 drum loop

put everything into a large bowl and mix well (which by the way most trance dj's can't do) when you are finished you will have a boring 10 minute long track with 2 predictable breakdowns so you can throw your hands in the air and say "damn these are the best pills ever!"

It takes a lot more to make a house track, and I never see a house DJ standing around picking his ass for tem minutes while he waits for a track to finish, only to put on his headphones and do a 20 second (if that) mix out. I can't believe someone like tiesto gets paid all that money to stand around or 80% of his gig and do nothing but wave at the crowd......yeah thats AWESOME!!   Trance definately beats house and house DJ's anytime.........get real man ::)

LOL.... :D

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Guest Adam Singer

bandwagoners are funny...

listen to what you want, geezis who cares if a bunch of people on a message board say house is better, trance is better, blah blah

its ALL commercial nowadays anyway. The EDM scene was underground at one point when I first started going to parties years ago...Northern Exposure 1 by sasha and digweed had just came out and everyone was into the trance sound, more and more through 2000 or so...then everyone jumped on the progressive/house bandwagon...

I always like prog, house, breaks, trance, even drum and bass is cool if done right. I own records in every genre, and I'm not afraid to admit I support trance as well as house and breaks artists...

I will say this---trance isn't what it used to be. Todays new trance releases are pretty predictable and boring, a few years ago when trance was at its peak it was fucking awesome. THAT trance still is to me, but the new releases today at the store don't do much. All the innovation is in progressive, techno, and house nowadays, and its the sound being pushed pretty far, but it all is cyclic, trance will make a comeback again one day I'm sure...anyway all the genres influence each other and will continue to, as a producer I am pretty blind of genre and put sounds together I like and i don't even like to CLASSIFY my music really

when people ask what i play...i only answer "good music"

its like the damn segregation of colors here, christ we're all people, its all EDM, just because you don't think it's as 'intelligent' as your music doesn't mean to that person it isn't. you were there once, when you first started listening to EDM you listened to something different than you do now, and you know it. EVERYONES tastes are constantly evolving, thats why artists continue to make different styles of music and thats why the scene is more into different kinds of music...

maybe instead of cooljunkie forums, it should be called cooldrama forums! :)

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Guest eKiTeL
Umm last time I checked, most girls I knew were into house.

Uplifting, in some instances...but not the brick-wall sounding German sound, Nazi psycho circus trance.

The clubs are going to run with what is most profitable for dance music, and at this time it's house. It was trance awhile ago, but now trance is a very suburban sound, hell, kids in Peoria, Ill dance to Oakenfuck and friends...Miami Beach has to stay edgy, so it's house and gradually electro for now. If anything it's going to go electro...

Electro eh? what kind of Electro do you mean? There's a lot of progressive coming out now with kind of an electro edge, Jon Cowan has been playing some of this, definitely the right direction, though I prefer different tracks.... is this what you mean? I'd like to read more of your analysis of this trend if you're so inclined to write it.....

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Guest pod

That's what I mean, a lot of house DJs are integrating electro-oriented tracks into their sets...you're not gonna see a full-on electro set at a major club anytime soon, but for now you've got a progression towards electro-oriented house tracks :)

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Guest ramon

(even though England has always been at the forefront of all genres).

I don't agree with this at all.

They are always behind in House. Thats why their dj's buy up all the domestic stuff when they come over here. :)

Techno belongs to Germany at the moment. They are at the forefront of everything .. if its a good record and its techno (regardless what sub genre) there's a good chance its from germany possibly berlin or cologne ..

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Guest eKiTeL
That's what I mean, a lot of house DJs are integrating electro-oriented tracks into their sets...you're not gonna see a full-on electro set at a major club anytime soon, but for now you've got a progression towards electro-oriented house tracks :)

yeah I definitely agree, this has been a major focus for me since I started buying house records almost 2 years ago.... I think there will also be a trend toward eclecticism, mixing house with techno and breaks and whatever, it's not about the specific genre, but picking the right tracks that can make the mash-up work in a coherent fashion... definitely more techno, and retro/electro/techno, and again I don't mean straight techno sets, but a combination of things, and bringing it back on to the subject at hand, there are a lot artists like Bryan Zentz, Technasia, and especially Dan Corco & Fred Carreira who are producing some pretty nice techno with a Trancey feel, a lot of melodic chords, and breakdowns, but not so long and only one per track...

anyway if you want to hear all of these trends that I'm talking about in one place then definitely come to Slak Lounge this friday night where and Amando Suarez and myself will be mashing it up again! ;)

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Guest bcnjunkie

yo crespo, I dunno, maybe, I know Germans have always had an upper hand in Techno (along with Detroit) but I mean in England they were playing acid house in La Hacienda from the very early 80's (over 20 years ago, That's pretty cutting edge). They have some of the most respected names of quality house: Defected, Azuli, etc. The private clubs in London play some of the best mediterranean house available, They scout in Italy, Spain and portugal for great house DJ'S. Brits are also more demanding when it comes to music ! and even if they aren't producing it, they know how to pick it and play it right ! Dunno just what I see !

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i am a house dj and electro sounds just don't do it for me and i hope "electro" stays the way it is today ....

i believe house should stay as IT IS !!! like other genres ... i hate when people remix hip hop or pop tracks with house ... it sucks so much is not even funny ..

about the UK ??? oh hell yes, they are always on top of everything ...

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Guest bcnjunkie

anyways, the best house music DJ'S I've heard are in Spain. They may not produce as much as here, but man are they good at programming. They just have good ear I gues, the spaniard DJ's are incredibly talented. If you really like house, and you ever get a chance to listen to Sergio Patricio, Professor Angel Dust, Baby G (who spins in NYC from time to time), Xavi VII, you would be blown away. Quality house !!! We have good DJ's here but I don't know, there seems to be ahigher concentration over there

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Guest eKiTeL
i am a house dj and electro sounds just don't do it for me and i hope "electro" stays the way it is today ....

i believe house should stay as IT IS !!! like other genres ... i hate when people remix hip hop or pop tracks with house ... it sucks so much is not even funny ..

There will always be a place for traditionalist house dj's, just like blues bands... like it or not however electro has already infiltrated a lot of house music, I guess you're not a fan of Metro Area or Chicken Lips

new blends of old sounds are the way of the immediate future, a lot of these remixes totally suck like you say, but the few outstanding ones are really helping to define the sound of now

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Guest pod

it's not about the specific genre, but picking the right tracks that can make the mash-up work in a coherent fashion...  

Well said! That's why I like Danny Howells so much.

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Guest lavosdeldiablo
Ok now that we got the Glowstick waving out the way. Lets talk about the real issue here. Why dont clubs in Miami book more trance acts. Why dont clubs make their nights Trance night. Is this a conspiracy..

why dont you get up and take a risk on something you "love soo much"...Try and promote a trance party in this town instead of whining... ;)

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