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Hybrid Review Thread


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Very good set last nite. Place wasnt that full but considering the only other time I have been to Nerve was to see Quivver it was definitly more packed. Sadly had to leave around 3:00 am as its so hard to go on friday nites to begin with after a long work day. And also since im goin to Ferry Corsten tonite :)

Mike and Chris were really good overall last nite, got my obligatory autograph :) Good nite. Nice to see u guys again all congregated by the bar there. Whereas i was the stupid moron dancing my ass off like always :)

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Agreed. Hybrid did an outstanding job. I simply couldn't sit for long, had to get up and jump around.

On a second note, this was my first visit to Nerve and I am quite disappointed. Somehow it doesn't live up to the image of a club. The colors are wrong, the layout is a bit tricky to navigate. It looks more like a pub ::)

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Guest shannon_coolj.

hybrid was amazing!

just got back from interviewing the hybrid boys and it went really well--they had so many interesting things to say about the upcoming album (Morning Sci-Fi) and what they've been up to...

although, i have to admit that they did look a bit rough this morning. i guess that comes with all the partying they did at nerve...and the after-party at jon cowan's house  ::)

they did say that they will be playing LIVE in miami for their album tour, probably in november. i can't wait!!!!

as for the comment about nerve by juxt--i don't know ...i like nerve. i'm so over the super-clubs. i mean, space is ok but i love more intimate settings like nerve or even opium garden.

give it another chance and maybe you'll like it!  :)

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In general, I liked Nerve. I liked the fact that you could always sit down, there was no lack of seating and the vibe was definetly there. What I didn't like is the interior design of the place. It was not what I'd exepect when coming to a club called "Nerve", if that makes any sense.

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the only thing ill agree with is the floors are cheap lookin and so is the dj booth but besides that it looks good. i was surprised that the inside was setup different from when quivver was there. is that a normal thing they do and rearrange the furniture like that ?

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Guest coach

Regular rearranging is one of their supposed claims to fame. I agree, it did look a little un-nerve-y. You expect a club with a name like that and with Rudolph's attitude to have a lot more edge to it, whatever that might mean. And it is more like a lounge rather than an actual dance club.

I really hate a club without a decent amount of seating, and Nerve certainly shined there. Not only was there a goodly amount, but it was decently comfortable.

The music was good, not quite my cup of tea, but still quite good. The sound system seemed to handle it well.

We had to bail around 2-ish, but even at that point the crowd was pretty decent sized, around 120. But, again, it wasn't what I was anticipating. More like a nice homey group of friends. Definitely a bad guy/girl ratio, like 3 to 1.

I guess I was expecting something more wild after reading all of the hype they put out before they opened. They really shot their mouths off about how different and exciting the place would be. It was nice, but not really that different from any other nice club.

I really could have done for an actual dance floor. Just something raised a bit right in front of the DF booth to help control the traffic flow. We tried dancing a bit, but were continually interrupted by people walking through on all sides.

All in all, a good night, we'll definitely be back, we just won't dress up as much.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

yeah..nerve needs to be more futuristic looking to go with their name....

but hey, at least they're trying--they have those "nerve endings" on the wall in the vip room...or are those supposed to be trees ???

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Guest eKiTeL

more futuristic? how 'bout more retro-futuristic, like the inside of Barbarella's space ship, that would be cool

I agree it really should have a wood dance floor, like at I/O lounge, and the music could be more nervy, if you want to hear what I mean hit me up for my latest demo CD! right now they're mostly booking names that were big back in the 90's, but I guess they have to connect with that crowd first before they can start dragging them into the future

the girl guy ratio is ok, I guess girls in Miami just don't go out as much, but even though there are more guys they don't seem like a bunch of aggressive jerks like at other places, don't make them start trying to control the ratio at the door, that usually just pisses everybody off! if they keep playing good music which attracts intelligent well-behaved gentleman so that the girls don't get harrassed then hopefully the ratio will improve eventually

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Guest coach

Retro-Futuristing, sounds about right. But I know they were planning on changing it on a regular basis, which is also a cool idea.

I also noticed that the guys did not seem to be as aggressive as they are in some clubs. Of course, not being a girl, I couldn't say for sure, but there just didn't seem to be as much hitting-on going on, so that's cool. Like I said, it was definitely more of just a friendly hanging out kind of atmosphere than a real clubbers feel.

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Guest eKiTeL

seems like they were going for a kind of retro pop-art trash glam kind of look, which I think was a really great idea, however it didn't come out so well in the execution, maybe they need to go thrift store hunting and find some more funky junk to hang on the walls

and I believe the name Nerve was meant to suggest a wild uninhibited trashy slightly abrasive who cares kind of vibe, like "they've got a lot of Nerve" or "the Nerve of some people" rather than some sort of futuristic hi-tech video game over stimulate your nerve endings kind of thing

these concepts would all work much better in NY, or maybe even here in Wynwood/Design District

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