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PM's St. Paddy's Day Party Review...

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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, last night Patrick McMullan managed to throw yet another fantastic, over the top exclusive nyc party---he pulled out all the stops and all of nyc’s finest were in attendance....There was an omnipresence of beautiful people....and everyone was so gregarious and fun and conversational and ready to party!

Let's pause for a moment. Don’t you love how our city manages to look like a Saturday night every day of the week somewhere in every neighborhood downtown? It's the greatest. Had to give respect there for a moment.

So yes, this was a tres fab fiesta, kids, wish you all could have been there too...So Jess and I took a taxi to meet my friend Jamie, who is too good apparently for taxis and took a car service with two of our other friends. Aryn was meeting up with us later after she finished at Pompano. The line outside was a bit of a mess, but not ridiculous like I imagined it would be...

We walked over to the Spider entrance where my good friend Patrick Duffy was at the door--(his amazing APT Sunday nights really put him on the map, amongst other parties of his)---Patrick outdid himself last night...decked out in a mink coat and standing TALL in new Stilettos. Gotta love him, he is really one of the most gracious, cool and genuine people in the scene. Anyway, Patrick took care of us and we went to spider for a sec, nothing was going on there yet so we went down to the Chapel...lotttts of fun people there...Of course it was open bar, thanx to PM for that :D, and the drinks were incredibly stiff and everyone was throwing them down. The DJ was spinning funky 70s and 80s music...it was awesome! Sweet Dreams had everyone singing and dancing sexy…So, so , so many good looking people everywhere...it was bursting at the seams with beauties----holllly shit! It was funny to watch the uber-models stand there with expressionless faces, sculpted hair covering half their eyes...so mysterious. Not. Actually there were no tudes at this party whatsoever---everyone came to have fun and get fucked up---The crowd was the best...so nice to party with a great crowd!!

So many friends and acquaintances were there, it was just great---to be partying with everyone like that---it was overwhelming, with all of the photographers running around taking pix, everyone was hitting on each other (very mixed crowd---totally harmonious...one moment you'd see a guy and a girl gettin very sexual on the side---


the next you'd see inter-racial homosexual kissing


I heart New York. I don’t think GWB would have enjoyed this party at all....maybe he would have enjoyed all the coke that was floating around, but not the rancorous activities that were clear and present.

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So we spent most of the night in Spider room--for those of you that aren’t familiar, its sort of a club within a club in Avalon, it's awesome, member’s only, and usually we end up there because it's private and sexy and frisky.... it was packed up there with people...people from all over were up there...Aryn finally showed up and we all were drinking like it was our last chance to do so...thanx to Flex and Blaze for extending open bar all nite to us...what a treat, especially since I didn’t have a dollar to my name after paying AMEX.  So we were partying with this crazy, crazy man...he must have been around 50...such a fun guy!  His name was Randy, and eventually someone came over and whispered to me in my ear that it was the cowboy from the Village People.  I was too drunk to really comprehend until this morning, but let me tell you this dude was NUTS---absolutely crazy!  We had so much fun with him...

I'm very bad with recognizing celebrities when I’m inebriated in a nightlife environment...my friend jamie is a publicist and gets very frustrated with me...(I didn’t recognize Paris Hilton once, I mean--come on)  last week I was sitting at a table and dancing all nite with Jamie and Carson from queer eye and the Ricky character from My So Called Life...and I didn’t know until the end of the night who the hell they were...but I did wonder why so many people were coming up to them -- eventually someone told me.  I never have an issue recognizing DJs though.  

-wild.  PM came up and hung out for a bit, took a bunch of group pix that I’m excited to see on his website next week--The rest of the night is a big blur...i remember getting rejected for a piece and making a spectacle over it,-- ...next thing I knew I was making out with a bi-sexual Australian ??? ::) and dancing with strangers on a couch with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth.  classic! Aryn, i think this was during one of my attempted trips to the bar.  

Such a good time...the best part was meeting so many fun and sociable people -- No one should ever miss one of his parties (ahem, Joey GK backed out from coming last minute and is now kicking himself in the ass for it...)

All in all, it was a world class evening thrown by a world class photographer with NYC's finest and funnest (i know that isn’t a word but it matches well in the context)

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here are some pix I found online for you to laugh at.  

Aryn in her NYC party girl shirt---it was a hit!  Jess looking cute and adorable of course, and me looking fucked up and not wanting a picture to be taken at that moment...


Look at how cute she is...I love her and I want to call this photographer and get the pic---


aside: as I go through the pix I just saw one of the aussie and i wanna die.

who is this guy?? He looks like an adult Peter Pan.


fun drunk chicks


Flex getting his groove on!  it is worth mentioning that this is the man who designed and made Spider, and he is really cool, and somehow manages to remember everyone's name (especially boys in their 20's)


we just did coke in the bathroom


obviously I wasnt meant to be in this shot


group sex please


Adem and his flavor of the week (he looks hot in this pic)


Patrick and psycho-village people Randy.  


Take the bag, and cut her off please...


Instead of wearing this shirt, please wear deodorant!

seriously dont ever wear this again


classic adem and friends with cig hanging out of his mouth


Come again next year!


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I feel like I just read an episode of "Sex In the City". Cant wait to check this out for myself!!! BTW...I want a pic of the Aussie.;)

life in your 20's living in nyc is unparalleled-- I could go on forever professing my love. (not that I dont always do that with everything.)

please, no more aussie talk. dios mio...

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Guest joeygk
please, no more aussie talk.  dios mio...

now on a scale from 1-10 , is the Aussie above 5?   :D

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It is worth mentioning as well...

Patrick McMullan obviously carries an awesome camera...and it has this feature, where after he takes the shot, you say your name and it records the audio! (so that when his people put the pix up on his site they always have names under the pix) :P

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now on a scale from 1-10 , is the Aussie above 5?   :D

I love scales of 1 to 10! Tim knows this well, as I always ask him to rate just about everything on a scale of 1-10.

anyway, id say barely a 3. but awesome personality, probably what turned me on in the first place. i hope this kid doesnt find these postings! id feel terrible... :-/

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I love scales of 1 to 10!  Tim knows this well, as I always ask him to rate just about everything on a scale of 1-10.  

anyway, id say barely a 3.  but awesome personality, probably what turned me on in the first place.  i hope this kid doesnt find these postings! id feel terrible... :-/

I couldn't believe that when I read it - too funny.  Evan used to ask us "scale of 1 to 10 questions about EVERYTHING" (his hair, new pants, suntan, gait...I could go on...)

I used to hate it.  Now it's just funny as hell.

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I couldn't believe that when I read it - too funny.  Evan used to ask us "scale of 1 to 10 questions about EVERYTHING" (his hair, new pants, suntan, gait...I could go on...)

I used to hate it.  Now it's just funny as hell.

I really do love you like a brother, Timo.  xo

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Guest Idreamofdancing

Well Evan took the words right out of my mouth...it was amazing!!!!!! After leaving Pampano at 11pm and attempting to get a cab in the middle of a snow storm, sucked ass and took me forever...since i did the coat check and banked some extra cash, I paid $12 to get to Avalon, but it was worth it. The anticipation leading up to the actual event was killing me.

I arrived at the door, said Patrick Duffy's name, got right in. I had to walk down a frightening staircase where I almost killed myself. Stilletos are hot, but when you are walking down a snowy staircase, I was cursing myself. Luckily 2 nice guys assisted down the stairs to a passageway leading to the party.

I was so surprised at the amount of people..ridiculously good looking people..were there. It was a def Zoolander experience. I couldn't help but laugh at some of these model wannabees. It made for great people watching. In the chapel the White Stripes was blasting and the excitement was building.

I finally found Ev and Jess in the crowded Spider room. I was so discombobulated upon arrival, I had no idea where I was. By this time, I was ready to get my drink on. LI's were the drink of choice, and they were as stiff as a corpse. Just how I like it.

Once again, the damn shoes became a problem and as people began knocking into me, a young man claimed to have "saved my life" and of course followed around Jess and I yapping our ears off...luckily when it was time for him to drive back to Staten Island...enough said..I saved Jess from giving him her acutal phone number.

Jess and I revisited the chapel to check out the dance floor....WEAK SAUCE!!!!!!!..Spider room was the place to be.

My NYC Party Girl shirt was a hit, as was Evan's. Everyone looked super. Of course there some outlandish people in drag and St. Paddy's garb, but the crowd was cool. Everyone smiling, saying hello...it was def a pleasure.

But the highlight of the night was meeting Randy Jones, the original cowboy from the Village People...he was outrageous and so much fun. He looks exactly like the guy from the movie Beetlejuice, who comes over for the seance. Ev, I must show you tonight. We basically took 100 ridiculous pictures and laughed at all the intoxicating people around us. I at the time believed I was sober, but to my surprise this morning, I found like 8 business cards, with 0 recollections of who these people were.

Ev and I were responsible adults and left at about 2am..not too bad..and proceeded to go the usual deli next door, get pizza, and burn the roof of my mouth on it. But it was good. We took a cab home, I ate the entire house..passed out.

It was a superb evening...however, I will never wear those shoes again.

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Aryn, what can I say---excellent report!!! you're a great storyteller indeed.

she is the best accomplice ever!  We are truly each other's accomplice in our weekly escapades...

I tihnk I remember you burning the roof of your mouth now!  too funny.  And I noticed that guy hovering over you...too bad you were worrying about jess when you should have been saving me from the aussie...

I hate when boys try to steal the attention of my divas.  Only I get to delegate who gets to talk to them and I do recommend you gentlemen respect me and kiss my ass since I, no joke, have INCREDIBLE leverage with whether or not they will respond positively to your pursuits!   8) 8)  

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Guest endymion

You guys are completely hilarious. Thanks so much for the excellent reviews and the great photos and captions! I would like to get this edited into a review for the CJ NYC site. Thinking about how to edit both of your reviews together into one, with photos. Do we have permission to post those photos in a story at CJ?

Aryn, you are yet another stellar writer in our midst? You should definitely pipe up more often, I loved your side of it.

Evan, it's funny, I am a diva gateway too. It cracks me up how horny single straight guys consistently fail to realize how easy I could potentially make things for them if I wanted. Entertaining isn't it? Oh well, more women for me...

I'm all jealous now that I can't go out with you guys in NYC, you guys are complete mirrors of people down here in South Beach in so many ways. Very happy to have discovered a pack of such cool people. Am I going to get to meet more of you next week?

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You guys are completely hilarious.  Thanks so much for the excellent reviews and the great photos and captions!  I would like to get this edited into a review for the CJ NYC site.  Thinking about how to edit both of your reviews together into one, with photos.  Do we have permission to post those photos in a story at CJ?

Aryn, you are yet another stellar writer in our midst?  You should definitely pipe up more often, I loved your side of it.

Evan, it's funny, I am a diva gateway too.  It cracks me up how horny single straight guys consistently fail to realize how easy I could potentially make things for them if I wanted.  Entertaining isn't it?  Oh well, more women for me...

I'm all jealous now that I can't go out with you guys in NYC, you guys are complete mirrors of people down here in South Beach in so many ways.  Very happy to have discovered a pack of such cool people.  Am I going to get to meet more of you next week?


I appreciate your words. As for reviews, I would do so many more if I had the TIME to devote to it...with reviews and interviews and such, I like to think that i have high standards for writing and try to be jounalistically sound with them in regards to things like subjectivity, balance, grammar and such...

I was thinking today that if I had an arena to be more candid, conversational and gossipy and loose, than I could really offer more to CJ NYC. Miami has the Girl About Town (that sexy sexy Sarah Dawson...i love her). Would NY like a Boy About Town? Somewhere where I could highlight something weekly, write about whatever I want...a column so to speak...with complementing pictures adjacent to the text...where I could rant, say things like funnest and speak in the first person. What do you think? N and S, thoughts? Cooljunkies, thoughts? Could be fun...I feel like just about every week of our lives (the NYC Crew) is chock full of stories that most people would like to be able to tell even once in their lives. Does that sound conceited, i dont mean it to, i cant help that my life and my friends and our city collectively are so goddamn Fantastic! 8) ;):D I think Boy About Town sounds like a fun name...a good header with some sort of picture (we could even change the pic periodically maybe)...But I want to hear everyone's ideas--- help me think of something cool, friends. if Im going to do I want it to be awesome...mediocrity and mundane are two words that are not in my vocabulary.

I also think that having something consistent on rotation would be beneficial to the site...

Let me know, boys and girls, if you would be interested in such a thing. but let's be sure not to threadjack the fab subject of Patrick's megafiesta. mmkay

PS Ryan, as for permission for the pix, im not sure of that, but you can go to www.joonbug.com and ask someone there...i know that they publish those pix and try to sell them on the site...so they may be hesitant but since CJ is a fellow site devoted to nightlife...im sure they would comply as long as you gave credit and placed a link to their site. Symbiosis :P

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