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PM's St. Paddy's Day Party Review...

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Guest endymion
Would NY like a Boy About Town?  Somewhere where I could highlight something weekly, write about whatever I want...

Already in the works, my friend. I've never met you but I'm looking out for you already. We're providing a few specific people like Sarah with blogs for posting musings. I will be posting tech nerdisms to a techjunkie blog. You will be one of our NYC blogists, the official decision just happened after you asked about it. I think that you should enroll Aryn in this too eventually.

We have to walk the line between the standard way-too-much-information blogs that people tend to write and content that people will enjoy seeing. The stuff that you guys have been writing is interesting and funny stuff that helps people navigate nightlife. Perfect stuff for us in other words.

And we're are all about the synergy. I'll see what I can get in the way of permission to use those photos and I'll start looking at pulling that St Pattie's review together for you so you don't have to.

For now, just post your stuff to the forums. I'll help to edit as much of the good stuff as possible into content.

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Guest Idreamofdancing


am sooo glad you enjoyed the stories. It's funny, Ev and I were discussing last night, how we can both desribe the same exact night, but with such different writing styles, you get a tot different feel of the night. We came to the conclusion that Ev is dramatic and very descriptive...I mean, a stranger off the street could read Ev's work, and feel as if he was living the night...so amazing..Love you baby..and then there's me...where sarcasm reigns supreme...what can I say...I like to lay it on pretty thick.

It really is unbelievable though the types of people and events that occur in one night in NYC. In college, I used to call myself the "Queen of Randomness" b/c it was so absurd the people I would encounter...but whimpy College Park, MD is a measely gathering of freak compared the Big Apple.

I would love to write about my adventures in NY. God knows all we do at home is talk about them...well actually, the whole apt. sleeps, Ev wakes up at the crack of dawn, crawls into my room, where I proceed to yell, "Get OUT!!!!!!" and then in his "lamby" way, he crawls into bed with me and attempts to peice together the events and convos from the night before...what was once an annoying...scratch that...extremely annoying occurrence, became a weekend ritual, which I have grown to love...although, sometimes, I really want you to get out....hahahhaha...so he goes into Jess's room, orders his usual weekend slice of pizza and BE&C sandwich...Ev...you are amazing...love you.

Crazy C--ummmm...we need to speak, I think you are amazing, and I never even met you...Ev holds you in the highest regard...Ev has graciously shared some of your thoughts with me..and we must discuss furhter...I love that you love how Ev dances...he's my baby.

Ok...so how many times did I actually say I love Evan? It's really not funny anymore. By the way, the arches of my feet and toes were hurting all day yesterday..if anyone cares.

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Guest endymion

You guys are a real life Sex & The City. A junkie of cool is simply compelled to tap into your vibe. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

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You guys are a real life Sex & The City.  A junkie of cool is simply compelled to tap into your vibe.  Thank you for sharing your experiences.

we are family. thanx for the words. word.

So let me know when you'd like to start something. I've been told that something like this would occur....for awhile now----realistically I think you should get this ball rolling sooner than later--- there is a lot of good shit coming up this spring -- inspiring material will be oozing from minds to our fingers. (oozing and fingers...dont get excited.)

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Guest endymion
So let me know when you'd like to start something.

Nick and I spent the last year developing the tech and the graphic design for this. It's done, we're ready to go. Soon after the CJ2 site launches we'll be setting up guest columnists, starting with Sarah. Then me. Assuming no kinks then you and Saleen and a few others.

Your guest column will be a place for you to post whenever you want, as long as you make at least some effort to only post stuff that people will be interested in reading. Debate is still open on whether and how we're allowing response comments in columns but that will be following soon after. The real gems from the columns may get published in the more general sections after some editing.

That's basically how the new architecture works. We want this cool alternative East Village family to be plugged into that from the start.

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Nick and I spent the last year developing the tech and the graphic design for this.  It's done, we're ready to go.  Soon after the CJ2 site launches we'll be setting up guest columnists, starting with Sarah.  Then me.  Assuming no kinks then you and Saleen and a few others.

Your guest column will be a place for you to post whenever you want, as long as you make at least some effort to only post stuff that people will be interested in reading.  Debate is still open on whether and how we're allowing response comments in columns but that will be following soon after.  The real gems from the columns may get published in the more general sections after some editing.

That's basically how the new architecture works.  We want this cool alternative East Village family to be plugged into that from the start.

Sounds great.   8)

But I better go before Saleen.   he seems to have toned down a bit....I was thinking he had a talking-to.  thanx to whoever shut him up somewhat.  his postings have become more relevant since.  

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Guest Idreamofdancing

Excellent news...I can wait to hear about the absurdities in NY...what a great end to the week...and now the weekend is soon to begin...I'm sure we will have plenty of stories from this weekend....I just need this boring day to end...is it normal to not have anything to say to your friends anymore...I don't think there is anything worse than bordem...other than a guy who doesn't know how to down on you...hahahhaa..ooooooohhhhh that was a dirty one...i like it. :o

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Guest JMT
I don't think there is anything worse than bordem...other than a guy who doesn't know how to down on you...hahahhaa..ooooooohhhhh  that was a dirty one...i like it. :o

oh my!

to this day i find it amazing that some guys dont. but this thread should not start going there.

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Guest endymion
these boys should practice licking the top of a battery...tastes the same :P

Sorry Evan but I'm going to have to call you on that one too. I am sad to report that you have apparently been having sex with android women. No wonder you don't go for them.

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Guest endymion
BTW...Ryan, can you please translate your sig?

Doesn't translate very well to English, is why I just left it in German. In English it would be something like:

"In the boot camp of life, anything that doesn't kill me will make me stronger."

Nietsche probably wasn't talking about the Winter Music Conference when he said that.

Evan, have you noticed that telling people that has a way of triggering odd facial expressions on people? Thought you might. The reason why people look at you funny is because women don't taste like batteries.

Unless they've been drinking lots of Gatorade. Electrolytes, man.

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Crazy C--ummmm...we need to speak, I think you are amazing, and I never even met you...Ev holds you in the highest regard...Ev has graciously shared some of your thoughts with me..and we must discuss furhter...I love that you love how Ev dances...he's my baby.

I cant believe I missed this post!!! Aryn, I feel the same way about you. I was so looking forward to meeting you in Miami...def whenI come to NYC. And yes, we should all have a little MSN convo one day...ask EV to give you my MSN info...would love to chat with the woman EV shares a home with. Im sure you two are a riot!!! ;D

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Guest LeVeL

...I don't think there is anything worse than bordem...other than a guy who doesn't know how to down on you...hahahhaa..ooooooohhhhh  that was a dirty one...i like it. :o

Yup I think every women should have a man who knows what he's doing when he goes down on her. I for one have a lot of practice..so that problem has never happened to me. But I can say their is nothing worse than a girl who cat go down on a guy too, its just a major turn off!! ;)

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Guest Idreamofdancing

...I don't think there is anything worse than bordem...other than a guy who doesn't know how to down on you...hahahhaa..ooooooohhhhh  that was a dirty one...i like it. :o

Yup I think every women should have a man who knows what he's doing when he goes down on her. I for one have a lot of practice..so that problem has never happened to me. But I can say their is nothing worse than a girl who cat go down on a guy too, its just a major turn off!! ;)

I love what this convo has transpired into!!!! I agree...a girl who doesn't like the "D" is just bad news as well...Y say no, when it feels so good to say yes...heheh..anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in NYC...I will have to write about my weekend, at some point today, maybe go to Bed, Bath & Beyond, I don't know if I'll have enough time..hehe..will speak soon.

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...I don't think there is anything worse than bordem...other than a guy who doesn't know how to down on you...hahahhaa..ooooooohhhhh  that was a dirty one...i like it. :o

Yup I think every women should have a man who knows what he's doing when he goes down on her. I for one have a lot of practice..so that problem has never happened to me. But I can say their is nothing worse than a girl who cat go down on a guy too, its just a major turn off!! ;)

I love what this convo has transpired into!!!! I agree...a girl who doesn't like the "D" is just bad news as well...Y say no, when it feels so good to say yes...heheh..anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in NYC...I will have to write about my weekend, at some point today, maybe go to Bed, Bath & Beyond, I don't know if I'll have enough time..hehe..will speak soon.

haha! Yes! Frank the Tank...he will surely be alive and well in all of us this weekend...

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Guest LeVeL

I love what this convo has transpired into!!!! I agree...a girl who doesn't like the "D" is just bad news as well...Y say no, when it feels so good to say yes...heheh..anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in NYC...I will have to write about my weekend, at some point today, maybe go to Bed, Bath & Beyond, I don't know if I'll have enough time..hehe..will speak soon.

Hey Evan, Idreamofdancing is the girl you introduced me to @ Space. She's your roomate right, well Evan hook me up brotha.

Girls like this are hard to find, I though God stop stopped making girls like this 5 years ago.

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Guest Idreamofdancing

I love what this convo has transpired into!!!! I agree...a girl who doesn't like the "D" is just bad news as well...Y say no, when it feels so good to say yes...heheh..anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in NYC...I will have to write about my weekend, at some point today, maybe go to Bed, Bath & Beyond, I don't know if I'll have enough time..hehe..will speak soon.

Hey Evan, Idreamofdancing is the girl you introduced me to @ Space. She's your roomate right, well Evan hook me up brotha.

Girls like this are hard to find, I though God stop stopped making girls like this 5 years ago.

I'm blushing ;)...we met so briefly on the dance floor....it was at pvd right?

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I love what this convo has transpired into!!!! I agree...a girl who doesn't like the "D" is just bad news as well...Y say no, when it feels so good to say yes...heheh..anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in NYC...I will have to write about my weekend, at some point today, maybe go to Bed, Bath & Beyond, I don't know if I'll have enough time..hehe..will speak soon.

Hey Evan, Idreamofdancing is the girl you introduced me to @ Space. She's your roomate right, well Evan hook me up brotha.

Girls like this are hard to find, I though God stop stopped making girls like this 5 years ago.

Level...great line dude...so funny!

;D ;D :D :D ;D ;D

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