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Dance Classes in NYC

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I considered making a fake username to post this topic...but I love you all and I dont care if you think im a tool for asking this.

SO sometimes when im out dancing, I feel nervous, like I feel the beat but cant always get my body to fully be in sync with the music.  I mean, sometimes, Lisa lest we not forget Spin in miami 2 yrs ago....sometimes i feel like i dance weird.  Two people said that to me in my life, and it deeply affected me.  You cannot BE a rockstar without being able to dance like one.  

SO I'm wondering, there must be classes here in the city that offer classes for clubbing aficionados who want to improve their step?  Has anyone ever heard of this?

please dont make fun, this is a tender subject, 4 real :P

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Guest joeygk

"it's time for the percolator"

You need to just relax and not worry about what anyone else thinks ----- feel the music & have a good time.  I know that the 'new school' was offering breakdancin' instruction awhile back, but I think that's probably a lil' advanced at this point.  Maybe some kids from Juliard could help you out or something?  

Try adjusting your shoes. It makes all the difference - never try to dance in dress shoes. The best shoes to tear it up are worn out trainers or sneakers w/ no traction left on the soles. You can really move around the floor. Also one of the hardest things to do when dancing is trying to figure out what to do w/ your arms w/o looking like a retard or a reject from Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation......tricky, but figure that out and you half way there.

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it isnt a matter of dignity, i didnt mean to convey that. I truly would like to improve. this would be for me only....and maybe a sexual interest- nothing like dancin sexy with potentials.

very good point about arms Joey! I was thinking this while dancing at marco V. I mean, when im not fist pumping ::) , there MUST be something else to do 8)

usually when I have a moment where I dont know what to do with my hands, honestly I hold the rim of my hat or occassionally bite my fingers--

but your advice falls short of examples---would you elaborate? I find that usually I pump my arms like pushing a lawnmower...throw in a little clapping, of course the standard side steps, tell me what you do.

I really want to be able to break it down...Joey like you were showing me briefly the other night --- I want to "need my own space" at moments. It feels like fireworks going off in your body when you can move to the music as so.

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Guest joeygk
nothing like dancin sexy with potentials.  

I have an image of you bumpin' up in the club doing some ass grindin' booty dance! :D Work it out.

I wasn't so much trying to tell you what to do....as just sending you in the right direction. I'm not a very good dancer, I'm comfortable but I'm no 'Andrew Thomas' (the people from Miami know what I'm talkin' about) - in fact very few djs even get me on the dance floor for more than 1 or 2 tracks anymore.....I've become too much of a music snob to loose myself on the floor.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lisaS

Ev you are too funny.  I think you dance great, you dance like you and that is the best.  I look like a moron too but it feels great so who the f cares!  

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Lisa so good to see you finally joined in here! it's good to see you! please post your opinion often we have really been getting the nyc chat going----

anyway, I'm not as self concious about the dancing as b4---something at sasha made me realize it doesnt matter, as long as I dont dance like the shirtles meatheads in circles i feel fine. And you, sister, dance very well, i love it, it is unique, and one of my favorites. Nothing beats when you punch or hold the limp wrists high...(ironic that you are the one with the limp wrists! :P)

lest we not forget when tim's hands go like freddy kruegger sharpening his knife-fingers...

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Guest timoconnell

That's the spirit EV. There's a saying: Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching. It doesn't matter how you move as long as you're feeling it...the music that is.

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"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching. It doesn't matter how you move as long as you're feeling it...the music that is."

This is the BEST comment I have seen on this forum since being a member.

In all the babbling about which type of dance music is the best and what music is cheesey etc... it all comes down to that comment...good for you my friend...


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it also alll comes down to not letting judgmental, single minded, self-obsessed people's opinionated natures and comments get you down....

I cant stand people who think it's their way, or the Long Island Expressway...

I consider myself to be one of the friendliest, open minded people to other's preferences...I mean, who the fuck am I to ever judge or criticize what someone prefers when it comes to movies, music, sex, or any of the finer things in life.  

Aint nobody gonna take my pride...aint nobody gonna hold me down....Oh No!  8)

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Guest djdimaggio
it also alll comes down to not letting judgmental, single minded, self-obsessed people's opinionated natures and comments get you down....

I cant stand people who think it's their way, or the Long Island Expressway...

I consider myself to be one of the friendliest, open minded people to other's preferences...I mean, who the fuck am I to ever judge or critisize what someone prefers when it comes to movies, music, sex, or any of the finer things in life.  

Aint nobody gonna take my pride...aint nobody gonna hold me down....Oh No!  8)

[glow=red,2,300]You go girlfriend! ;)[/glow]

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  • 2 weeks later...

okay... here's my 2 cents...

I will assume that your gender is Male...

Guys dont have to be crazy on the dance floor.... all you need to do i know how to GROOVE.

Groove meaning... just bop around... and look like your in your own world...

When i used to dance w/ this one kat, I thought he looked FINE as hell b/c he wasnt a mess on the dancefloor. His movements were very minimal. He went w/ the beat and would sometimes hold his belt. No crazy arm movements, no "muscle head" march dance.. lol.... When we would dance together it was AWESOME b/c he was easy to follow- GROOVIN TOGETHER. That was sexy.

Never seen you dance... but you can groove yourself over to our monthly party @ SALA NYC... first tuesday of the month. ;)

best of luck on the dancefloor!

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First of all, I love Sala. terrific tapas and a hot lil lounge downstairs.

yeah, im a dude.

yes i groove.

im not an animal, and since i wrote this post awhile back i kinda got over the whole thing...

I had a bad experience with a Latin, that's all. A lil' intimidating those gente can be on the dancefloor :P

At some point at Sasha on NYE I suddenly found my groove...man what a great feeling that was...Ive had it since, and have been sporting it on several dancefloors since...and in several hours will do the same! Like you said, it isnt complicated, it isnt amazing, it is just my groove and it feels great to be in tune with it-

I must say that im going to thumb my belt a bit tonight. usually I stroke the brim of my hat if i have one on...which i ll prob have on tonight, so maybe ill thumb my belt and stroke my hat...hehe

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Okay ... so I'm super late... oh well. At least you found your groove. lol...

If we ever meet, I will show you some of my dancesteps... lol.. it's comical! but all jokes aside, I am no professional, but when I get open, I GET OPEN! lol... now a days I stick w/ my grove. I dont dance as much as I used to. Anyhow....

So you have been to SALA?! Nice... we have a small event on a monthly. It's really fun. We just go and jam out etc. You should roll through one day. :)

HA ha! latin people indimidating?! oh boy. lol.... Im sorry your experience wasnt pleasant. Maybe the next time will be better.  ;D

Let me know how your night goes w/ your belt and hat go.... :)

have a good weekend.


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Well the night went well, and I played with my belt and hat a bit...Definitely thought of this conversation for a moment on the dance floor...I danced for hours that night....i could barely walk the next day...such great exercise.

by the way, the Latin experience wasnt bad, persay, just intimidating to dance with them sometimes, cuz they're so good....and im so ridiculously attracted to Latins I sometimes get nervous. Their olive skin, youthful mentality, crazy personalities, passion and lust for life make me crazy! I really think I was supposed to be a Latino in this world...

As for Sala, tell me when your event is! I havent been there in awhile, Id love to come by with some of my friends and have some valencian paella and a glass of Rioja...bring me back to me days en espana...

mmmm i just got the chills...

« Last Edit: Today at 10:10am by EVjunkie »

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First Tuesday of Feb... which would be 2/3.


344 Bowery (downstairs)

Louie 'Balo', Lunic & Freddy Valerio will be running the musical show.

Party starts at 9pm

NO cover

Should be fun and look forward in meeting you! ;0)

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