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2 Years in a Row, Bush Buzzkills WMC


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Myself, pod, ryan and others have began talking about the latest political controversy over gay marriage in the junkie chat section....and I'd like to see what the rest of you have to say---if yo get a chance, go to the thread in there titled Politics and Marriage (or something like that....i forget)

It's interesting that last year Buh was on TV telling us we were going to war as we were all heading to SPace or whereever....that horrrible feeling....we almost felt guilty for going out to party when soldiers were abroad droppuing bombs...

did anyone of you see the speech he delivered yesterday? my god it was mind boggling---im speechless....

as young people i really think this year, it's clearly our civic duty, and necessary for maintaining clear civil rights in the US....for all of us to vote this year....please post your comments in the junkie chat section if you have a sec...

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Guest saintjohn
we almost felt guilty for going out to party when soldiers were abroad droppuing bombs...

going out (or not going out) isn't going to have much of an effect on global politics. if dancing the night away helped you cope with the war, don't feel guilty. during last year's wmc, i only went to the daily panel discussions, et cetera. several friends and family members were directly involved in iraq (actually, some of them are now in afghanistan), so i chose to skip the parties. it just felt like the right thing for me to do at the time.

frankly, the political news this year isn't a buzzkill for me. i plan to celebrate diversity with a vengeance.

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Myself, pod, ryan and others have began talking about the latest political controversy over gay marriage in the junkie chat section....and I'd like to see what the rest of you have to say---if yo get a chance, go to the thread in there titled Politics and Marriage (or something like that....i forget)  

It's interesting that last year Buh was on TV telling us we were going to war as we were all heading to SPace or whereever....that horrrible feeling....we almost felt guilty for going out to party when soldiers were abroad droppuing bombs...

did anyone of you see the speech he delivered yesterday?  my god it was mind boggling---im speechless....

as young people i really think this year, it's clearly our civic duty, and necessary for maintaining clear civil rights in the US....for all of us to vote this year....please post your comments in the junkie chat section if you have a sec...

do you realize you are in a tiny minority when it comes to same sex issues? Get over it, it will be knocked down, and marriage can exsit without some idiots who fuck each other in a parade in nyc ruining it.

Marriage is between a man and a women, sorry if you people don't like that, take the next flight to France or where ever they ruined marriage forever. If you think, the south and midwest would ever support gay marriage then you are nuts. It will 100% loose. California will be stopped and we can go on with our lives knowing we followed the rules of nature and religion.

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Guest djdimaggio

did anyone of you see the speech he delivered yesterday?  my god it was mind boggling---im speechless....


[glow=red,2,300]I did... and Bush made it his position VERY CLEAR by proposing AN AMENDMENT to define what marriage is AND ISN'T, at least his White House staffs' definition.

To suggest an amendment is pretty heavy stuff 'cause amendments don't happen often...if at all and they stand up FOREVER!!!![/glow]

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Guest JMT

saleen, im curious to know if you are being honest or just trying to stir shit up. you have some validity there. the age long definition of marriage means "man" and "woman."

gays will just need to rename it. they will have to call it "gay union" or something.

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saleen, im curious to know if you are being honest or just trying to stir shit up.  you have some validity there.  the age long definition of marriage means "man" and "woman."

gays will just need to rename it.  they will have to call it "gay union" or something.

i'm serious..

I'm catholic and I belive in god and faith... Gays are not condeemed like some hard liners say, I really can't say whether god hates them or dislikes them, i for one don't have issues with gays, i have issues with their behavior and their stance that we should hand everything to them like normal people, but they forget they are NOT NORMAL! Gays can go to heaven and all that, but they need to understand to preserve the sanctity of marriage we must stop this..

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Guest pod

Not for nothing, but you guys go out to nightclubs, probably make free with women, and so on down the line, and you call yourself Catholic?

If you're gonna be of a religion, I'd think you would have to follow it's rules...no halfways about it.

It's why I am not associated with any religion. I can do whatever the hell I want and let the Gods go hang.

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Guest jteskie

gay marriage actually brings up a ton of questions about straight marriage and vice versa.

1. Do you want God to bless the unity of man and man or do want the State to recognize it? (seperation of church and state issues)

2. Who benefits from gay or straight marriage (if gay couples say they are married - to me it means they have made a lifelong commitment to each other). The state recognizing it only adds legal issues and tax benefits, etc.

3. When we talk about marriage being for straight people and gays can't have it are we reyling on the bible/torah/koran for guidance, and if so, are you going to pick and choose which rules you follow according to your tastes, i.e. gay marriage bad - straight sex without marriage ok, drinking, drugs etc. ok?

just some of the questions that come to mind......

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Guest JMT
Not for nothing, but you guys go out to nightclubs, probably make free with women,  and so on down the line, and you call yourself Catholic?

If you're gonna be of a religion, I'd think you would have to follow it's rules...no halfways about it.

It's why I am not associated with any religion. I can do whatever the hell I want and let the Gods go hang.

it not against my religion to go out to a club. but you got me with the women.

at any rate, i feel some religion is better than no religion. you telling others how they should act or what they "should" follow goes against all that youve been preaching.

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Guest demo909
gay marriage actually brings up a ton of questions about straight marriage and vice versa.

The state recognizing it only adds legal issues and tax benefits, etc......

Thats what it's all about. Not the bragging rights to say we are married. It's about power of atterny, Medical benefit coverage....all that more

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Guest JMT

Thats what it's all about. Not the bragging rights to say we are married. It's about power of atterny, Medical benefit coverage....all that more

EXACTLY, which i mentioned earlier. gays should have the rights to those benefits.

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pod, catholics can repent their sins, and be forgiven, and god gave man free will, however he also gave us jesus who provide the template on how to live our lives and to fear god, thus making us a better society. Sure I do bad shit, but underneath I'm a good moral person who has faith in god and his teachings. Every time I see someone do something wrong, I say to myself "god will deal with him"....

ps, stuidies show when people get older they believe in god.. they know their time is comming, and they are finally getting it..

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EXACTLY, which i mentioned earlier.  gays should have the rights to those benefits.

you guys fail to see the issue with that. If we give gays those rights, then we must give those rights to male female unions aswell, thus dumbing down marriage again.. You can't forbid opposite couples anymore from going down the union route. I could just do it for the tax breaks and medical shit, and not actually be involved with the chick.. You guys cleary haven't thought this threw...

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Guest endymion

It isn't just about those benefits. It's also about respect. Creating a "civil union" that gives you all of the rights of a marriage but without 'really' being a marriage is endorsing the perpetuation of a second-class citizenry. It's the same thing as having separate water fountains for colored people.

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It isn't just about those benefits.  It's also about respect.  Creating a "civil union" that gives you all of the rights of a marriage but without 'really' being a marriage is endorsing the perpetuation of a second-class citizenry.  It's the same thing as having separate water fountains for colored people.

how about you respect the will of the people.... ding ding ding...

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Guest pod

See, that's the nice thing, I don't have to repent ;D

How convenient though, you can do whatever you want, and you just have to apologize on Sunday.

Despite my rhetoric, I tend to live a decent life. I don't do drugs, I only really pound the booze on weekends, and I only make free with single, unattached girls. I don't need a 2,000 year old text to tell me that.

But if that's your thing, fine. It's what makes this country great, that in theory, all belief systems are accepted, tolerated, and welcomed. You can be a Jew, a Catholic, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Protestant, a Wiccan, a pagan, a Satantist, an agnostic, or a full blown atheist, and by current law, it's all good.

Everyone says the Founding Fathers were Christians, but that isn't entirely true. Franklin was an agnostic, and I think Jefferson was a Unitarian.

I think the theory should be put back into practice though. The tyranny of the paranoid majority must end. Seriously though, how does gay marriage or any other number of social issues which the government takes a conservative stance on affect you?

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Guest phillyjunkie


This is Dan from philly. Although it is always refereshing to hear someone with deep faith in what they believe in, whether it should be religion, a way of life, science, etc etc; I think your point of view is especiially disturbing for its intolerance that seeths out of every stroke of your keyboard.

Its funny, most republicans say they are in favor of smaller government, less taxes, less intrusion and oversight into business and the private sector. Yet when it comes to the bedroom, or ones own morality, I constantly find the Catholic Religion in particular attempting to intrude into everyones bedroom, their home, and the overall American Conscience. Kinda hypocritcal that we want govt less intrusive, unless it happens to sway in the same direction as our own religious and moral beliefs.

Well, what about the Buddists? What about the Jews? and on down the line.

M3H brings up an excellent point. Are we talking about a moral point of view that you have today, or are you spewing out rhetoric regarding how the US Govt should be dealing into issues of religion.

Although gays may seem unnormal to you, what about to everyone else? I laugh and think about how you will react one day when you find one of your beloved relatives is gay, or a friend, or even a co worker who sits beside you at work.

Why do you give a shit so much about what someone else does in their bedroom? Why is it your business that they want to marry or not? Even more important, why should our govt care?

I dont understand why in this country we just cant leave people alone, let people live their true independent and free lives. Why must we always dictate our religions to each other? What ever happened to Liberty for all?

Why am I blabbing on about this to you and challenging you to these rhetorical questions? It is becuase such powerful opinions like yours, and the actions that can be taken from such emotional, blind faith in religion and its specific words written in its teachings can be very dangerous. Your intolerant attitude spews of disrespect for others, hatred and insecurity. The very same forces that have created so much death and suffering in this world over thousands of years always in the name of religion.

I have 2 gay relatives, and they happen to be some of the most beautiful people I have met. To label someone abnormal in the name of your G-D is insulting to your G-D. Do you think your G-D would be proud of the crap that comes out of your mouth?

Do you thnk it is a little nieve to label an entire classification of people becuase you see two idiots at a parade? Last time I looked at Mardi Gras film footage, it appears that all of us heterosexuals on this side of the fence (specifically men) can sure look like a bunch of idiots too eh?

Well, sorry for rambling on and on, I just think somone needs to point out to other people, especially die hard bible pumpers like Saleen, that there are other religions on this planet, not just yours. Your not the only ones with a G-D and a Doctrine so maybe lighten up a bit on the rest of the planet, eh?

(I hope I didnt come on too strong either. If I did, sorry)



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Guest phillyjunkie

well then shit, I guess that means he got me right? Damn you bastard!!!! ;D

Well no hard feelings anyhow. im just tired and working too much so im cranky.

They say the physiologically, men have a time of the month too. who knows....

ha ha

sorry for blasting you Saleen. I just get agitated at organized religion in general....

later- dan

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