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Politics, Marriage & the 21st Century


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Guest JMT

right or wrong, the whole reason for Bush doing this is b/c the liberal judges in parts of this country are writing their own laws. thats not how this county was set up. laws are made by congress.

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Guest pod

Marriage is a human created institution.

Unfortunately, it is a requirement in certain situations, such as health benefits, inheritances, and the like. You can't just say "This is who i'm with and I want him/her to receive the same benefits I do", unfortunately. You have to go through the tedious and expensive process of actually getting married, filing a bunch of papers with the local bureaucrats, and then some. Not everyone can pull a Kurt and Goldie and just be boyfriend-girlfriend for 30 years...they don't need health insurance for obvious reasons, and i'm sure the inheritance just goes to Kate, anyway.

I'm opposed to the codification of marriage as a union between a man and woman. It represents yet another intrusion of government into our private lives. Good government is less government. The current administraton should be forced to resign.

Ryan is right. Outside of the cities, the United States is a scary, backward place. I visited the podunk town I grew up in, and the experience was interesting to say the least. I knew what the world had to offer, so I got out as soon as I could. But those who stayed, good god, talk about backwoods! It's sad that a good percentage of the US is as ignorant as these people.

I'm the paranoid here. I see 20 years from now this country quite possibly being a police state/military dictatorship. You all know my feelings about personal freedoms, and my rights to defend those freedoms by any means necessary. I hope it doesn't come to that.

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Guest endymion

#1 is illegibile. I can't answer your question because I don't understand it because you can't seem to form a sentence. Pass your GRE first and then get back to me on that one.

#2 is as irrelevant as Ms Jackson's tit and I for one want to know why you are so obsessed with the particular image of gay leathermen fucking in public.

#3 is a legitimate point. Challenges from Utah polymamists in the future are a possibility. Lots and lots of cultures that are represented in the US do find it perfectly acceptable to construct marriages out of more than two people. Why exactly should our government care?

#4 is just ignorant gay bashing. You would be wise to drop that point from the discussion entirely. I continue to wonder why you feel so fascinated and threatened by the mental image of a man taking a receptive position. Smells to me like something you need to discuss with your therapist, but stop the public gay bashing, okay?

#5 it's called "civil disobedience". And yes, the idea is to subvert an unjust law. Your argument leads down the path of defending slavery and Jim Crow laws, so be careful with that one.

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pod you fail you answer the question if gays marry will it dumb down marriages and open the flood gates for weird and wacky marriages? Where do you draw the line? You and the rest of the people who accept this don't have a clue on the can of worms you are opening..

Maybe i'll just marry my friends.. Why not? I have the right to marry anyone or anything i want...

You people just don't get it, and never will. And pod the goverment enforces the will of the people. If they didn't, we would have chaos...

Fudementals... When gay marriage gets 51% of the vote, then talk, till then, the people have spoken, and gays are not accepted in marriage.

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Guest pod

Sure, but at the same time, are the people fully aware of the ramifications of this?

Marriage is a private affair, one the government has no business defining.

Does the fact that two gays marry affect me? No, I could care less! Does it affect you? Not in the least. You do your thing, I'll do mine, and we'll have a few drinks on the weekends.

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Guest endymion

How does it undermine some Ohio soccer mom's marriage to her straight, cheating stock-broker husband that some prince in Saudi Arabia has four wives?

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Guest pod

Ryan brings up a valid point. The hypocrisy of middle class Middle America.

Dad's at work, but he's banging the secretary

Mom's at home, and the poolboy suddenly looks very interesting.

Little Johnny's in his room smoking weed, since his parents would kill him if they found out, despite the fact that Dad does coke on the weekends with his golfing buddies, and Mom sparks one up after a thorough rogering from the poolboy.

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Ryan brings up a valid point. The hypocrisy of middle class Middle America.

Dad's at work, but he's banging the secretary

Mom's at home, and the poolboy suddenly looks very interesting.

Little Johnny's in his room smoking weed, since his parents would kill him if they found out, despite the fact that Dad does coke on the weekends with his golfing buddies, and Mom sparks one up after a thorough rogering from the poolboy.

goodness, you're eloquent. wanna get married?

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Guest bcnjunkie

dont' answer Saleen, you can't talk civilized to an uncivilized person ! He can barely write correctly much less have the ability to analyze a sensitive topic. He's an uneducated person obviously.

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Guest endymion

Every online community has at least one guy who takes pleasure in trolling around looking for ways to incite conflict. This one is no different.

I'm kind of disappointed that he corrected that "chairmen of the board" in his profile. I was really enjoying how stupid that looked.

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Every online community has at least one guy who takes pleasure in trolling around looking for ways to incite conflict.  This one is no different.

I'm kind of disappointed that he corrected that "chairmen of the board" in his profile.  I was really enjoying how stupid that looked.

funny sh*t, man, i guess the grammar police made a bust.

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Guest endymion

I made the mistake of pointing it out. He would still be running around blissfully unaware of his own plurality otherwise. I regret pointing it out now.

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I made the mistake of pointing it out.  He would still be running around blissfully unaware of his own plurality otherwise.  I regret pointing it out now.

you are right or write, my grammer or grammar on this club board really effects or affects my standing in the club community.....

dude, i bang hot chicks, i could care less what you are anyone else sez... on every board there is one guy whos tries to take me down.. I am the club legend!!!

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Guest LeVeL

Shit my opinion on this issue is that I am not against Gays but the truth is that they deserve the benefits of a marriadge couple just like a straight one. But I disagree with our government getting involved in imposing a law to ban gay marriadge. Did I forget that we are the land of the free or are we slowly becoming the land of the to be governed. Suddenly I am feeling like we are being ruled by a dictator, who belives that anything that he believes in should be done because he wants it that way. What the fuck Bush should worry about healthcare and making jobs instead of worrying about gay marriage. I swear I cant stand Bush

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Guest endymion
And isn't the republican position to be less involved in citizens' lives????

The Republican Party was formed specifically to oppose states' rights in 1854. The first famous Republican Party president who used a simple cover story to distract the American people into fighting a war was Lincoln. Bush comes from a long line of authoritarian republican presidents who view the presidency as a license to push their own personal beliefs on citizens.

Bush follows in Lincoln's footsteps in a lot of ways. Lincoln, for instance, suspended habeas corpus and imprisoned anybody who he suspected as a Southern spy or sympathizer without trial. He used an unorthodox and controversial general (Grant) who allowed his forces (Sherman) to strike at civilian centers. The city of Savannah, Ga was pretty much destroyed in the process and they are still pretty pissed off about the whole thing 150 years later.

Do some reading about how the Republican Party rigged the 1868 election by using the Fourteenth Ammendment to disenfranchise Southern voters. You'll figure out pretty quickly that rigging elections is a skill that the Republican Party has used since day one.

Once you're done with that little history lesson, go and read about how Hitler was legally elected. He used his mandate to create a second-class citizenry and then go on a blitzkrieg spree.

History, unfortunately, does repeat itself.

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Guest pod

That's the sad thing really, some people tell the people what they want to hear, get elected, and use the office to further their own agenda. Rather than live with other's beliefs, they seek to stamp out and destroy them.

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Guest LeVeL

The Republican Party was formed specifically to oppose states' rights in 1854.  The first famous Republican Party president who used a simple cover story to distract the American people into fighting a war was Lincoln.  Bush comes from a long line of authoritarian republican presidents who view the presidency as a license to push their own personal beliefs on citizens.

Bush follows in Lincoln's footsteps in a lot of ways.  Lincoln, for instance, suspended habeas corpus and imprisoned anybody who he suspected as a Southern spy or sympathizer without trial.  He used an unorthodox and controversial general (Grant) who allowed his forces (Sherman) to strike at civilian centers.  The city of Savannah, Ga was pretty much destroyed in the process and they are still pretty pissed off about the whole thing 150 years later.

Do some reading about how the Republican Party rigged the 1868 election by using the Fourteenth Ammendment to disenfranchise Southern voters.  You'll figure out pretty quickly that rigging elections is a skill that the Republican Party has used since day one.

Once you're done with that little history lesson, go and read about how Hitler was legally elected.  He used his mandate to create a second-class citizenry and then go on a blitzkrieg spree.

History, unfortunately, does repeat itself.

Dam Techjunkie(Ryan) thanks for the history lesson that should help specify why we shouldn't re-elect Bush to president. I think right now everyone in this site is a non-republican all thanks to your post.

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Guest pod

True enough. Some votes were swayed, but there are a bunch of holdouts who put the shrub up on a pedestal for some reason.

It's sad, we villify a president who gets a blowjob in the Oval Office. (sidebar: OK, you're the leader of the Free World, you have an ugly stone-cold bitch for a wife, and a 20 something intern offers, even if she is a whale...odd thing is, most other countries thought nothing of it, saying that as the powerful leader of a country, it was Bill Clinton's duty to spread the love...) But at the same time, a crotchety old Republican does far worse, putting the fine men and women of the armed forces in harm's way for no real reason, failing to recognize the warnings of the 9/11 attacks, etc...and he hardly gets called to bat for it...then he goes on a rampage, further stripping the people of their civil rights.

Damn, all these threads make me highly motivated to seek the office when I can. No fat interns though.

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