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Are most Americans prudes?

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Guest endymion
...chosing a cantidate shouldn't be limited by there political affiliation but on how you "feel" about the good they could do...

I supported Bush for a while even though he's a Republican. Then he picked a stupid fight over nothing and used his connections at the government that he happened to run at the time to get some brown guy erased over a personal vendetta. He got a bunch of people killed in the process. Good, smart, strong people who take the whole military/government thing very seriously and a bunch of innocent poor people.

Now he's making speeches gloating over using his imminent powers to direct the FCC to look into how to punish that black lady who showed Kenny Jr that African tit on television. He's highlighting any distraction that he can to avoid discussing what he has done wrong. Every speech about the FCC's investigation into Janet Jackson's nipple is time that could have been used explaining his administration's intelligence failures in Iraq. He told us that there was an "imminent threat". That's a direct quote. "imminent threat". That was an obvious, very serious, willful lie.

Anybody running against that asshole is who I'm voting for.

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Guest zacashus

Anybody running against that asshole is who I'm voting for.

hahahaha...lol...that's funny....

i find it particularly amusing how the gov't and the administration will play the morality card and get the american people behind an issue they say is morally conscious (i.e. the war in iraq) but it really has alterior motives.... like oil and such.....

if the administration is sooo worried about their positive moral influence on the world...why aren't we in korea?? ???

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Guest JMT
And don't even try to pretend that CNN and Fox News are not wrapped around the administration's finger.  Both networks signed their souls away in order to get "embedded reporter" slots during the war.  

I have a new question: I have a friend who is convinced that it would not have been much of an issue except that it was a black lady's nipple.  She thinks that if it were Xtina then it wouldn't have been a problem.

I think maybe she's right.  Lesbianism offends the Wal Mart set as much as nipples, right?  But the Brittney and Madonna kiss just kind of got laughed off.  What's the difference, skin color?  Anything else?

CNN has been as liberal as its gets. Remember "Talk- Back Live" anyone?

The difference is that the Madonna-Brittney kiss was on MTV, a pay-cable station. Where the Super Bowl is seen by 90+ million people worldwide. It was also one of the few shows the Chinese allowed to be shown in their country, im sure they were thrilled. Race has nothing to do with it.

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Guest JMT
Now he's making speeches gloating over using his imminent powers to direct the FCC to look into how to punish that black lady who showed Kenny Jr that African tit on television.

The FCC makes their own decisions, its got nothing to do with Bush.

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Guest endymion

JMT, let's assume for kicks that you're right about everything. Still, which is more important:

all of those people dead over the "imminent threat" that was really just a personal vendetta,

or that nipple?

The networks pretend to be offensive and people pretend to be offended. Everybody seems to enjoy the act, whatever. Enjoy your entertainment. There are more important things happening while this is all going on that are far more worthy of attention.

Bush is happily milking the distraction for all it's worth because that's what he does. He lies to people and he distracts them and changes the subject when they notice. There are hard questions that he is avoiding answering right now and he's using that nipple as a way to weasel out of his responsibilities.

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Guest JMT

the nipple. lol.... J/K

did i miss something, b/c i dont recall reading or seeing Bush ever referring to the nipple incident, directly or indirectly. however, i understand your point in the comparision. but the story is already old. using that logic, he cant "milk" it too much longer.

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Guest pod

Exactly. It's about a real, relevant issue in this country today. BBQs and trance vs house may come and go, but the fact of the matter is, most of the population of this great nation of ours, their asses are so tight, it would take a dragster to pull that stick out.

Thank god the freedoms still exist for me to even say that, even though the tightasses in Peoria, Ill. want to take it away.

"Those who would sacrifice a little liberty for a sense of security, deserve neither liberty nor security"

-Benjamin Franklin

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Guest djdimaggio

I tend to think so. 2 seconds of a breast on live TV, and the nation goes to pieces. You'd think that we'd have better things to do...

The FCC is even investigating the "matter".

As a nation, I think we have to get the collective stick out of our asses. Sometimes I think Australia got the better part of the deal, they got the criminals, we got the puritans.

[glow=red,2,300]Depends on the American...obviously Benny boy was a badass but do you really think he was gettin' down in the bedroom ;D ;) :-* :o[/glow]

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Guest bcnjunkie
Exactly. It's about a real, relevant issue in this country today. BBQs and trance vs house may come and go, but the fact of the matter is, most of the population of this great nation of ours, their asses are so tight, it would take a dragster to pull that stick out.

Thank god the freedoms still exist for me to even say that, even though the tightasses in Peoria, Ill. want to take it away.

"Those who would sacrifice a little liberty for a sense of security, deserve neither liberty nor security"

-Benjamin Franklin

you have way with words !, I didn't know Benji was so enlightened !

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Guest LeVeL

Well I am voting this year.for sure I dont want Bush for President. But about this Superbowl Halftime Tit Show..........well in my opinion it was something that was really suprising to see, especially when you got Millions of people watching especially kids.

But as long as the FCC is around there will always be restrictions on Nudity, profanity on Network TV......the reason Europe is so free is because the dont have Federal Comminication laws prohibiting things to be said on TV or Radio.

But for me it was just a Tit........a saggy Tit if I may say.....atleast have breast implants before you show your Tit to the world.

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Guest djdimaggio

[glow=red,2,300]Voting is fun and actually really cool...when you walk into the voting center, all these old people look at you like, 'What are you doing here youngster?'.

...."just here to Rock the Vote!"[/glow]

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Guest zacashus
if you dont exersice your right to vote, then you have no room to complain, thats the way i look at the whole politics thing!

i would agree there

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