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Church burnings in Serbia...


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Did anyone hear about this?

Apparently last week, Albanians destroyed some 17-20 Serbian churches in Kosovo, killing 30 people and forcing ove 3,500 from their homes. NATO sent in an additional 2,000 troops to the region (which they have been "protecting" since bombing Milosovich and the Serbs back in '99).

A good friend of mine at work, who's Serbian, told me about this today and I couldn't believe I hadn't seen anything about this on the news or elsewhere.

Too much fighting going on. We're doomed. I am gloomy and depressed now.


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Guest joeygk

Yes, I saw a story on the BBC world news --- 33 died and 500 were injured --- the violence was sparked by reports of 2 boys' deaths, allegedly after being chased into a river by Serb men!!!!!!!!!! Total civil unrest. Journalists are not being allowed anywhere near the place.

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Guest klit

Two sides to every story. Albanians were upset over the drowning of two children who they say ended up drowning trying to save themselves from some serbs. Crazy times indeed with this as if all those troops didnot get sent there immediately we nearly saw a huge ethnic cleansing crisis going on.

Another big event is the whole taiwan presidency issue, two very different groups came 2 close in this year's election and now I think they should do a recount being it was so close. I think its gonna get ugly though no matter who wins over there just cause of how close it was.

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the world is actually a much more civil place then it was hundreds of years ago.

Superb point, John. something to consider

I've been having a debate with a friend all day about this stuff - what do you think will happen first? Will we blow each other up, or will we cook each other in greenhouse gases caused by pollution?

Live in the now!

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Guest JMT

honestly? maybe neither. i think greenhouse gases will be under control before its too late. but in reality, the earth would be getting warmer whether we drove cars or not. this is the tail end of the Ice Age, so the overall cooling is uncontrollable. btw, the methane in bovine farts over the worlds history are really more to blame than anything else when it comes to greenhouse gases.

a nuke going off is bound to happen i guess, but i dont think it will end the world. the original question here was about man's inhumanity to fellow man. a nuke detonated by 1 or 2 crazies might do more damage than an army of 500,000, but it doesnt mean the world is less civil.

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Guest endymion
a nuke going off is bound to happen i guess

We all seem to feel that the chances are unfortunately high that somebody is going to find a way to nuke Washington DC sooner or later. I think that maybe the terrorists are using that as a distraction while they effect their will on world events through smaller, more surgical methods that don't involve failure points like some Pakistani getting caught with a bunch of plutonium in a suitcase.

Blowing Washington off of the map doesn't further their goals because even a lot of the people who side with them would be horrified. Some would cheer sure, but the Islamists are aware that they are fighting a PR war. Sadly we are not.

Tim, I think that the overall trend is that the West will let more and more control over the direction of world events as a coordinated opposition to Western ideals builds. They are learning that they have more control over the outcome of world politics using a few small satchel bombs than we have using huge guided precision military ordinance. I expect the overall rate at which people get knocked off by each side to stay roughly stable, but we are losing our grip on the world's steering wheel.

I'm not sure that we have reason to expect a nuclear attack any time soon, and if it does happen it isn't going to be a civilization ender like it would have been during the Cold War. I think that we have graduated beyond the phase where we are in danger of humans triggering a nuclear extinction event. By the time global warming is a potential extinction issue we should have secured a few other options for places to live. Overall as a species we're safer than we were 30 years ago, but the US as an empire is in the process of falling.

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Guest JMT

man tech, i am really starting to believe that you are un-american in every sense. nothing is good enough for you, and no good or right is done by this society.

no terrorists will EVER have more control over anything in the world than the US does. what a ridiculous attitude to have. Eventually the Iraq war fallout will become ancient history and the rest of the free world will all agree that all terrorists must be taken out unilaterally. The EU is already rethinking their anti-terrorist strategies after Madrid and they are starting to see things like we did after 9/11.

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Guest endymion
no terrorists will EVER have more control over anything in the world than the US does. what a ridiculous attitude to have.

You say "ridiculous", but militant Islamists have more control over Spanish politics than we do. The guy in charge on their side is an awful lot smarter than the guy in charge on our side.

And I'm not un-American. I just love my country the way that Saleen loves nightclubs, as a true friend. He sees them fucking up, he calls them on it. We are fucking up left and right and I want to see it stopped. Vote "NO" on Proposition Bush.

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Guest Cosmigonon

I'm not as optomistic as you guys...I think we're screwed.

End of the world party anyone?

LOL!!! Well, I always try to party like it's the end of the world anyway, so one more won't kill me ;D ;D ;D

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Guest joeygk
man tech, i am really starting to believe that you are un-american in every sense. nothing is good enough for you, and no good or right is done by this society.

What! How is disatisfaction w/ our government or current leadership un-american? Dissent is the most American value anyone can ever have......this country was founded on the principles of being able to openly express & react to political issues whether they are popular or not. Just b/c Tech-junkie questions authority doesn't make him un-American, the people who just sit back and let politics roll on thru w/o expressing a voice or opinion or blindly support something just b/c it's the U.S. Government those people are Un-American.

BTW - I'm w/ Tim we're screwed. :(

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BTW - I'm w/ Tim we're screwed. :(

This morning on debka.com --->

"Israeli troops are trying to safely defuse bomb-belt strapped to 10-year old Palestinian boy who ran at Hawara roadblock in Nablus district of West Bank"

Holy crap.

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Guest JMT
man tech, i am really starting to believe that you are un-american in every sense. nothing is good enough for you, and no good or right is done by this society.

What! How is disatisfaction w/ our government or current leadership un-american? Dissent is the most American value anyone can ever have......this country was founded on the principles of being able to openly express & react to political issues whether they are popular or not. Just b/c Tech-junkie questions authority doesn't make him un-American, the people who just sit back and let politics roll on thru w/o expressing a voice or opinion or blindly support something just b/c it's the U.S. Government those people are Un-American.

BTW - I'm w/ Tim we're screwed. :(

where have you been the last 6 months? you cant just jump into a months long debate and expect to make sense.

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Guest JMT
no terrorists will EVER have more control over anything in the world than the US does. what a ridiculous attitude to have.

You say "ridiculous", but militant Islamists have more control over Spanish politics than we do. The guy in charge on their side is an awful lot smarter than the guy in charge on our side.

And I'm not un-American. I just love my country the way that Saleen loves nightclubs, as a true friend. He sees them fucking up, he calls them on it. We are fucking up left and right and I want to see it stopped. Vote "NO" on Proposition Bush.

say something positive about the american society, just one thing about the society that our government structure has allowed us to create. it will really warm my heart to hear it. ;)

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Guest joeygk
where have you been the last 6 months? you cant just jump into a months long debate and expect to make sense.

I can’t? This is a public message board, you made a comment and I responded. I had no idea that I had to qualify myself in order to respond to your posts. I'm sorry but I think I'm quite capable of following a conversation. Tech-junkie made a comment reflecting his dissatisfaction w/ the US administration and you responded by referring to him as un-American, I believe "nothing is good enough for you," was you exact words. If you want to carry on a conversation in private and without comment from other people, I suggest you utilize the Private Messaging system.

Sorry if this post sounds snotty but your comment was a bit ridiculous.

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Guest antonio

Everything about what techjunkie has said is true. We can't let George Bush and his band of corrupts lead the world and world policy.

Did you guys know that Dick Cheney was the director of Halliburton, a petroleum-infrastrucure dedicated company that has benefited in billions of dollars in contracts for the reconstruction of Iraq?

Do you know that this company and Mr. Cheney are being investigated?

Did you know that Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, and Mr. Rumsfeld all have benefited from huge private military defense corporations.

There is only one way to put this: Bush's administration is more dangerous and corrupt than any mafia in the world could possibly be.

If this administration keeps on office for another term, we all can expect a huge disgrace to happen in America (I'm not saying that it might not happen if Kerry wins).

My best advice for all of you guys is to live life to the fullest. Party and love each other like the world will end tomorrow.

Carpe Diem!!!!!!!!

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Guest JMT
where have you been the last 6 months? you cant just jump into a months long debate and expect to make sense.

I had no idea that I had to qualify myself in order to respond to your posts. I'm sorry but I think I'm quite capable of following a conversation.

you should at least have a clue as to whats going on. i was commenting on MONTHS OF POSTS by Tech after months of our banter back and forth. unlike your shortsighted reply, im not basing it on this one thread.

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Guest JMT
If this administration keeps on office for another term, we all can expect a huge disgrace to happen in America (I'm not saying that it might not happen if Kerry wins).

my crystal ball cant see that far ahead.

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Guest bcnjunkie

I'm not as optomistic as you guys...I think we're screwed.

End of the world party anyone?

LOL!!! Well, I always try to party like it's the end of the world anyway, so one more won't kill me ;D ;D ;D

I think we see I 2 I ;D Work Hard, Party Harder (cheesy but true in my case ;D)

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