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305 vs. 954

Guest saintjohn

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Guest saintjohn

"hi. we're supposed to be on tracy's list."

"tracy the bartender?"

"no, tracy young."


"tracy young the dj."

downtown fort lauderdale may not be the hippest clubbing destination, but it does offer a wide variety of musical and cultural experiences for those willing to abandon any pretense of sophistication. after reading saleen's recent posts regarding voodoo lounge, i thought it might be interesting to see tracy young spin there on friday night.

"i need to see your i d."

those of you that know me will appreciate the absurdity of this statement.

"you'll have to leave your camera at the desk."

eventually, tracy herself walked us in and up to the booth. party 93.1 was broadcasting her set, so there were already several people from the station upstairs. there were also two vjs and a lighting operator. the club's manager appeared, introduced himself, fitted everyone with "dj booth" wristbands, and told us not to use his bathroom.

tracy hit the decks at midnight with a dubby remix of "ferosh," a track she produced featuring the inimitable alan t. the crowd seemed unimpressed. unlike the last time we saw her spin, there was no mob of energetic, shirtless guys dominating the dancefloor. instead, voodoo was full of nicely-dressed straight couples who didn't look ready for a night of tribal house.

the dance floor ebbed and flowed for a while, much to tracy's obvious frustration. "they don't get it," she sighed to a friend. every time the music started getting fierce, people headed for the bar. it felt like i was in a bizarro nightclub, where the crowd reactions were exactly the opposite of what they would have been in south beach.

after an hour, tracy dropped a remix of "toxic" which brought some fresh faces to the dance floor. several tracks later, she unleashed a banging version of "milkshake," and i could sense a definite shift in the crowd's mood. finally, they were feeling it.

saleen is right about fort lauderdale. the big miami tunes may not always work here, but at least people aren't so elitist that they automatically recoil from britney spears. as for tracy young, she did an amirable job of reading and reaching out to a different demographic. hopefully, as voodoo lounge continues to book this type of talent, clubbers there will be more willing to enjoy dance music that isn't in heavy rotation on wpym.

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Guest sobe2004

Good review . . . sounds like the crowd at voodoo is the same as Saleen . . . amateurs . . .

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Hey SaintJohn, Good review and I feel ya on the leaving the camera behind and not being allowed to use it. after two time of going there and speaking with the managers, I said F*&K it, and never went back with my camera.

I enjoyed Ft Lauderdale , but Voodoo was the one place I never had a good time at. Dance Floor sucks, DJ booth was all wrong, and the staff was not up to par. I stopped going there.

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2 words in your review sums it all up why the crowd didn't feel the music..

"tribal house"...

tribal house has been so over for so long, and never ever ever ever ever works outside of nyc, nj, or miami... It's been this way since the 1980's and nothing will change that. Oscar played 100% house, and rocked it hard, and the crowd loved it. If you play house, that nyc chunky, grooving, not dark, fun, remixed vocal house, then outside of miami and nj, and nyc, they love it.

BTW what jackass dj is still playing tribal??? didn't they get the memo??

good review though, but where was the booth at?

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Good review . . . sounds like the crowd at voodoo is the same as Saleen . . . amateurs . . .

:o ;D lmao
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Guest durrtylexx

Saleen brother I was there for Oscar G, and dude the crowd didnt know what the hell was going on.Saintjohn you are absolutely correct Ft.Lauderdale has no idea what EDM is.I praise what Voodo Lounge and 93.1 have done by bringing in talented DJ's to Ft.Lauderdale.Unforunately the people are there just to party and dont care about the music. Which is fine. 8)

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Guest saintjohn
I feel ya on the leaving the camera behind and not being allowed to use it.

hey, kamikaze! it's good to see you're still rockin' the forums. thanks for the kind words about my mini-review.

regarding the camera situation, i politely backed off when the door guy demanded that i leave the 10d at the desk. instead, we simply waited outside for tracy. when she arrived, my wife, a friend (celebrating his 21st birthday), and i just got in formation behind her and cruised on in.

i can understand why a club would want to carefully control its image, but at the expense of free publicity? considering the fact that you attempted to negotiate with the manager(s), it seems like something's wrong there. the proliferation of camera phones will likely make this a moot point eventually, but wtf?

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Guest saintjohn
tribal house has been so over for so long, and never ever ever ever ever works outside of nyc, nj, or miami

. . . which is why tracy quickly shifted away from the victor calderone material and went in a different direction. i'm pretty sure she played the same version of "toxic" that you mentioned in your review of oscar g at voodoo, and it worked well for her, too.

iirc, the last time she played fort lauderdale was at the copa, which, as you're well aware, is an entirely different scene (despite the drag queens featured on the voodoo lounge website), at least on friday nights. unlike certain djs, tracy actually pays attention to what's happening in the room, and really works to make people (straight, gay, whatever) happy. i've never seen her bang away at an empty dance floor in an attempt to "educate" an audience.

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two things about this thread..

A. if tracy played tribal then. dumb move and is an idiot since tribal is so over, and even if it wasn't over, lauderdale has never ever ever been a tribal town. Tracy is a rookie DJ and should of never of been booked. She could of at least asked around to other jocks who played there about what to drop... VC is so over with his tribal crap. His last sets are boring. The only cat that I'll listen to play tribal still is That Kid Chris, since he knows what the fuck he's doing. But over rall tribal as of last dec is so over it's gone for atleast a few years. Thus why oscars live from space cd sucked big time. Boy was that boring to the max, didn't ya notice he plays nothing off that cd anymore.

B. About oscar, the crowd was way way into it. I should know, i was in the booth the whole night, and they loved oscar and his muisc. And on top of that, voodoo doesn't choose to book oscar, they ask him, and oscar chooses the clubs he spins at. Thus if he plays a venue more than once, rest assure, he feels the crowd, the room , the vibe etc. In the end, voodoo and it's crowd, felt his set, his vibe, and certainly understood his track selection since it was 98% on fucking point. brillant job by og except britney. Og's true talent is out of space, and at voodoo he knows wht the fuck to do, and 80% of the tracks he plays at space, and the room was filled till 4am. Percetion is truth to you anti lauderdale peeps, but reality is, og at voodoo fucking rocks, musicaly, ass wise, vibe wise etc.

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Guest klit

Ft. laudy is of course a total different vibe then sobe. Sobe gets more serious music, but ft. laudy in my opinion is more about just fun and having a good time. I love oscar g at space, but both he and roland I enjoy just as much outside of space. They don't play what they know the space room is accustomed to and that gives them more freedom in the tracks they play I'm guessing. Will the fort lauderdale crowd "get the music" is not a question. Question is will whoever is djing "get the crowd" and be able to deliver a set that will rock them without compromising his sound. Oscar delivers that I think exceptionally well by playing fun house music when he plays at mia lounge or voodoo. Roland I have seen play amazing at life, outside of sobe and so I know he will play as good on may 14th. If tracy young was able to rock that room by adjusting her style without compromising her sound then props to her on reading the crowd, thats what djing is about.

Sorry saleen and saintjohn, but that britney remix is pretty good so quit complaining about the track. :P

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Guest saintjohn

i wasn't complaining about the britney track at all - i rather like it, actually.

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