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Fahrenheit 9/11 makes US debut June 25th

Guest demo909

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Guest joeygk

you can watch the trailer on michael moore's website --- I don't know if everything moore allege's is necessarily tru (from what I hear), but I think it will spur some critical debate.

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Guest joeygk

you can watch the trailer on michael moore's website --- I don't know if everything moore allege's is necessarily tru (from what I hear), but I think it will spur some critical debate.

not worth my money or time to see it when it comes out...

how do you know that unless you've seen it --- you're so tragically republican. ;) ;D :P

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Guest swirliegirlie

it already has sparked debate.....the right wing whackos :P are all in an uproar. it was released in Europe way before the US because of the debate. but now that it won at the Cannes film festival its finally being released in this country.

"Despite years of television coverage on Iraq and the war on terror, most of the movie consists of footage you'd never see on TV. There are heart-breaking interviews with troops in Iraq, chilling scenes of the civilian consequences of that war, and footage of Bush so candid and revealing that it's hard to imagine how Moore got his hands on it. In one unforgettable scene from the morning of September 11th, Bush blithely reads a children's book to a classroom of kids for seven long minutes after his chief of staff quietly informs him that the second plane has hit the World Trade Center and "we're under attack." The film is filled with this stuff, and it's hard to imagine seeing it and not being moved, shocked, and outraged.

Fahrenheit 9/11 opens with footage of Bush administration officials putting on their TV makeup. Paul Wolfowitz sticks his comb in his mouth, slathers it with spit, brushes it through his hair, and grins a toothy grin. Colin Powell eyes the camera nervously as a makeup artist dusts his face. And, moments before President Bush goes on TV to somberly announce the beginning of the Iraq war, we see him goofing around, making funny faces at the folks behind the camera.

These candid portraits encapsulate the genius of Moore's documentary. Compared to his other films, there's little pranking or moralizing. Moore basically stays out of the picture: he doesn't have to indict the Bush administration, because with powerful and indisputable video, Bush and the rest indict themselves.

As Moore unravels Bush's story, he joins it with the stories of the real Americans who have shouldered the burden of the post-9/11 war policy. In Flint, Michigan, we hear from a group of inner-city kids whose only option for education and a better life is to enlist in the Army - and then, in a scene that's both humorous and deeply creepy, join two Marine recruiters as they case a local mall for possible enlistees. We watch a California peace group that was infiltrated by the local police department under the Patriot Act. And, in the final heartbreaking scenes, we witness the pain of a mother who lost her son in Iraq.

In the hands of other directors, the content could easily feel exploitative. But Moore is grounded by a patriotism that rings through every frame of the film. Compassion and love of country give the film its striking authenticity: it's clear that what stings most about the President's behavior, for the subjects of the film, is Bush's betrayal of our country's soul.


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there's a lot of conspiracies going on that we never know about. www.thememoryhole.com is great. it provides tons of unseen footage and documents that weren't meant for the public to see. basically they utiize the freedom of information act to get the stuff that they have. as much as he hates to admit, michael moore's films are all biased. but that's ok....everything is. we all just need to see as many different angles as we can, and judge for ourselves. check out thememoryhole.com

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Guest timoconnell

The truth hurts people. So looking foward to this film

I agree 100%. Michael Moore is a man with a revolutionary personality. It is true that he is biased but his bias is just. He looks for the truth and exposes those who live their life covering the truth. I cannot wait to see this movie. We need more Moores.

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I wish Moore would use his talents for honest reporting like Bowling for Colubine which was brillant. The wallmart scene stole the show.

As for this propagada, I'll pass. People blasted Mel Gibson for telling his story of jesus, yet Moore is making money off 911, and nothing good can come from this film.

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I wish Moore would use his talents for honest reporting like Bowling for Colubine which was brillant. The wallmart scene stole the show.

As for this propagada, I'll pass. People blasted Mel Gibson for telling his story of jesus, yet Moore is making money off 911, and nothing good can come from this film.

there's so much hype from all around about this movie, we don't know what to expect. don't blow it off until you've seen it.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I'll go support anything that blasts President Bush and the Bush Administration......

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Guest macboy

I want to see the movie, but I'm not sure I want to put money in Michael Moore's pocket, so I might have to download this one.

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Moore Film Title Angers Author Bradbury

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ray Bradbury is demanding an apology from filmmaker Michael Moore for lifting the title from his classic science-fiction novel "Fahrenheit 451" without permission and wants the new documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" to be renamed....


i'm interested to see what bradbury thinks after he sees the movie. either way, isn't there a statute of limitations on this? i mean, shit, this book was written in 1953. the correlation to bradbury's novel isn't going to change his reputation either for the positive or the negative. i think he may be trying to drum up some publicity. and to me, that's all he deserves from michael moore.

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Guest macboy

Bradbury should've been more concerned when they made his book into a movie. It sucked! Heard there's a remake coming, I can only hope it's better this time around.

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Guest web_norah

The truth hurts people. So looking foward to this film

me too

cant wait to see the Bush moment when he is out golfing, what a douchebag

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The truth hurts people. So looking foward to this film

me too

cant wait to see the Bush moment when he is out golfing, what a douchebag

apparently that's what the whole movie is about. bush acting like he truly is...a bumbling idiot.

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Guest timoconnell

I want to see the movie, but I'm not sure I want to put money in Michael Moore's pocket, so I might have to download this one.

I'm sure that he doesn't care. If you talked to him directly, he'd probably ask you to burn copies for your friends and others that may not want or have the $ to go to the theatre. This is a man who more than anything wants his movie to be seen.

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Guest timoconnell

It may be hard to find a theatre to see this movie at. It's not being distributed as widely as expected.

Here's a little help:


It's only showing at 8 theaters in Manhattan and 3 theaters in Brooklyn.

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Guest endymion

newsweek came out and prooved moore made some shit up..

Congress came out and proved Bush made some shit up.

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Guest timoconnell

I bet Bush will come out and prove that Moore made stuff up too. His proof will be in the form of spin and circular argumentation.

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