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Tiesto @ Avalon

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I heard the event sucked ballz....which is to be expected when one has Tiesto at such a small venue in NYC. SO glad I didnt bother trying to go- I heard it was so unconfortably overcrowded....plus there was a nasty fight apparently-

thats what happens when you pack clubs like that! people can only tolerate the bumping for so long. I cant stand that shit. This is why a DJ like tiesto should be at crobar -

I keep hearing from everyone how good sander's set was...and they had him on the stage in the front of the room, rather than up in the DJ booth....this is what I always imagine as myself when im fantasizing on the elyptical...

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Guest wheels

Ev and all....

Okay so last night was the least. Gorf was even in town man! We were all waiting for so long to go see Tiesto last night at Avalon and it was a terrible night, we were all so bummed, it was most def the least!

Tiesto came on at around 1am and only played until about 4:30 and sadly what we did'nt even realize at around 5 was that Tiesto was no longer on, on say sadly, cause he sucked so bad last night that you were unable to distinguish between Tiesto and the house D.J. yeah!!!! it was that bad.

While Tiesto did at times, play some good songs that gave the promise of some possibly impending dirtyness, he never put together a long enough strain of beats and songs to have any particular segment of his night classified as "dirty" we were all not recieving the uber crowed club either!!! But, more ont the event conditions later.

I just could not believe that Tiesto was that disapointing!!! Tiesto what happend!!! Due, if P.V.D. don't ROCK centeral park then I will be so pissed!!! Tiesto, you let N.Y.C. down last night and we love ya but what the fuck!!!!!!

Two post-up shout outs will be given. First, to the beautiful red-head who works for Echo Unlimited form New Jersey, you have to call me at 516-647-4194 if you read this because I cant stop thinking about you, please call!!!!!!!!!!! You were truly the most!!!!!!! I cant belive that I lost track of you! I would love to go out so if ya read this call me!

Second shout out was to all the camp cool loosers that never made it out last night -Ginny, Lou, Art you guys are the least beat it!!!!!!!

Talk to you all soon, Ryan Aka, the wheelssssssssssss!!!!!

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Guest Idreamofdancing

Well, I'm so glad I didn't go then...sorry that he sucked so badly....I hope that Miami will be a different story.

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Guest LeVeL

Believe me in Miami, Tiesto will defintely bring it, he seems to bring his A-game to Miami. Thats why he loves playing down here

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Guest Idreamofdancing

Believe me in Miami, Tiesto will defintely bring it, he seems to bring his A-game to Miami. Thats why he loves playing down here

That's very exciting news!!!! I can't wait to go...we should be arriving around 8ish Friday night...who is going?

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Guest LeVeL

Believe me in Miami, Tiesto will defintely bring it, he seems to bring his A-game to Miami. Thats why he loves playing down here

That's very exciting news!!!! I can't wait to go...we should be arriving around 8ish Friday night...who is going?

Most of the junkies are going to be in attendance including myself.. 8)

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