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93.1 4th of July blast( is this a rave or what)

Guest LeVeL

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Guest JustDade

I went to this event last year and I can tell you it was well worth it. Sure it's all ages and quite a few kids show up...but it's a quality event.

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Guest Star24

I went to this event last year and I can tell you it was well worth it. Sure it's all ages and quite a few kids show up...but it's a quality event.

I went to this event last year and it turned out to be great for me. I dont know what this ppl are saying that it sucks, but well everyone has their own opinion. This year im looking forward to see PVD again and Motorcycle i think she's great. ;D
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Guest LeVeL

Well last year the event was new and the station was new. this year the station and event are over exposed. Eventhough its a good thing because people who use to listen to Hip Hop and Rock have converted to Dance Music. Basically the Grove is surrounded by ghetto hip hop lovers which will see an event of that size and just go ahead and check it out for the wrong reasons.

I hope this event goes good, but its just another black eye for dance music because the true lovers will go for the music and artist but the others will go for the wrong ones.

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Guest durrtylexx

I know for sure I won't make it to this.Crowbar and then Space...I'm going to be dead on Sunday..

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Guest Cosmigonon

Well last year the event was new and the station was new. this year the station and event are over exposed. Eventhough its a good thing because people who use to listen to Hip Hop and Rock have converted to Dance Music. Basically the Grove is surrounded by ghetto hip hop lovers which will see an event of that size and just go ahead and check it out for the wrong reasons.

I hope this event goes good, but its just another black eye for dance music because the true lovers will go for the music and artist but the others will go for the wrong ones.

Dude, you're so snobish and elitist it makes me sick. Who are you to determine who's worthy of going to an EDM and who's not? You seem to think that since people are newcomers they don't have the right to get to know and like the music we all know. did you ever go to a rave? Did you ever take a pill? If you didi then who are you to determine that others can't?

Man, I went to this event last year and it was great, there were lots of families with kids having picnincs in the park, and a lot of people just having fun. You didn't even go and you're just jumping to conclusions and bashing it

Believe me, Space it's a far more scarier place any given weekend than what you think this event is gonna be.

You all seem to think you're sooo much better than any 19 year old, you're startingto sound like old farts!! The new kids that will go to this event are the ones that in a few years will keep the mucis we all love very much alive, when you're too old to even go partying, so please stop feeling like nobody else but you can enjoy music.

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Guest pod

I'm a bit biased because I got hired out to shoot the event, but that in and of itself brings about what I'm about to state...events like this make dance music more profitable, and the money will only trickle down in all respects. Imagine your favorite "undiscovered" DJs getting paid what they are worth.

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Guest JustDade

PVD and more for free in the park with 15000 screaming fans with fireworks overhead and plenty of security....what's the problem? What do you have to lose? I had a blast last year and I'm planning to check it out this year.

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Guest bode

the big question is why isnt pvd playing space after the event. i know he is coming in from amsterdam sensation party and maybe all jet lagged, but who is spinning at space afterwords??????

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Guest pod

No one. Space isn't open on Sunday.

If you want your Space fix, go on Saturday for Danny Howells and Josh Wink. You can thank me by buying the guy with the big camera a drink. ;D

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Guest durrtylexx

No one. Space isn't open on Sunday.

If you want your Space fix, go on Saturday for Danny Howells and Josh Wink. You can thank me by buying the guy with the big camera a drink. ;D

Werd :)

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