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Free PC to PC Calling...

Guest LdySphynx

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Guest LdySphynx

Hello to all CJs, well here is a very new software for your computer. You can make calls to other peoples computers for free it works like messenger just with this little extra kick, and yes its FREE. Note that in order for you to make the calls you have to have them on you contacts list, we tried it for the first time tonight with a friend of my husband who is in Colombia and spoke to him for over 2 hours and the reception was AMAZING crystal clear!!!

You also need to have a microphone and speakers in order to talk and be able to hear the other person!!!

Well I hope some of you find a use for it. ;D


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Guest LdySphynx

Most IM clients support voice and video plugins ;D

Yes Pod I know this, but this program is specifically made for PC 2 PC calling, I have used the ones offered on Yahoo & MSN and the quality of sound cannot even compare with Skype.
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Guest endymion

Skype is a way for Sharman Networks, makers of Kazaa to play up the idea that there are other uses for their P2P technologies than copyright infringement. It uses a P2P directory system tacked onto FastTrack and then it uses ordinary streaming sockets to transport the audio.

A P2P directory is silly when you live in a country like ours where we have easy access to beefy centralized IM servers for running things like iChat or multimedia messaging from AOL or Yahoo. Skype would be cool if you lived in Fiji or something. Here it's just yet another splinter preventing us from having a standard.

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Guest LdySphynx

Skype is a way for Sharman Networks, makers of Kazaa to play up the idea that there are other uses for their P2P technologies than copyright infringement. It uses a P2P directory system tacked onto FastTrack and then it uses ordinary streaming sockets to transport the audio.

A P2P directory is silly when you live in a country like ours where we have easy access to beefy centralized IM servers for running things like iChat or multimedia messaging from AOL or Yahoo. Skype would be cool if you lived in Fiji or something. Here it's just yet another splinter preventing us from having a standard.

Or if you have family and friends in another country...and you save a hell of alot of money on phone calls!!!
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Guest xbbdc

there are other voice programs out there as well...

ventrilo, roger wilco, teamspeak.. even though these programs are for gaming, its still the same idea and its free as well :)

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Guest endymion

By using these splinter services you are making the widespread adoption of multimedia messaging and VoIP take longer. Skype is a novelty project designed to mitigate Sharman Networks' legal troubles from Kazaa. The entire project exists solely so that Sharman can point to Skype when they get sued for copyright infringements from Kazaa, so they can plausibly claim that their P2P network does not exist solely for the purpose of copyright infringement, that it can do other things. The term is that the P2P network has "substantial noninfringing use". The whole point of the new Induce Act is to make a network like the Kazaa network illegal even if there is substantial noninfringing use. Skype is not profitable so if Induce passes then Sharman will cut their losses by cutting off the entire project. It will have no use at that point. By using Skype you're just a pawn in Sharman's international legal game.

There is no benefit to using Skype in a country that has easy access to fast IM servers like the ones at AOL and Yahoo. Skype's P2P directory system has applications in areas like China or the island of Vanuatu in the Pacific where centralized IM servers are either not allowed or where they are hard to reach. This is not one of those places. Skype is not a tool for people in Florida to use to talk to people in New York.

Use AOL's multimedia messaging, iChat if you can. You'll be using the software supported by the largest development budget. Bigger user base, more frequent updates, a design that centers on your real feature requirments as opposed to Sharman's legal needs, and tighter integration with the rest of your OS. AOL is the giant elephant in the corner that everybody knows is going to win this particular battle. There are some federal competition rules in place but they have basically already won before the battle has even really started.

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Guest guyman1966


Your being had. This poster is 100% paid by the company they are promoting. Its aggressive advertising... trying to reach us when we are unsuspecting. 60 minutes had a story on this last Sunday.

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Guest endymion

LdySphynx works for Sharman Networks?

I only have an opinion on all of this because I lost the best software developer I ever had to the Jabber project so I get the updates on all of this. I have CoolJunkie standardized on iChat A/V and iSight cameras for video conferencing. I just finished an iChat call between two iSights, one in South Beach and one in Italy on a crappy dialup connection. Works great. I do want to get an Apple sponsorship. If I'm going to gush about their products in public I might as well get paid for it.

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Guest guyman1966

LdySphynx works for Sharman Networks?

Thats what I think. There was a segment on 60 Minutes all about this crap. Everyone from Sony to new tech companies... hiring people to sit in Starbucks and play with their computers to get attention, standing in Time Square and asking you to take a pic of them w/ the new camera, internet chat rooms and boards to promote products...

I know your not, buy ldysphynx is marketing. For sure.

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Guest macboy

I do want to get an Apple sponsorship.

Pod will slash his throat.

Back on subject, iChat does what I need it to do, though I do get some latency when chatting with Londonites. It would have been worth it to give skype a tryout if they had made a Mac version, but they blew it.

Apple needs to make a PC version of iChat, since the proclaimed video compatibility with AIM 5.5 is really nonexistent.

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Guest endymion

The problem is actually in the AIM software. AOL isn't as motivated to push multimedia messaging as Apple is because they get less benefit and it increases their tech support costs.

That lag is the biggest problem with any of these streaming approaches. Latency can never be zero because the codecs that the software uses to encode and decode the audio take time to do their crazy math on your voice. Also because quality-of-service management is a relatively new concept in internetworking. As PCs and math coprocessing hardware gets faster, end-point broadband connections get more common, and infrastructure routers get upgraded, the latency on connections will drop a lot.

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Guest LdySphynx

LdySphynx works for Sharman Networks?

LMAO, you guys take this way too far!!!! Guy I was just making a comment on how my and husband and I were able to talk with a friend of his in Colombia for like two hours without Static or communication interruptions and for free...and just to make things clear my husband and I own our own Business we work for no one!!!

But whatever you guys get a little to overworked about things "take a chill pill guy" ;D

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Guest endymion

Hey I'm one of the resident nerds. I get paid to get all worked up over trivial tech stuff.

Yo quiero iChat.

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Guest guyman1966

LdySphynx works for Sharman Networks?

LMAO, you guys take this way too far!!!! Guy I was just making a comment on how my and husband and I were able to talk with a friend of his in Colombia for like two hours without Static or communication interruptions and for free...and just to make things clear my husband and I own our own Business we work for no one!!!

But whatever you guys get a little to overworked about things "take a chill pill guy" ;D

Your a Marketing drone. Just admit it.

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LdySphynx works for Sharman Networks?

Thats what I think. There was a segment on 60 Minutes all about this crap. Everyone from Sony to new tech companies... hiring people to sit in Starbucks and play with their computers to get attention, standing in Time Square and asking you to take a pic of them w/ the new camera, internet chat rooms and boards to promote products...

I know your not, buy ldysphynx is marketing. For sure.

that episode is over a year old. What you saw was a re run..

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Guest LdySphynx

LdySphynx works for Sharman Networks?

LMAO, you guys take this way too far!!!! Guy I was just making a comment on how my and husband and I were able to talk with a friend of his in Colombia for like two hours without Static or communication interruptions and for free...and just to make things clear my husband and I own our own Business we work for no one!!!

But whatever you guys get a little to overworked about things "take a chill pill guy" ;D

Your a Marketing drone. Just admit it.

LOL, whatever you say guyman...I never knew that expressing how much you like something was marketing!!!
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Guest endymion

A P2P directory system for telephony is a solution in search of a problem. Skype is a pointless splinter further confusing the multimedia messaging market and making it more difficult to create a common standard. If Induce happens then the Sharman hackers have no reason to support it and all you're left with is a Skype management team who believes their own crap about the noninfringing virtues of P2P.

It takes the day when you can easily video conference any friend of yours, and it pushes that day further way. That's why it sucks. Some people can't wait until everybody is running around videophoning each other from night clubs. Where it's as easy as knowing somebody's phone number or IM handle and if they are available then they can just pick up because everybody uses one standard. No teaching your friends how to download the Skype software to their cell phone. Make it easier by making a standard, more people will use it. T-Mobile and Verizon will compete to price the option cheap, video conferencing phones that you can hit from computers will be sold in huts in malls. Some of us want that to happen soon. Skype is a roadblock to us getting to that point that exists to serve ulterior motives.

The plain-text version of the Skype issue is the ICQ / AIM / Yahoo IM / Jabber thing. Because of a bunch of competing idiots who could not agree to one simple standard when it was time to do that, we now have these four different systems that don't interoperate well. We're all running around using multi-protocol chat clients so that we can talk to people on each network, the whole thing is stupid. Skype is that same stupidity all over again. Do you want to download a multiprotocol video conferencing application to your cell phone before you can talk to anybody? How many people will you be able to talk to then?

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