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-------->>>>JP Suxs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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whats up all? cwm7.gif I am just wondering why do so many people sweat jonathan peters?? Please all you people on the board get off his balls. I am sick and tired of people claiming that he is the greatest dj in the world. He sucks, his mixes sux and so does his wak ass Sound factory. People say he has talent? what talent??? My twelve year old sister can spin better than him, his sets are garbage along with his producing. Have u heard any recent Jp songs? you call that music? I can bang pots and pans all day long and make better music than that chump.anyway enough of me bashing that pathetic excuse for a dj, write back and let me know what you think???

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Ok FIRST OFF, you're obviously a fucking MORON who doesn't know his foot from his ass so just shut the fuck up....what a LOSER....JP is one of the best fucking DJs in the city right now..... how u gather that he has no talent is beyond me....so get your fucking dumbass out of this board and take your ridiculous comments somewhere else.....

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..Something for your mind, your body, and your soul

It's the power, it's larouse curiosity..

The purpose, the goal which one act's on..

A journey of force, hot like the sun and wet like the rain..

Rhythmatic movements in unicen with others prolong and act's of sensations, with no limit's or boundaries..

Eternity is past..

Wrong is right..

It's the point of greatest intensity..

Pleasure's of the highest sence..

Feeling's of warmth and security..

Willing and unwilling sensation's of the mind..

A condition..

The ultimate seduction..

..."THE REALM"..

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Mtorres, you just had to throw that remark in there, u just as big of a moron then as this JPsux character. Hey JPSux, Did you think long and hard to come up with you name? From a Psychological point of view it seems almost as if JP Molested you when u were a kid or something, with the amount of rage u contain. As for as your literal context goes, you need to fucking grow and never, i mean never consider being a journalist. As a matter of fact i think you should repeat the 4th grade.



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I see that I got quite a reponse from my little statement. The reason I say that he sucks is I recently went to SF where he was spinning and he nearly put me to sleep. I got so frustrated at his lack of skills that I nearly threw a water bottle at the booth. I wanted to take the records he was spinning and break them over his head. If I want to hear real music and ability, I would go anywhere but there and Exit too. Has anyone been there lately?? Draper sucks balls and so does JP. Draper caters to a bunch of 16-17 monkeys dancing around. All he plays is trash that will amuse the kiddies, druggies and juice heads. Hopefully the NYPD will go there, close that shithole down and do us all a favor. Draper is so bad and weak that he belongs at the Tunnel on saturdays along with that mindless moron JP. write back and let me know what you guys think!

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well, then can you name a better dj that's worthy enough to fill jp's spot..............

Didn't think so.......why did you join a forum where evryone loves jp......you just joined the wrong forum buddy........i think everyone should boycott jpsuxs's posts


Stay Far From Timid, Only Make Moves When Your Hearts In It, And Live The Phrase "Sky's The Limit" - The Notourious BIG (R.I.P.)


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Tranza will agree with me on this one...

Tony Draper and Jonathan Peters are not to be mentioned in the same sentence. period.

And any fucking retarded-skitzophrenic-down-syndrome-fuckingprozac-motherfucker would know that Jonthan has INCREDIBLE amounts of skills.



a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again

Your laughing at me cause I am different? Shit, im laughing at you cause your all the fucking same!

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Well let's see, your probably some loser who listens to Rock music, probably that monster magnet guy. Answer me this

Would JP be deejaying if he could not spin?....NO

Does JP suck........NO

Does your IQ match your shoe size?........YES

Lastly, if Draper and JP suck, then who in your mind is awesome ?


"No Sound System Is Safe"-Leftfield

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JPsux ... what happened Paris laughed at you at the door, and you had to listen to jonathan through the walls outside the club all night ... and now you have a grudge ... or are you just a herb who doesn't know his shit ... i bet you like the vengaboys ... am i right?

and real quick if JP sucks so bad ... then why is it that factory closed at 8:30 sunday night on the aniversary ... he spun for over 20 hours ... and kept everyone moving the entire time ... come on ...

the man has talent



...dance like nobody's watching (till the sun comes up and then some)

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And begin!!!

I have frequented SF on numerous occasions. I am telling you all of this because for what I am about to say I won't sound like a hypocrite. There is no arguement that SF is one of the top if not the most popular after hours clubs in the city, but to say that JP has talent. On what level? Are you comparing him to let's say Vicious or Boris? Yes, then maybe you can say that he has talent. Or are you comparing him to Sasha, Digweed or Oakenfold? If that's the case, then (Close your virgin ears)that putz would'nt be able to lick the shit streaks that those guys leave in their toilets! What type of music have any of you heard JP produce of his great record label (DEEPER RECORDS)which is great for wiping your ass or blowing the rest of the dried up K in your nostrils.


"My love is your love"? (Whitney Houston) or the DMX (YES THE RAPPER!) ARE YOU FUCKING PULLING MY COCK? or his claim to fame "Lumianri" by Flower Duet. This guy as a producer is as about as good as a one

legged cheerleader!


Don't get me wrong I have gone to factory on many occasions as I have stated earlier, but for two reason all the BLAZING PUSS!!!! and yes that I FEEL FUNNY MAKING PILL! How can you not enjoy music when you have had 5 pills and a line of K as long as the lines outside of SF at 5 A.M.. THIS IS THE HONEST TRUTH! Jp was BOOED! Yes BOOED at factory! All of you now are sayin that Iam Crazy and BULLSHIT! BULSHIT you say! His own record label website said deeper records messageboard. How the hell do you get booed when the entire crowd is bumped beyond belief HOW!!!!!!!?????? Ask anyone why they go to SF! DRUGS and Bitches!!!!!! The reason why SF is popular because you can be like TONY MONTANA and have a mountain of coke on your table and nothing is going to happen!

Yes he plays aggressive music, but when your on crystalmeth all sounds great!


Nickieb5 wit yo B-Boy stance? Why did SF close at 8:30 because DRUGS SON! GET OFF THE DRUGS SON! Obviously by you making an assanine comment like that you must be that guy that sits in the corner at the bottom level in sound factory CRACKED OUT where everyone goes and says "You think if I pissed on him would he know?"



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well....first ill say that JP is one of the most innovative producers ive ever heard...second off...i figure that anyone who has time to write responses this long really need to get their lazy asses off the computer and get a damn hobby or something.......

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I agree with you to a point, I think its all subjective, but noise is noise. If JP was so good then why isnt he on a global underground cd. I am not bashing NYC djs , I think Johnny Vicious is great and the best thing he ever did for himself is promote himself with a jock like Tall Paul on the ministry of sound collection. I think it has nothing to do with spinning in Ibiza, however a dj is measured by his skills like you said, and alot of other things. If so, then why isnt Peters in at least the top 100 greatest djs in the world acording to many premer dj magazines. Lets give credit were credit is due. Again its all subjective, but NYC is such a small part of the picture there is a whole other world out there other than NY, were many djs play all kinds of wonderfull music, lets get out of the K-hole people, and wake up.


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Honestly, folks, why the hell do you care what this guy thinks? It is mind boggling that you all explode and go off on this guy. Is it possible that this guy simply wrote that message to get a rise out of you all simply because he knows you all will react like the way you did?

People, chill out... This guy wanted to get some attention and you gave him what he wanted. Even if he really does hate JP then he has that right, doesn't he? You're not going to change his opinion by insulting him back. Why should you care?

Just my 2 cents...

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I love how European DJ's are always immortalized: Sasha, Digweed, Oakey, etc.


I like them and tip my hat to them as far as skills and talent goes, people shouldn't put them in the upper echelon automatically because they're spinning in Ibiza and putting out a bunch of Global Underground CDs.

Let's accept the fact that these guys are all "main event" DJs whose skill and talent have gotten them where they are and keep the DJ bashing to a minimum.

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