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Who would WEAR THIS???

Guest shannon_coolj.

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Guest LeVeL

Pretty simple Interview, somebody who had an abortion and is proud of it. I personally dont see nothing wrong with a woman getting an abortion, its her decision and right to do so.

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Guest LeVeL

I agree its like those shirts they sell that say....I love Anal sex or I am a Lesbian, they are tacky but I guess its a way of expression, me personally dont see the need for a shirt to express my views. But thats people for ya

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same here ... but it's tacky to advertize it

i totally agree...i mean if the person wearing it is fine with it...good for them...but remember there are OTHER women out there that had abortions and are prob. still emotionally shakey about it...if they see someone with that shirt walking down the street, it might bring back bad memories or re-open old wounds...i think it def. cheapens an already hard decision

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Guest shannon_coolj.


Planned Parenthood must think having an abortion is easy. I feel sorry for all those women who have had an abortion (and are still emotionally distraught) and see someone wearing this shirt.


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Guest endymion

You wouldn't wear that shirt at a mall if that's what you mean. I have seen that shirt before, decades back, and there are contexts where it's appropriate.

I used to volunteer as a womens' health clinic defender. Because of the safety zone the fundamentalists had to stay across the street from the clinic but they were only 10 feet away from the front entrance. They would stand there and yell at the patients going into the clinic, calling them murderers. Half of the patients were there to get prescriptions for birth control pills but they had to get throught the fundamentalists first. We used cardboard to hide patients' license plates from their video cameras to try to keep them from crank calling patients and calling them murderers. We shuttled patients from other parking lots to keep their identities private. We were constantly on edge waiting for them to run across the street en masse and chain themselves to the building. Even though there were cops stationed full-time in our parking lot to keep them in check they still would do that about once a week like a football blitz. They threw things at us, eggs, fruit, little plastic fetus dolls covered in real animal blood from butcher shops, all kinds of fun stuff. We would spend entire days with them shouting obscenities at us and reading Bible verses on megaphones at full blast from 10 feet away. We had to file battery and assault complaints daily and we had to allocate some of our staff to just walking around with video cameras documenting what was going on for evidence later for when they showed up in court. We formed little football huddles around the doctors to keep them from getting shot. We had ID's on some of the fundamentalists and some of them were not just involved with but were the ringleaders of fundamentalist organizations that supported and incited doctor shootings. One of the regulars across the street from us at our clinic was Randall Terry from Operation Rescue.

In short it was an extremely adversarial and hostile environment. Some of the women on our side showed their support and summed up why they were there volunteering by wearing that shirt when they were working as defenders.

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Guest cutchemist

Pretty simple Interview, somebody who had an abortion and is proud of it. I personally dont see nothing wrong with a woman getting an abortion, its her decision and right to do so.

that's what I'm sayin' but i don't know how they could wear it

......if you've actually been though it....I payed for my best friend jen's when we were 17........yea I introduced her to the candy dealer......and yea us girls were all up all night messin' around with people dumpin piles down.......but you don't actually sleep with 'em geeze....so i felt obligated didn't know wtf .......her parents told her they would kick her out if she ever got pregnant....I couldn't have her with a dealer for a dad......so i made the apt and went though it side by side......I've used two forms of bc ever since......i wish it was somethin' i could be proud of........but its NOT

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Guest shannon_coolj.

How about one that says "I passed a kidney stone" or "I had my cancerous testicle removed"

yeah, exactly...

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Guest shannon_coolj.

You wouldn't wear that shirt at a mall if that's what you mean. I have seen that shirt before, decades back, and there are contexts where it's appropriate.

I used to volunteer as a womens' health clinic defender. Because of the safety zone the fundamentalists had to stay across the street from the clinic but they were only 10 feet away from the front entrance. They would stand there and yell at the patients going into the clinic, calling them murderers. Half of the patients were there to get prescriptions for birth control pills but they had to get throught the fundamentalists first. We used cardboard to hide patients' license plates from their video cameras to try to keep them from crank calling patients and calling them murderers. We shuttled patients from other parking lots to keep their identities private. We were constantly on edge waiting for them to run across the street en masse and chain themselves to the building. Even though there were cops stationed full-time in our parking lot to keep them in check they still would do that about once a week like a football blitz. They threw things at us, eggs, fruit, little plastic fetus dolls covered in real animal blood from butcher shops, all kinds of fun stuff. We would spend entire days with them shouting obscenities at us and reading Bible verses on megaphones at full blast from 10 feet away. We had to file battery and assault complaints daily and we had to allocate some of our staff to just walking around with video cameras documenting what was going on for evidence later for when they showed up in court. We formed little football huddles around the doctors to keep them from getting shot. We had ID's on some of the fundamentalists and some of them were not just involved with but were the ringleaders of fundamentalist organizations that supported and incited doctor shootings. One of the regulars across the street from us at our clinic was Randall Terry from Operation Rescue.

In short it was an extremely adversarial and hostile environment. Some of the women on our side showed their support and summed up why they were there volunteering by wearing that shirt when they were working as defenders.

i understand that. i had a friend who worked at an abortion clinic (secretary....but still)

the majority of women were distraught coming in and very upset. it is a VERY private and emotional decision.

i don't like pro-lifers that stand outside clinics and either 1. bomb the clinics or 2. harass everyone coming in and out. it's great that the women you were talking about were trying to defend their position by wearing that shirt but there are less tacky ways to do it.

i'm pro-choice all the way (one of the issues i look at with politicians) and i would fight to defend that ... but i don't feel the need to have me or any of my friends wearing such a ridiculous shirt ::)

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Guest endymion

It's great that the women you were talking about were trying to defend their position by wearing that shirt but there are less tacky ways to do it.

I agree completely and I always thought that those shirts were a little on the bizarre side. But when people are hurling plastic aborted fetus dolls soaked in sheep blood at you, "tacky" is a very relative concept.

I'm just saying that there are (few) scenarios where that shirt is appropriate and those are the only places where I have ever personally seen that shirt or anything like it. We had a lot of women on our staff who had been personally abused by the fundamentalists during their own personal crises and they took a lot of offense to it. Any way that they could be defiant as women of their own determination when they showed up to defend the clinic, they took it.

And yeah, I didn't even get into the fire bombs.

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Guest Abraham Abromowitz

I just can't understand why women can't wait until they are married for intercourse. There are so many other things to do that are just as much fun.

Shalom & Love

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Guest LeVeL

I just can't understand why women can't wait until they are married for intercourse. There are so many other things to do that are just as much fun.

Shalom & Love

Let me guess your a virgin......now in days you'll be lucky to find a virgin girl in the States. The sexual influence is everywhere from television to music to books. Its the year 2004 and thats the way things are now in days......sorry to break the news to you now man.


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Guest Abraham Abromowitz

I just can't understand why women can't wait until they are married for intercourse. There are so many other things to do that are just as much fun.

Shalom & Love

Let me guess your a virgin......now in days you'll be lucky to find a virgin girl in the States. The sexual influence is everywhere from television to music to books. Its the year 2004 and thats the way things are now in days......sorry to break the news to you now man.


I was married for seven weeks. So, I'm not a virgin anymore.

Shalom & Love

(I don't understand the Salami reference)

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Guest endymion

I just can't understand why women can't wait until they are married for intercourse. There are so many other things to do that are just as much fun.

We have lots and lots of very promiscuous people around here. Most of us respect your opinion, but do remember that you have wandered into a forum full of deviants.

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Guest lyrik

I am very split on the abortion issue...I could never really understand how someone could be so one way or the other.

I can't agree with the women who are negligent and sleep around and use it as a quick fix out of a situation they created knowing full well the risks and I don't agree with abortions being performed after the baby has been living in the womb after a certain amount of time....I can't put the exact growth rate on it but I know it shouldn't be more than a month or so....I think even less than that actaully. On the other hand there are those situations where women are raped and things that tread that line. I am pro-choice but I do believe there should be exclusions and limitations after all these are potential human beings that will have a heart and soul.

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I just can't understand why women can't wait until they are married for intercourse. There are so many other things to do that are just as much fun.

Shalom & Love

Understand that in todays society girls are turning to other sexual acts. Instead of having full intercourse they now do anal and other acts and believe that they are still "virgins". I don't think the virgin before marriage ever existed to be honest with you. It was a mere act to prevent being called a whore.

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Guest endymion

I also don't get why marriage makes any difference. I'm married though, so I guess it's not a problem that I'm so promiscuous?


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