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az rumination about mac users


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Those Mac people are a stubborn bunch aren’t they? They’re like politicians. If you’re from the rival party (ie. PC users), they’ll defend Macs to death, even if their arguments make no sense. To test this theory, ask a Mac user why their mouse has no right click button. You’ll probably get some convoluted explanation that ends with, “Well, um, well, it’s just better, OK?!â€

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Guest trancepriest

The mac can use most PC mouse and keyboards. It comes from the factory with a single button mouse due to Apple upholding its minimalist tradition which is the core of its design concept (simplicity). Also a way of right clicking on the single button mouse is possible.. by hitting the control key and then clicking the mouse. I'm sure Apple will come out with a SINGLE mouse button that can do left click and right click in the future. I'm surprised they haven't already.

My rumination is that most people buy PC's because thats all they know of. Thats why they put up with so much crap on their computer. I doubt most even know that there are other Operating Systems out there.

Why do most PC's still come standard with a 1.44 mb floppy drive?

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Guest trancepriest



Get a Powerbook (buy one off ebay if u have to)... I'm sure you won't regret it. Here I am in my movie screening room... my one button bluetooth wireless mouse is not holding me back. About to watch La Strada... see u guys later.

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I hate laptops.. No need for one in my life. Have a pc at my office and one in my house. My house one if fine for what I do with it, but it would be nice not to worry about spyware and virus for the rest of my computing life..

The new IMac drops in a month, so I'll see how much they go for.

As of now, I solved the spyware issue with FireFox..

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Guest endymion

I have used everything from six-button grid-optical mouses on old SGI workstations to three-button X-windows mouses, two-button Windows mouses, everything. I for one am happy about this one simple button on my powerbook. I do not have the time or the spare memory cells in my brain to remember which of three buttons I need to press when I'm clicking on something to do something simple like a file copy.

Usability is the most important aspect of human/computer interfaces. One-button mouses are the most useful for most people because they are simple.

I used to think the die-hard Mac freaks were strange too. Always jumping up and defending every bizarre Apple design decision. Then I got my first Mac. It all starts to fall into place. Don't knock it till you try it is all I'm saying. Macs are the most amazing thing out there right now at every level. Only reason to use a PC these days is 1) you can't afford it, 2) your 'enterprise' can't handle a Mac. If you are not constrained by either of those two things then please spend a few minutes in the Apple store next time you visit a mall.

Man I need to get that Apple sponsorship, I should get paid to pimp these things like this.

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Guest jona7



Get a Powerbook (buy one off ebay if u have to)... I'm sure you won't regret it. Here I am in my movie screening room... my one button bluetooth wireless mouse is not holding me back. About to watch La Strada... see u guys later.

wow you are so cool...

BTW, where the hell did you get that comforter.....? eww

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Guest trancepriest
wow you are so cool...

BTW, where the hell did you get that comforter.....? eww

Unfortunately I don't do the shopping for comforters. I'm sure its the Walmart variety though.

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Guest Abraham Abromowitz

The new IMac drops in a month, so I'll see how much they go for.

Hi Steve. You can get an eMac for $799. Its a great deal.

Shalom & Love

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Guest jona7
wow you are so cool...

BTW, where the hell did you get that comforter.....? eww

Unfortunately I don't do the shopping for comforters. I'm sure its the Walmart variety though.

Oh and btw, you are wasting precious space on cj's servers by posting that photo. Just letting you know... ;)

Oh and Shalom and Love

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Guest trancepriest
Oh and btw, you are wasting precious space on cj's servers by posting that photo. Just letting you know... ;)

Oh and Shalom and Love

Oh... I got a deal with CJ... I can post any pictures I want on anyone of their numerous servers... anytime I want. Especially if it has a funky looking comforter in it. ;D Thanks for letting me know though. It's always great hearing from tech savvy people such as yourself.

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Guest jona7
Oh and btw, you are wasting precious space on cj's servers by posting that photo. Just letting you know... ;)

Oh and Shalom and Love

Oh... I got a deal with CJ... I can post any pictures I want on anyone of their numerous servers... anytime I want. Especially if it has a funky looking comforter in it. ;D Thanks for letting me know though. It's always great hearing from tech savvy people such as yourself.

no prob.... 8) ;)
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