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How Our Brian Raeds

Guest LdySphynx

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Guest LdySphynx


It's Prttey fnuny how we can raed tihs einrte snetnece wtih all tehse ltters all out of palce, and we can cnotniue to keep raednig and sitll mekas snece of waht we are raeding. No mttar how mnay tmies you raed tihs oevr and oevr you can sitll mkae snece of it.

How is taht pssoible?


As long as the first and last letter of the word is in its correct position, you can position the middle letters in any order and still make sence of it. Our eyes just glance at he first and last letters of a word.

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Guest LdySphynx

What about words like......nioc or dirb......?

Coin and bird?

Nope, those words are just written backwards...did you notice how it took you a while to actually read those 2 words!!!
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Pretty freakin cool. Your eyes see it and relay the information to your brain within milliseconds. The mind works in mysterious ways....It's a very powerful tool, a lot of untapped potential. Just imagine what we can do if we actually used 100% of it and not merely 10%. It can be scary.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

What about words like......nioc or dirb......?

Coin and bird?

Nope, those words are just written backwards...did you notice how it took you a while to actually read those 2 words!!!

I didn't write bird backwards...
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Guest swirlundergrounder

Just imagine what we can do if we actually used 100% of it and not merely 10%. It can be scary.

Trick question. If we know that we only use 10% of our brain power and we are aware of what that 10% of brain power encompasses, then how are we aware that another 90% of brain power exists and we don't quite know how to tap into it, yet we know that 90% of brain power is dedicated towards other means of using the brain that we are unaware of. Don't you think that in order to specify that something is a percent of something that you must first know what the whole thing is or about before saying that this is 10 % of this part or 90% of that part? lol
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Just imagine what we can do if we actually used 100% of it and not merely 10%. It can be scary.

Trick question. If we know that we only use 10% of our brain power and we are aware of what that 10% of brain power encompasses, then how are we aware that another 90% of brain power exists and we don't quite know how to tap into it, yet we know that 90% of brain power is dedicated towards other means of using the brain that we are unaware of. Don't you think that in order to speciiy that something is a percent of something that you must first know what the whole thing is or about before saying that this is 10 % of this part or 90% of that part? lol


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Just imagine what we can do if we actually used 100% of it and not merely 10%. It can be scary.

Trick question. If we know that we only use 10% of our brain power and we are aware of what that 10% of brain power encompasses, then how are we aware that another 90% of brain power exists and we don't quite know how to tap into it, yet we know that 90% of brain power is dedicated towards other means of using the brain that we are unaware of. Don't you think that in order to speciiy that something is a percent of something that you must first know what the whole thing is or about before saying that this is 10 % of this part or 90% of that part? lol

Honestly, I, in no way shape or form can answer your question. It's only an estimate that psychologists universally agree on based on certain tests and research. It's not just a percentage that they whimsically throw out just to confuse us. And think about it, the mind does have a substantial amount of untapped, dormant resources. For instance, have you ever been dead tired to the point where you feel unable to move, yet a buddy comes along and tells you about a certain activity that propels you to stand up and take action? At that point you don't feel tired anymore. Because you're not thinking about it. Your mind is busy thinking about what to do next. Your mind delivers an adrenaline jolt that makes you feel energized. Your mind is focused on a different task, it is no longer focusing on your previous " tired" state. These are things that we do unknowingly. Just imagine if we can actually take control of our minds to function like that when we actually want and need it to. The possiblities are endless, that's why I say that it is scary. Your brain is like a computer, you ask and you receive, you ask negative questions, you get negative answers, vice versa and so forth. If you condition your mind to think that the world is a shi**y place to live in with a bunch of a**holes, guess what? You will walk around with a negative mindset and view of everything around you. The opposite is true as well.

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Just imagine what we can do if we actually used 100% of it and not merely 10%. It can be scary.

Trick question. If we know that we only use 10% of our brain power and we are aware of what that 10% of brain power encompasses, then how are we aware that another 90% of brain power exists and we don't quite know how to tap into it, yet we know that 90% of brain power is dedicated towards other means of using the brain that we are unaware of. Don't you think that in order to speciiy that something is a percent of something that you must first know what the whole thing is or about before saying that this is 10 % of this part or 90% of that part? lol

Honestly, I, in no way shape or form can answer your question. It's only an estimate that psychologists universally agree on based on certain tests and research. It's not just a percentage that they whimsically throw out just to confuse us. And think about it, the mind does have a substantial amount of untapped, dormant resources. For instance, have you ever been dead tired to the point where you feel unable to move, yet a buddy comes along and tells you about a certain activity that propels you to stand up and take action? At that point you don't feel tired anymore. Because you're not thinking about it. Your mind is busy thinking about what to do next. Your mind delivers an adrenaline jolt that makes you feel energized. Your mind is focused on a different task, it is no longer focusing on your previous " tired" state. These are things that we do unknowingly. Just imagine if we can actually take control of our minds to function like that when we actually want and need it to. The possiblities are endless, that's why I say that it is scary. Your brain is like a computer, you ask and you receive, you ask negative questions, you get negative answers, vice versa and so forth. If you condition your mind to think that the world is a shi**y place to live in with a bunch of a**holes, guess what? You will walk around with a negative mindset and view of everything around you. The opposite is true as well.


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Guest swirlundergrounder

Just imagine what we can do if we actually used 100% of it and not merely 10%. It can be scary.

Trick question. If we know that we only use 10% of our brain power and we are aware of what that 10% of brain power encompasses, then how are we aware that another 90% of brain power exists and we don't quite know how to tap into it, yet we know that 90% of brain power is dedicated towards other means of using the brain that we are unaware of. Don't you think that in order to speciiy that something is a percent of something that you must first know what the whole thing is or about before saying that this is 10 % of this part or 90% of that part? lol

Honestly, I, in no way shape or form can answer your question. It's only an estimate that psychologists universally agree on based on certain tests and research. It's not just a percentage that they whimsically throw out just to confuse us. And think about it, the mind does have a substantial amount of untapped, dormant resources. For instance, have you ever been dead tired to the point where you feel unable to move, yet a buddy comes along and tells you about a certain activity that propels you to stand up and take action? At that point you don't feel tired anymore. Because you're not thinking about it. Your mind is busy thinking about what to do next. Your mind delivers an adrenaline jolt that makes you feel energized. Your mind is focused on a different task, it is no longer focusing on your previous " tired" state. These are things that we do unknowingly. Just imagine if we can actually take control of our minds to function like that when we actually want and need it to. The possiblities are endless, that's why I say that it is scary. Your brain is like a computer, you ask and you receive, you ask negative questions, you get negative answers, vice versa and so forth. If you condition your mind to think that the world is a shi**y place to live in with a bunch of a**holes, guess what? You will walk around with a negative mindset and view of everything around you. The opposite is true as well.

Ah... but the things that you mentioned are aspects of the mind that we are aware of...In your example where in you explained that if you're tired and a friend comes along and suggests that you do an activity and you all of a sudden pop up and go do it without feeling tired, then you are aware of what you are doing..It's called motivation! If you were dead tired and your same friend comes up and says "Hey man lets do a count of all of the sand in South Beach", you wouldn't just spring up and do it would you? Unless you get off on counting all of the sand in South Beach piece by piece there is no way in a logical sense that you would spring up and do that.. The idea would probably make you more tired right?

And your second example of the way one sees the world, you are mentioning an individuals paridigm (The way someone sees the world from their point of view) again you are aware of this aspect of how your mind works..This again falls into the estimated 10% of the brain that we know of....

I think the other 90% of the brain that we don't use involves aspects such as ESP, Telepathy and other things of such nature that we can only imagine works....

How about this? Ever catch yourself thinking about someone that you haven't spoken to in a while and then all of a sudden that person calls you out of the blue to see how you are doing? Is this a case of coincidence or us sending our brain waves out to that certain someone and on a sub-cognitive level telling that person that we are thinking of them....

Stuff like that, the unexplainable yet somewhat attainable for some reason or another lies within that estimated 90 % of the brain that be don't use...

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Ever think of this one? Perhaps all of us in some way use a part of that 90% of the brain that we think go's unused. Perhaps a scientist uses part of the brain that a painter wouldn't use, or an artist uses the part of the brain that an accountant doesn't use or a musician uses part of the brain that a english teacher doesn't use etc......

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Did you guys have to get so Technical on this,GEEEEEZZZ ::) ;D!!!!

Well the brain is a very technical topic....lol
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