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Bill O' Reilly interviews George W. Bush

Guest LeVeL

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Guest LeVeL

Its on right now on FOXNews and from the looks of it, Bush is happy to see another Republican interview him. He is truly getting hit by some hard question but not hard enough. This is just another way for him to increase his propaganda for this upcoming elections. Good job on FOX to interview the president at this time to influence voters to vote for Bush.

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are you on drugs? did you eat the glowstick juice again??

"but not hard enough"

what else can you say to a sitting president? you are an idiot.. They have been trying to get kerry for months. Bill, even over the summer, challenged both of them to come in, and say who ever comes first will benefit more in the public eye.. Kerry is the reason why you don't see him on there has nothing to do with fox..

god dude, get your head out of your ass, you can't grill a sitting president..

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Guest LeVeL

are you on drugs? did you eat the glowstick juice again??

"but not hard enough"

what else can you say to a sitting president? you are an idiot.. They have been trying to get kerry for months. Bill, even over the summer, challenged both of them to come in, and say who ever comes first will benefit more in the public eye.. Kerry is the reason why you don't see him on there has nothing to do with fox..

god dude, get your head out of your ass, you can't grill a sitting president..

I have seen O' Reilly drill politicians hard with questions..its obvious this first part of the interview looked pretty on Bush's part. Kerry is a fucking dumbass for not accepting his offer for not coming to the Show and in my opinion that is the reason he is going to lose this upcoming election. The man hasn't grown big enough balls to bash back against Bush or the Republican party. I cant wait to see the other 2 parts of the O'Reilly interview and hopefully he asks him the question I'm hoping he asks him.

Right now I am not voting for either candidate and Saleen STFU already your the only one on drugs here..

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Guest web_norah

Its on right now on FOXNews and from the looks of it' date=' Bush is happy to see another Republican interview him. He is truly getting hit by some hard question but not hard enough. This is just another way for him to increase his propaganda for this upcoming elections. Good job on FOX to interview the president at this time to influence voters to vote for Bush.


i wasnt expecting any less from Fox. what else is new?

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Guest trancepriest

Justice will be served

And the battle will rage

This big dog will fight

When you rattle his cage

And you’ll be sorry that you messed with

The U.S. of A.

`Cause we`ll put a boot in your ass



The battle is raging... when will you join in the fight? You got all these great quotes.. this dog will fight... etc. You mean you will fight.. or are you counting on ethnic minorities/economic minorites to do the fighting for you? The same type of people you so often disrespect in your posts.

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Justice will be served

And the battle will rage

This big dog will fight

When you rattle his cage

And you’ll be sorry that you messed with

The U.S. of A.

`Cause we`ll put a boot in your ass



The battle is raging... when will you join in the fight? You got all these great quotes.. this dog will fight... etc. You mean you will fight.. or are you counting on ethnic minorities/economic minorites to do the fighting for you? The same type of people you so often disrespect in your posts.

it's a quote from a song, you jackasss...

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Guest trancepriest

It's a great quote from a stand up guy such as yourself. A war supporter. Perfect quote... when will you fight for what you supposedly believe in?

LOL... interesting song you chose to quote: http://www.simplyangel.com/theangryamerican.htm

Are you an angry american? My guess is that your a BS hypocrite. If your a patriot... go do something patriotic.


Your like the neanderthal in the picture above... grunting and waving a stick all around... making alot of noise. I'm all for Bush in 2004... so people like you can get drafted.

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Guest web_norah

peace out said the Dalai Lama.......Bill O Reilly and GWB is what Pod commented on two pigs having a conversation with each other...........



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Guest LeVeL

The battle is raging... when will you join in the fight? You got all these great quotes.. this dog will fight... etc. You mean you will fight.. or are you counting on ethnic minorities/economic minorites to do the fighting for you? The same type of people you so often disrespect in your posts.

Thats a great post man...the other day I was reading what Obby posted about the the Selective Service getting money from the Goverment because they might start drafting soon. Well guess what I am in the 18 to 26 category and I will be one of the first to be drafted. The truth is a lot of the white americans say what they say about minorities(hispanic, black,asians,ext) but the truth we go overthere and fight for this country for it can remain as peaceful as it is. But when its all set and done you realize your just that, a minority in this country ruled by people who think lower of us.

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Guest trancepriest

Thats a great post man...the other day I was reading what Obby posted about the the Selective Service getting money from the Goverment because they might start drafting soon. Well guess what I am in the 18 to 26 category and I will be one of the first to be drafted. The truth is a lot of the white americans say what they say about minorities(hispanic' date=' black,asians,ext) but the truth we go overthere and fight for this country for it can remain as peaceful as it is. But when its all set and done you realize your just that, a minority in this country ruled by people who think lower of us.


Thanks man... Saleen knows what I'm saying is true.. but he doesn't care. He won't fight for this country for nothing. But yet still he blows all this patriotic hot air while mostly blacks, spanish and low income whites are fighting the terrorism war. The same type of people that he disrespects on a regular basis. Trust me... the only thing that a person like Saleen really cares about is maintaining an economic/lifestyle gap between the types of people that fight for this country and him.

Even worse when these folks get out of the military and go to college.. get a professional job. This same asshole.. that claims to be a patriot... will call these same people that fought for this country... drug dealers and welfare queens. This same guy that claims to be a patriot... will feel threatened by those people. He will feel more entitled to better housing and a finer lifestyle.. than those people.

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Guest LeVeL

Thanks man... Saleen knows what I'm saying is true.. but he doesn't care. He won't fight for this country for nothing. But yet still he blows all this patriotic hot air while mostly blacks, spanish and low income whites are fighting the terrorism war. The same type of people that he disrespects on a regular basis.

I totally agree most of the people that join the military join it because they cant afford to go to college because of lack of money.Those kids getting killed day in and day out got trained to go to war but their true intention in joining the military was to get money for college, for they can have a better life for their families but in the end they get killed by some terrorist and all their families get is a flag and some idiot knocking on your door telling you, your love one has died.

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Guest trancepriest

i actually went to hear the Dalai Lama speak last Wed. at FIU..he said vote Republican...LOL ;)

He's probably thinking like me... bring back the draft.

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Guest web_norah

putting a picture of the Dalai Lama around pigs is not cool.

i actually went to hear the Dalai Lama speak last Wed. at FIU..he said vote Republican...LOL ;)

even if the pope said vote XYZ...i still would make up my mind based on my own conclusions, thats what the brain is for. use it sometime, it wont hurt.........

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LOl, more dumb minorities crying...

1. how much did the saleen's parents pay for his college education??? I hold a BS in econ from East Carolina University.

How much did mommy and daddy pay? come on, what do you think? take a guess?


2. Why do they call it "community" college????


3. How many people on hear, went to a major unviersity and took some classes at a community college in the summer to save money?

I did, and can tell you the cost of those classes are chump change compared to a real university. You spend more on crack at club space a month then it would cost to take 4 classes at a community college.

4. Did the saleen pay in state or out of state tuition? ECU is located in NC. I lived my whole life in NJ, and to get instate, you have to hire a lawyer and takes 3 years to get it. The saleen's 5.5 years of college were all out of state prices. How much back in 1995-2000 did it cost a student to take 15 credit hours at ECU if they were instate? 700 dollars. How many of yous are currently saving for your kids edication in the florida college plan?

5. how much did my dad get from his parents (homemaker and beer delivery man) to go to Seton Hall, one of the most expensive private colleges? The answer is zero! He swept floors at the A&P at night to pay for his education. Came out of school, make 15 bucks a day, now he runs an entire district and is one of the highest paid educators in the riche state in the country. Took him over 15 years to pay back his tution.

6. Bill Clinton in his speech, even said, there is no reason why anyone can't go to college. Did you know the saleen didn't get any money from the goverment since, his parents make too much money, yet if I clicked off black, or hispanic, the US goverment would write a check on the spot!! But the US goverment, doesn't take into account, I have 3 brothers all 2 years apart.

Keep crying you fucking losers, thats' why you are who you are and treated the way you are. You are whiners, complainers, lazy bastards who's odds of going to jail is greater than whites, not because of racism, but because blacks and hispanics want to take a shortcut in life and skip the hard work the normal amiercan does to succed in life. Even my dad, with the money he makes, has a second job. And my dad, makes well over 6 figures. He works hard for his family. He disciplined us, he didn't ask for a handout like some nigger or spic.. << yea i said, it!!

9 out of 10 blacks and hispanics don't have the english skills to work for me, or any other company, since their parents are fucktards.

Keep crying, you can go wash my car and paint my house.

Now, what is the on thing as an american to help this country, and it's people if you don't serve in the armed forces?

The answer is create jobs... That's exactly what i'm doing.

fucking minorities crack me up, bunch of lazy losers.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

putting a picture of the Dalai Lama around pigs is not cool.

i actually went to hear the Dalai Lama speak last Wed. at FIU..he said vote Republican...LOL ;)

what? are you sure he said vote republican?

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Guest shannon_coolj.

i actually went to hear the Dalai Lama speak last Wed. at FIU..he said vote Republican...LOL ;)

He's probably thinking like me... bring back the draft.

the dalai lama doesn't believe in war...or the draft

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Guest web_norah

LOl, more dumb minorities crying...

1. how much did the saleen's parents pay for his college education??? I hold a BS in econ from East Carolina University.

How much did mommy and daddy pay? come on, what do you think? take a guess?


2. Why do they call it "community" college????


3. How many people on hear, went to a major unviersity and took some classes at a community college in the summer to save money?

I did, and can tell you the cost of those classes are chump change compared to a real university. You spend more on crack at club space a month then it would cost to take 4 classes at a community college.

4. Did the saleen pay in state or out of state tuition? ECU is located in NC. I lived my whole life in NJ, and to get instate, you have to hire a lawyer and takes 3 years to get it. The saleen's 5.5 years of college were all out of state prices. How much back in 1995-2000 did it cost a student to take 15 credit hours at ECU if they were instate? 700 dollars. How many of yous are currently saving for your kids edication in the florida college plan?

5. how much did my dad get from his parents (homemaker and beer delivery man) to go to Seton Hall, one of the most expensive private colleges? The answer is zero! He swept floors at the A&P at night to pay for his education. Came out of school, make 15 bucks a day, now he runs an entire district and is one of the highest paid educators in the riche state in the country. Took him over 15 years to pay back his tution.

6. Bill Clinton in his speech, even said, there is no reason why anyone can't go to college. Did you know the saleen didn't get any money from the goverment since, his parents make too much money, yet if I clicked off black, or hispanic, the US goverment would write a check on the spot!! But the US goverment, doesn't take into account, I have 3 brothers all 2 years apart.

Keep crying you fucking losers, thats' why you are who you are and treated the way you are. You are whiners, complainers, lazy bastards who's odds of going to jail is greater than whites, not because of racism, but because blacks and hispanics want to take a shortcut in life and skip the hard work the normal amiercan does to succed in life. Even my dad, with the money he makes, has a second job. And my dad, makes well over 6 figures. He works hard for his family. He disciplined us, he didn't ask for a handout like some nigger or spic.. << yea i said, it!!

9 out of 10 blacks and hispanics don't have the english skills to work for me, or any other company, since their parents are fucktards.

Keep crying, you can go wash my car and paint my house.

Now, what is the on thing as an american to help this country, and it's people if you don't serve in the armed forces?

The answer is create jobs... That's exactly what i'm doing.

fucking minorities crack me up, bunch of lazy losers.

dude noone cares about your sorry guido bridge and tunnel background

* i urge you to tune into other sources of journalism (Since you probably havent read a book since English remedial courses in college)

BTW you read like a cheap copy of Bill O Reilly

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LOl, more dumb minorities crying...

1. how much did the saleen's parents pay for his college education??? I hold a BS in econ from East Carolina University.

How much did mommy and daddy pay? come on, what do you think? take a guess?


2. Why do they call it "community" college????


3. How many people on hear, went to a major unviersity and took some classes at a community college in the summer to save money?

I did, and can tell you the cost of those classes are chump change compared to a real university. You spend more on crack at club space a month then it would cost to take 4 classes at a community college.

4. Did the saleen pay in state or out of state tuition? ECU is located in NC. I lived my whole life in NJ, and to get instate, you have to hire a lawyer and takes 3 years to get it. The saleen's 5.5 years of college were all out of state prices. How much back in 1995-2000 did it cost a student to take 15 credit hours at ECU if they were instate? 700 dollars. How many of yous are currently saving for your kids edication in the florida college plan?

5. how much did my dad get from his parents (homemaker and beer delivery man) to go to Seton Hall, one of the most expensive private colleges? The answer is zero! He swept floors at the A&P at night to pay for his education. Came out of school, make 15 bucks a day, now he runs an entire district and is one of the highest paid educators in the riche state in the country. Took him over 15 years to pay back his tution.

6. Bill Clinton in his speech, even said, there is no reason why anyone can't go to college. Did you know the saleen didn't get any money from the goverment since, his parents make too much money, yet if I clicked off black, or hispanic, the US goverment would write a check on the spot!! But the US goverment, doesn't take into account, I have 3 brothers all 2 years apart.

Keep crying you fucking losers, thats' why you are who you are and treated the way you are. You are whiners, complainers, lazy bastards who's odds of going to jail is greater than whites, not because of racism, but because blacks and hispanics want to take a shortcut in life and skip the hard work the normal amiercan does to succed in life. Even my dad, with the money he makes, has a second job. And my dad, makes well over 6 figures. He works hard for his family. He disciplined us, he didn't ask for a handout like some nigger or spic.. << yea i said, it!!

9 out of 10 blacks and hispanics don't have the english skills to work for me, or any other company, since their parents are fucktards.

Keep crying, you can go wash my car and paint my house.

Now, what is the on thing as an american to help this country, and it's people if you don't serve in the armed forces?

The answer is create jobs... That's exactly what i'm doing.

fucking minorities crack me up, bunch of lazy losers.

dude noone cares about your sorry guido bridge and tunnel background

* i urge you to tune into other sources of journalism (Since you probably havent read a book since English remedial courses in college)

BTW you read like a cheap copy of Bill O Reilly

of course, that is your answer, you can't say anything except insults. it's so funny, when someone challenges you losers, you spin and post insults.

what about the facts?? oh wait, you are in the moore wing of this board..

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Guest web_norah

guido and bridge and tunnel isnt an insult. thats what you are, and i hate to point the obvious out....i havent called you any names (like you have to me in the past).

at least Moore has balls to say what he has in his brain and what he feels is wrong in this country ...whether right or wrong

at least, Moore raised a flag where noone else has in the past....so if that's your best shot, you're really are complimenting me. i'd hate to be like the rest, people who dont question their own government.

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Guest LeVeL

LOl, more dumb minorities crying...

1. how much did the saleen's parents pay for his college education??? I hold a BS in econ from East Carolina University.

How much did mommy and daddy pay? come on, what do you think? take a guess?


2. Why do they call it "community" college????


3. How many people on hear, went to a major unviersity and took some classes at a community college in the summer to save money?

I did, and can tell you the cost of those classes are chump change compared to a real university. You spend more on crack at club space a month then it would cost to take 4 classes at a community college.

4. Did the saleen pay in state or out of state tuition? ECU is located in NC. I lived my whole life in NJ, and to get instate, you have to hire a lawyer and takes 3 years to get it. The saleen's 5.5 years of college were all out of state prices. How much back in 1995-2000 did it cost a student to take 15 credit hours at ECU if they were instate? 700 dollars. How many of yous are currently saving for your kids edication in the florida college plan?

5. how much did my dad get from his parents (homemaker and beer delivery man) to go to Seton Hall, one of the most expensive private colleges? The answer is zero! He swept floors at the A&P at night to pay for his education. Came out of school, make 15 bucks a day, now he runs an entire district and is one of the highest paid educators in the riche state in the country. Took him over 15 years to pay back his tution.

6. Bill Clinton in his speech, even said, there is no reason why anyone can't go to college. Did you know the saleen didn't get any money from the goverment since, his parents make too much money, yet if I clicked off black, or hispanic, the US goverment would write a check on the spot!! But the US goverment, doesn't take into account, I have 3 brothers all 2 years apart.

Keep crying you fucking losers, thats' why you are who you are and treated the way you are. You are whiners, complainers, lazy bastards who's odds of going to jail is greater than whites, not because of racism, but because blacks and hispanics want to take a shortcut in life and skip the hard work the normal amiercan does to succed in life. Even my dad, with the money he makes, has a second job. And my dad, makes well over 6 figures. He works hard for his family. He disciplined us, he didn't ask for a handout like some nigger or spic.. << yea i said, it!!

9 out of 10 blacks and hispanics don't have the english skills to work for me, or any other company, since their parents are fucktards.

Keep crying, you can go wash my car and paint my house.

Now, what is the on thing as an american to help this country, and it's people if you don't serve in the armed forces?

The answer is create jobs... That's exactly what i'm doing.

fucking minorities crack me up, bunch of lazy losers.

LOL...who asked you about your college education are you looking for a job or anything do you want to fax me your resume..too funny...that still doesn't prove shit!! :-X

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LOl' date=' more dumb minorities crying...

1. how much did the saleen's parents pay for his college education??? I hold a BS in econ from East Carolina University.

How much did mommy and daddy pay? come on, what do you think? take a guess?


2. Why do they call it "community" college????


3. How many people on hear, went to a major unviersity and took some classes at a community college in the summer to save money?

I did, and can tell you the cost of those classes are chump change compared to a real university. You spend more on crack at club space a month then it would cost to take 4 classes at a community college.

4. Did the saleen pay in state or out of state tuition? ECU is located in NC. I lived my whole life in NJ, and to get instate, you have to hire a lawyer and takes 3 years to get it. The saleen's 5.5 years of college were all out of state prices. How much back in 1995-2000 did it cost a student to take 15 credit hours at ECU if they were instate? 700 dollars. How many of yous are currently saving for your kids edication in the florida college plan?

5. how much did my dad get from his parents (homemaker and beer delivery man) to go to Seton Hall, one of the most expensive private colleges? The answer is zero! He swept floors at the A&P at night to pay for his education. Came out of school, make 15 bucks a day, now he runs an entire district and is one of the highest paid educators in the riche state in the country. Took him over 15 years to pay back his tution.

6. Bill Clinton in his speech, even said, there is no reason why anyone can't go to college. Did you know the saleen didn't get any money from the goverment since, his parents make too much money, yet if I clicked off black, or hispanic, the US goverment would write a check on the spot!! But the US goverment, doesn't take into account, I have 3 brothers all 2 years apart.

Keep crying you fucking losers, thats' why you are who you are and treated the way you are. You are whiners, complainers, lazy bastards who's odds of going to jail is greater than whites, not because of racism, but because blacks and hispanics want to take a shortcut in life and skip the hard work the normal amiercan does to succed in life. Even my dad, with the money he makes, has a second job. And my dad, makes well over 6 figures. He works hard for his family. He disciplined us, he didn't ask for a handout like some nigger or spic.. << yea i said, it!!

9 out of 10 blacks and hispanics don't have the english skills to work for me, or any other company, since their parents are fucktards.

Keep crying, you can go wash my car and paint my house.

Now, what is the on thing as an american to help this country, and it's people if you don't serve in the armed forces?

The answer is create jobs... That's exactly what i'm doing.

fucking minorities crack me up, bunch of lazy losers.


LOL...who asked you about your college education are you looking for a job or anything do you want to fax me your resume..too funny...that still doesn't prove shit!! :-X

of course, you have no comeback.. you have none... anyone in this country can go to college. But some will work hard to go, others will ask for hand outs, aka the hispanics and blacks..

blacks, hispanics need to study indians and asians, as to why they make it here in this country with far greater success than blacks and hispanics. they work hard, they study, they don't want hand outs and they certainly don't look for shortcuts.

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Guest LeVeL

blacks, hispanics need to study indians and asians, as to why they make it here in this country with far greater success than blacks and hispanics. they work hard, they study, they don't want hand outs and they certainly don't look for shortcuts.

Where are you getting this shortcut theory, Hispanics are the most hard working people in this country. We dont need shortcuts to succeed, we're the fastest growing population in this country and slowly we're getting Public Officials in high positions. Acourse just like any other race you have poverty and those are the people that need help. But Hispanics from the moment they reach this country work their asses off, but what do you know.

But aside from that stop trying to flip the conversation....nobody said what race is better than the other or anything like that this conversation started because of the people who join the military, and why they join it. And I dont see nothing wrong by joining the military to help you get an education. If you call that a shortcut than your kidding yourself badly. Your road to success didn't prove anything, thousands take that road everyday. it doesn't make your smarter than anybody else, your kidding yourself.

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