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Jon Stewart's fans more educated than O'Reilly's

Guest web_norah

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Guest web_norah

By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer

NEW YORK - The folks at Comedy Central were annoyed when Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly kept referring to "The Daily Show" audience as "stoned slackers." So they did a little research. And guess whose audience is more educated?

Viewers of Jon Stewart's show are more likely to have completed four years of college than people who watch "The O'Reilly Factor," according to Nielsen Media Research.

O'Reilly's teasing came when Stewart appeared on his show earlier this month.

"You know what's really frightening?" O'Reilly said. "You actually have an influence on this presidential election. That is scary, but it's true. You've got stoned slackers watching your dopey show every night and they can vote."

Comedy Central executives realized, and O'Reilly acknowledged, that he was poking fun. But they said they didn't want a misconception to persist.

"If the head of General Motors was watching O'Reilly's show, that could be very important to us," said Doug Herzog, Comedy Central president.

"If you listen to O'Reilly, you get the sense that it was crazy longhairs behind the show," he said. "And it's not. It's great, smart television that attracts a well-compensated audience, most of whom are voting age."

Relax, said Fox News Channel spokesman Rob Zimmerman.

"Comedy Central must have lost their sense of humor," Zimmerman said. "Without Jon Stewart, Comedy Central would turn into the Great American Country Channel."

Comedy Central also touted a recent study by the University of Pennsylvania's National Annenberg Election Survey, which said young viewers of "The Daily Show" were more likely to answer questions about politics correctly than those who don't.

Comedy Central had no statistics on how many people watch "The Daily Show" stoned.

Although seemingly taken aback by repeated "stoned slackers" references while talking with O'Reilly, Stewart was ready with a joke.

"This election is going to rely on the undecided," he said. "And who is more undecided than stoned slackers? Ice cream or pretzels? Ice cream or pretzels? What's it going to be?

Whether it's the slacker or no-slacker zone, O'Reilly is entering it Oct. 7, when he's scheduled to appear on "The Daily Show."

So if Stewart's audience is comprised of stoned slackers, how would Herzog describe O'Reilly's audience?

"I'm not getting into that game," he said.

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Guest web_norah

his show is meant to be a non partisan journalistic program and it is so far from being unbiased - it is scary. look at the demographics of people that watch O Reilly, that should tell you something

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his show is meant to be a non partisan journalistic program and it is so far from being unbiased - it is scary. look at the demographics of people that watch O Reilly, that should tell you something

every segment he has two people on with opposing views...

keep trying norah..

last night, he had on two people to rip into bush...

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Guest web_norah

his usual two sides are people from conservartive backgrounds and if not, Bill O Reilly ridicules them and put them at odds no mattet what....and dont tell me it isnt so, i've seen the man at work, he is a good speaker, maybe he should run for president since Bush cant even deliver his own speeches right.........

you're like the rest of the statistic for O Reilly...uneducated

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his usual two sides are people from conservartive backgrounds and if not, Bill O Reilly ridicules them and put them at odds no mattet what....and dont tell me it isnt so, i've seen the man at work, he is a good speaker, maybe he should run for president since Bush cant even deliver his own speeches right.........

you're like the rest of the statistic for O Reilly...uneducated

alan combs and the broad running the kerry campaing are "conservative"


thats who was on last night..

keep trying norah....

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Guest lyrik

I can't stand that guy O'Reilly - opinionated prick - needs a good punch to the cock!

his show is an opt ed show, you moron.. he is suppose to give his opinons...

I could care a fuck less about what his show is - its only obvious. I just hate the fuckin prick that he is - thats just me giving my opinion and its devoid of political partisanship. Some people you just don't like and I don't like him and I think he needs a good punch to the cock to knock his ass back into reality. Its not the opinions I dislike - its the way he delivers them.

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I can't stand that guy O'Reilly - opinionated prick - needs a good punch to the cock!

his show is an opt ed show, you moron.. he is suppose to give his opinons...

I could care a fuck less about what his show is - its only obvious. I just hate the fuckin prick that he is - thats just me giving my opinion and its devoid of political partisanship. Some people you just don't like and I don't like him and I think he needs a good punch to the cock to knock his ass back into reality. Its not the opinions I dislike - its the way he delivers them.

back it up with facts... rants won't be accepted.

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Guest lyrik

I can't stand that guy O'Reilly - opinionated prick - needs a good punch to the cock!

his show is an opt ed show, you moron.. he is suppose to give his opinons...

I could care a fuck less about what his show is - its only obvious. I just hate the fuckin prick that he is - thats just me giving my opinion and its devoid of political partisanship. Some people you just don't like and I don't like him and I think he needs a good punch to the cock to knock his ass back into reality. Its not the opinions I dislike - its the way he delivers them.

back it up with facts... rants won't be accepted.

What facts are needed? Maybe you are reading too much into what I am saying. Its not that I disagree with his opinions, many of them I do find common ground on. The fact of the matter is that he just annoys the fuck out of me. If I were at a table with this guy and he kept fucking talking to me the way he speaks to people on his show and the way he voices his opinions I wouldn't be able to stand it - I would have the urge punch him in the cock just to shut him up and see the look on his face - regardless of whether he was right or not. You know what I am saying on that? Haven't you ever had a friend or known a person that was pretty intelligent and knew a lot of shit but they made it a point to shove it down your throat in some of the most annoying ways? Regardless of if they were right or not - you still wanted to take them to the parking lot and beat them down with a length of garden hose just for the sheer satisfaction of it.

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