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Smoke-free cigarette invented

Guest web_norah

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Guest web_norah


The smoke and tobacco-free NicStic consists of a heating element and a changeable filter that contains nicotine.

It doesn't contain any tobacco but the company claims dragging on it releases a similar taste to cigarettes.

The company hopes smokers will switch to the healthier option, pointing out that nicotine does very little damage whereas tobacco smoke also contains tar, arsenic, cadmium and formaldehyde.

It also argues that the NicStic will reduce the health risk and annoyance associated with passive smoking.

The NicStic goes on sale in Germany at the end of next year and will be sold by tobacconists.

It comes in a box that looks a lot like a cigarette packet and includes a charger and batteries as well as spare filters.

The company, which unveiled its product in Frankfurt, says it takes about three minutes to smoke and filters will cost about as much as a cigarette.

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Guest saintjohn

i watched my mother die from end-stage emphysema three weeks ago. i probably don't have to tell you what i think about smoking.

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Hey John sorry to hear about your loss....

You don't want to know my take on smoking, Im the hitler of the anti smoking movement, I think it should be taxed to high hell!!

10 bucks a pack tax!!

Anyways, did you guys ever seen that HBO movie, with the nabisco take over of RJ R??? Great freaking movie. They had a smoke free cig and it bombed....

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Guest web_norah

i buy my Marlboro cartons in South America for 10 bucks Saleen so like Teresa Heinz would say, shove it. i am a social smoker and dont smoke but on the weekends or when i have a drink.

and i am sorry about your loss John.

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i buy my Marlboro cartons in South America for 10 bucks Saleen so like Teresa Heinz would say, shove it. i am a social smoker and dont smoke but on the weekends or when i have a drink.

and i am sorry about your loss John.

your marlboros are made from cheap tobacco.. I should know, I went to college in tabacco country. Social or not, you don't have the right to raise my health care costs, feed the damm lawyers more shit to shovel and affect my health.

so you can shove it, didn't you read what he wrote? YOU WILL DIE IF YOU SMOKE, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.. Weekends or not...

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Guest saintjohn
Hey John sorry to hear about your loss...

thanks, saleen.

$10 per carton tax? that might discourage some people, but i think my mom would've turned to crime to support her habit.

damn, i miss her.

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Guest saintjohn
and i am sorry about your loss John.

norah, i really appreciate that. i know we don't always see eye-to-eye on things, but we're in total agreement on certain personal matters. thanks.

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