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the word "rave" means...

Guest HangTheDJ

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Guest jbit

i think the word rave is what started the rave act and all that backlash against electronic music and clubs

actually, the backlash is against the drugs.

which is associated with raves, hence

Raves = Drugs = Rave acts = menogoingtoallnightpartiesanymore

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Guest HangTheDJ

my point is that RAVES are MOSTLY targeted, and i certainly understand why. honestly, i don't expect a damn thing from ppl in miami anymore, i'm just going on here to see what people's opinions are. apathy just drives me up the wall. and for all you club-heads, you best believe that i would do the same thing if the club scene came under attack.

the fact is, definitions like this are prejudice, and i believe prejudice is wrong.

i will say it again...i am not partial towards the rave scene, but i think the general public needs to know that MUSIC is what pumps the blood through the electronic MUSIC scene.

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Guest Dizmus

I used to go to lots of raves in NYC, and even Toronto Canada....I had a lot of good memories going to rave parties when I was younger....it only sucked when the breakdancers would come in and start fights, and when you had a bunch of little girls and GUYS with pacifiers in their mouths...Even so, if it weren't for my buddy bringing me to my first rave in 1997 (as well as seeing Sasha and Digweed at Twilo all the time), I probably wouldn't have developed such a deep love for electronic music

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i will say it again...i am not partial towards the rave scene, but i think the general public needs to know that MUSIC is what pumps the blood through the electronic MUSIC scene.

the apathy that you speak of is in the "general public". no one in 99% of america cares about this issue.

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Guest jbit

america has 300 million people. the last 1% leaves 3 million people who do care.

just to be anal...

america has 281,421,906 people, 38,345,337 of which are between the ages of 19-30 (target range for raves), which leaves you @ 1% with 383,453.37 people to reach. Get moving!

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america has 300 million people. the last 1% leaves 3 million people who do care.

man, you are persistent! ;D

dude, electronic music is doing pretty good, i think. every wmc makes me believe that more and more, this one coming up will be even better. you seem to want every american young and old to appreciate our music, but it just ain't gonna happen. because to joe public, who cares?? people have mortgages to pay and kids to raise. people have a lot to worry about, and i don't blame them. you have to see the issue from their perspective. they see on the news a kid died at a warehouse rave in b.f.e. they don't want to try to find out the root of the problem, they see the cops busted the place, and they think all is good.

so with that in mind, i think we're doing pretty good. we get to see world famous (and locally famous) djs consistently. we have nothing to complain about.

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Guest pod

Jbit brings up a good point about the percentages and all. The downside of democracy is that you kind of have to deal with what the majority of silly sons of bitches say needs to be done. The opposite is dictatorship, where you have to deal with one son of a bitch.

Does Congress care what 1% or less of the population wants? Not really. The rave-going public isn't going to win them re-election just right now. The people in the flyover states win them re-election. The real United States if you will. The real United States thinks raves are drug-fueled orgies pretty much. And to an extent they are right. In Middle America, a dance music party goes down as such since the promoters think that is what it really is like, and they don't realize the scene in the cities advanced beyond that crap a long time ago. The rave DJs are playing clubs for hefty paychecks, and the orgy bit either wears off or gets formalized into it's own specialized sort of party. Unfortunately, when the Feds pass a law against dance music events, it applies equally to Miami as much as Montgomery. It is one of the reasons I've always advocated localized control over stuff normally left to the federal government.

And our (yes me too) attitude towards the rural and suburban areas doesn't help, either. They see us as elitist and mean-spirited, and they are right. As a city dweller I'm highly critical of suburban and rural life. Then my crazy ideas get voted down, and I'm even more critical of suburban and rural life. We gotta break the cycle, we have to figure out a way of getting the 99 percent majority to respect the minority interests a little more. Brute force isn't gonna work, it will have to start out with compromises first. Stupid stuff like not calling the party a rave actually helps, for one. Besides, the rave era is over. You gotta come up with a new concept and call it something different.

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Guest HangTheDJ

Stupid stuff like not calling the party a rave actually helps, for one. Besides, the rave era is over. You gotta come up with a new concept and call it something different.

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Guest nadia

It seems like you're really pulling at straws trying to argue with one of the biggest and most reputable dictionaries out there..seeking out definitions from smaller, less known, and less reputable sources...

.. according to good old Merriam-Webster .. the word rave means:

2 entries found for rave.

To select an entry, click on it.


Main Entry: 1rave

Pronunciation: 'rAv

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): raved; rav·ing

Etymology: Middle English

intransitive senses

1 a : to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium b : to speak out wildly c : to talk with extreme enthusiasm <raved about its beauty>

2 : to move or advance violently : STORM <the iced gusts still rave and beat -- John Keats>

transitive senses : to utter in madness or frenzy

Main Entry: rave

Function: noun

1 : an act or instance of raving

2 : an extravagantly favorable criticism <the play received the critics' raves>

3 : a large overnight dance party featuring techno music and usually involving the taking of mind-altering drugs

When searched for on britannica.com the word rave pulls up:

Results 1-2 of 2.

techno - electronic dance music that first appeared in the U.S. in the 1980s ...

Ecstasy - Euphoria-inducing stimulant and hallucinogen.

i shall now use my favorite definition i found on hyperdictionary.com


Sarcastic invitation to continue a rave, often by someone who wishes the raver would get a clue but realises this is unlikely.

most of those definitions that don't say anyting about raves.. don't even say a whole hell of a lot about parties in general.. regardless.. bwahahah. try throwing one rave first.. before attempting to do what you want to do..

best wishes,

nadia - raving for far to long .. and long enough to know better.

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Well.. actually .. according to good old Merriam-Webster .. the word rave means:

2 entries found for rave.

To select an entry, click on it.


Main Entry: 1rave

Pronunciation: 'rAv

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): raved; rav·ing

Etymology: Middle English

intransitive senses

1 a : to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium b : to speak out wildly c : to talk with extreme enthusiasm <raved about its beauty>

2 : to move or advance violently : STORM <the iced gusts still rave and beat -- John Keats>

transitive senses : to utter in madness or frenzy

Main Entry: rave

Function: noun

1 : an act or instance of raving

2 : an extravagantly favorable criticism <the play received the critics' raves>

3 : a large overnight dance party featuring techno music and usually involving the taking of mind-altering drugs

When searched for on britannica.com the word rave pulls up:

Results 1-2 of 2.

techno - electronic dance music that first appeared in the U.S. in the 1980s ...

Ecstasy - Euphoria-inducing stimulant and hallucinogen.

i shall now use my favorite definition i found on hyperdictionary.com nRAVE ON!:

Sarcastic invitation to continue a rave, often by someone who wishes the raver would get a clue but realises this is unlikely.

owned!!!!!!!!! :o

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Guest HangTheDJ

:) lol. that one was funny, seriously.

and yes, i am trying to argue with one of the most reputable dictionaries out there, because at least one of its definitions is screwed up.

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Guest aj2234

do ur thing dude! don't let anyone stop you!

most of the people putting you down will be at ultra this year which is a large rave.

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Guest HangTheDJ

i am constantly at work on my thing. and believe me, these forums are about 1% of my thing. i certainly understand how people in miami don't give a fuck about central FL, but even if a perspective is a negative one, i still think it's important to listen to what people have to say. i feel sorry for any of the people putting me down if they actually think they are ruining my spirit. what they are doing is helping me think of more effective ways to go about my venture.

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Guest pod

You're right, people in Miami don't give a fuck about Central Florida. Hell, people in Miami realistically only care about Miami, New York, and South America.

I'll be honest. I don't care about Central Florida. To me it is too sanitized and touristy.

I applaud your efforts to do what you are doing, but I'll say it again, I think your efforts to do something of this nature are wasted on CFL.

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Guest HangTheDJ

But ultra is smart enough to advertise it as something else.

yes, which is why i think that it is so pointless that the word "rave" evokes so much negative emotion. ultra walks like a rave and talks like a rave. sure, i could sit back and throw events and keep writing "this is not a rave," on the flyer, but what if someone were to write "this is a rave." what is the difference between the two events? NOTHING. the only difference is the label.

can anyone tell me what's wrong with thinking just a little outside the box? trying something new? seeing what will happen? stepping up and challenging the way things are once in a while?

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Guest HangTheDJ

You're right, people in Miami don't give a fuck about Central Florida. Hell, people in Miami realistically only care about Miami, New York, and South America.

I'll be honest. I don't care about Central Florida. To me it is too sanitized and touristy.

I applaud your efforts to do what you are doing, but I'll say it again, I think your efforts to do something of this nature are wasted on CFL.

there is no work to be done in miami or new york, although i did hear the other day that ALL the best clubs in new york are gone. does anyone know if there is any truth to this? i'm gonna get on cooljunkie's ny forums.

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Guest pod

New Yorkers tend to be doomsayers, but I think NYC's scene is fine.

That being said, why bother with CFL at all, it will never be where it once was, or be a challenge to Miami. They're all too white-bread for that.

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Guest coach

But ultra is smart enough to advertise it as something else.

can anyone tell me what's wrong with thinking just a little outside the box? trying something new? seeing what will happen? stepping up and challenging the way things are once in a while?

A) Nobody said there is anything wrong with thinking outside the box. B) You may think you are thinking outside the box, but you are not. You just don't know. C) If you would stop being so combative and look at what *most* of the people are *not* trying to break your spirit, they are trying to give you some perspective from their experience.

Yes, they may seem negative, but you might eventually figure out that there is a reason for that. You need to figure out what that reason is so that you can deal with it. Many of these people have very good information which can help you.

The fact that they are even trying to take the time to do so is pretty darn cool, I think. It shows that they DO care, not that they don't give a fuck. Why would they spend their time writing if they didn't care?

Many people have wished you good luck, despite your combative attitude and arrogant manner. You demean them while they are trying to give you good advice. Many of these people have been through what you are going through, or about to go through, many have been through worse. You think your situation is so unique, it is not. You can learn from these people, really. Just be open to ideas different than your own.

I know, like has been said before, I was just like you at your age, I still am, to an extent. And, though I was a pioneer, I also *now* realize that I could have saved myself a lot of pain, wasted effort, and wasted money, if I had heeded the advice of people more experienced than I.

In any case, I'll say, like many others have, I do wish you good fortune. I hope that you can acheive great things for electronic music. I hope that you will not make things worse for what is left of our scene than they already are. I hope to one day be standing in enormous lines trying to get into one of your massive events.

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Guest somefiercehouse

I'm over this just as much as everyone else on here....but he's right, if you don't want to hear it, don't read this post.

HOWEVER....all you people that are being so pesimistic about this whole topic, a lot of you are the same people who were talking about the election last week. saying how the people that were upset about the results and saying they would move or whatever should go out and do something about it. I think it's kind of hypocritical for some of you to be telling this guy to give up and all that when all he is really doing is standing up for what he believes in. The country's view on EDM culture needs a little help no doubt, at least he is out there trying to help it.

Just my 2 cents, it doesn't apply to all of you, but i think you see my point.

keep hangin those dj's or whatever it is you do man!

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Guest HangTheDJ

coach, you have definitely misunderstood me, and i think this is why...i could post EVERY thought running through my head, but i would be writing a novel. the truth is, i have been taking EVERYBODY'S points into consideration, and i thank everybody for their comments, even if there are snide or sarcastic remarks mixed in. i do, however, bite back at sarcasm, even if it's accompanied by the most brilliant point ever made. none of my comments, good or bad, are not to be taken where they are not deserved, and no sarcasm has been aimed at anyone who has not given it.

all in all, there is no anger involved with me, i'm chillin. i'm starting a publication about CFL's electronica scene, and i'll see what happens. i understand your concern for the potential heartbreak i might go through if my idea ultimately fails, but the way that i look at it is this...trying and failing doesn't hurt NEARLY as much as failing to try. sure, people in CFL can get access to information about the few events we have here, but i feel that something tangible that's specifically dedicated to this music and this scene would be beneficial. there's only one way to find out...make it happen.

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