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What an idiot!!!

Guest klit

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Guest tres-b


He's got 17 reasons not to slit your wrist and then the names of the soldiers who have died in iraq asking for their forgiveness.

I think he is one of the biggest reasons the democrats lost this election.

Moore did more damage than good. He acts like he has legions of followers who religiously wait for his next posting. Mike, I have bad news, the only people taking you seriously are your fellow socialists in Hollywood.

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Guest Clarisa

he's a little bitch that will benefit from bush's tax cuts

I would actually call him a "fat bitch" but either one works. ;)

;D ;D

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Guest obby


He's got 17 reasons not to slit your wrist and then the names of the soldiers who have died in iraq asking for their forgiveness.

I think he is one of the biggest reasons the democrats lost this election.

Moore did more damage than good. He acts like he has legions of followers who religiously wait for his next posting. Mike, I have bad news, the only people taking you seriously are your fellow socialists in Hollywood.

Indeed he is a socialist and his followers too. They are entitled to have that belief but they are in the last place that that logic actually has any relevance, AMERICA! (Longest lasting democracy to date). Socialism is an old, tired failure. Why he/they embrace such a historically failed ideology and logic really has me scratching my head? He/they might want to try selling that in another capitalistic republic super power. It comes across like a student lecturing the professor. America earned it's rightful place in the world. America was not given it's power and success. It was not entitled, nor were any others. Success should never be punished, rather, it should be applauded and taught to all that will listen. He/they seem to share the same gene as Sen. John Kerry and most of today's democrats.

He/they tried to imply Bush was not even worthy of winning the election in 2000. Gore won the popular vote by 500,000 and most of his supporters screamed that from the mountain tops and planted the seed of illegitimacy. 2 yrs. later, America spoke again and gave Republicans the majority in both houses of congress. Regardless of what was staring them right in the face, He/they insisted on regurgitating the myth of President Bush's illegitimacy. Let's review shall we? He wins a close one in 2000, Demz believe it's just a fluke. There's no way America would disagree w/ them, Right? Then comes 2002 mid-term elections and POW, Republicans clean house. Take congress and governorships. Still, these same OMNISCIENT haters choose to point blame and invent conspiracy rather than soul search. Finally, 2004 presidential election, President Bush wins the popular vote by almost 4,000,000 (yes, 4 million and counting,,,,still counting absentee votes). President Bush wins the electoral vote. Republicans gain even more seats from both houses of congress and increase even more governorships. America again spoke LOUDLY. Apparently the last 2 times fell upon deaf ears.

He/they must see the major tidal shift in the culture of America. Looks like Americans aren't as dumb as he/they thought they were. The rest of the globe is still drinking the Kerry Kool-Aid, but as of Nov 2nd,,, Kerry WHO??????? The SILENT MAJORITY has again spoken and spoken loudly.

Both Demz and Repz knew the stakes of this election. They both knew w/ Repz controlling congress, a Bush re-election could possibly bring desperately needed conservative change to our Gov't. With Supreme Court Justices expected to retire w/in the next few years (maybe up to 4 Justices), this could mean "quite a bit" don't ya' think? Right now, the 9 judge panel consists of 5 Repz and 4 Demz. President Bush appointing up to 4 Supreme Court Justices (which they will hold for life)? Do you think he/they are shaking in their boots yet? Well they shouln't . Bush is not the NAZI their dying raza" claims he is (Just check your latest election map,,,and good luck finding any BLUE). So, I understand the "dirty trix". I understand the hate. I understand why Moore and the left chose to attack the man rather than his policy. They again "mis-underestimated" the American people and their value of character, core convictions and principle. Apparently, character does matter. they can't have a record of "liberalism" and FAKE being a conservative come election time. Maybe in the past, but not today, NO WAY.

I guess the good guy does win out at the end.

Sorry, I had to air out after reading such hate from his part.

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Guest tres-b

And the fact he mentions Cynthia Mckinney is a positive light just exposes him further as a total bufoon. She is one of least intelligent, poorly spoken, morons in the entire country. She is a disgrace to all humans.

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one thing i found interesting about the election is the fact that the citizens of new york, the people that were most affected by 9/11, voted 82% for kerry. these are the mothers, fathers, children, widows, and widowers that lost loved ones on 9/11/01, not to mention the fact that every citizen in new york found themselves to be a terrorist target. these people overwhelmingly decided that gwb is not an adequate leader of this country. why is that???

also i found it interesting that the metropolitan areas of the usa, ny, miami, los angeles, chicago, detroit, all of the states (besides fl) that house these cities, voted kerry. i don't think city folk are "smarter" than country folk, but i do think that those of us that live in urban areas are more exposed to various cultures, languages, etc, that creates a broader view of the world.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

i actually liked moore's 17 reasons not to slit your wrists. damn, i feel like that right now!

i find it funny that the only insult conservatives can come up with to attack moore is that he's FAT. big f'ing deal.

this country is headed for destruction. did anyone actually watch Fahrenheit 9/11. If you did, did you just cover your ears or ignore all the evidence of the bush family dealing with the Saudis? Or that James Bath (who was with Bush during his National Guard Service) served as the go-between linking the Bushes, Bin Ladins and Saudis?

Why are we in Iraq guys? Tell me the reasons. Why are all of our military over there dying? What about Bin Laden (who, according to Bush, was the mastermind behind the September 11 attacks)? Why haven't we gone after him?

Lies, lies, lies, lies.... that's how I'll remember first Bush administration and that's how I'll think of the second.

Aside from that, I suppose you conservative people are against women's rights (abortions will probably be illegal by the time Bush gets out of office) and homophobic (thanks guys, now homosexuals can't get married - Bush is in office again!), and have absolutely no concern about education or the environment (which Bush has done almost nothing for since going into office four years ago).


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Guest JMT

when you start getting your news from movies, you have problems.

and judging by those reasonings, you dont really have a factual grasp of most of those issues.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

when you start getting your news from movies, you have problems.

and judging by those reasonings, you dont really have a factual grasp of most of those issues.

oh, and when you get your facts from the President of the United States, politicians, the media and the Internet, that's better?

This was a DOCUMENTARY, with actual paperwork proving his claims. What documentation has your President given you?

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Guest JMT

when you start getting your news from movies, you have problems.

and judging by those reasonings, you dont really have a factual grasp of most of those issues.

oh, and when you get your facts from the President of the United States, politicians, the media and the Internet, that's better?

This was a DOCUMENTARY, with actual paperwork proving his claims. What documentation has your President given you?

this is pure comedy.

where are people supposed to get news from if not the media and internet? a bathroom stall?

"documentary"? you must not know the meaning of the word. its has been repeatedly documented that the film contained many errors. you werent born yesterday by any chance, were you? puleeeez, try picking a different messiah other than Michael Moore.

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Guest macboy

Oh man, this is great stuff. For those of you who believe Farenheit 911 is 100% pure fact, please go rent "FarenHYPE 911", a response to his film detailing the inaccuaracies in his account.

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Guest web_norah

Oh man, this is great stuff. For those of you who believe Farenheit 911 is 100% pure fact, please go rent "FarenHYPE 911", a response to his film detailing the inaccuaracies in his account.

i havent ever said i believe everything that MM's film said but it sure RAISED a lot of questions, intriguing points, etc....

just like i dont believe that this country went to war for the right reasons

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Guest macboy

Oh man, this is great stuff. For those of you who believe Farenheit 911 is 100% pure fact, please go rent "FarenHYPE 911", a response to his film detailing the inaccuaracies in his account.

i havent ever said i believe everything that MM's film said but it sure RAISED a lot of questions, intriguing points, etc....

just like i dont believe that this country went to war for the right reasons

I wasn't directing it at you, Norah. :)

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Guest tres-b

when you start getting your news from movies, you have problems.

and judging by those reasonings, you dont really have a factual grasp of most of those issues.

oh, and when you get your facts from the President of the United States, politicians, the media and the Internet, that's better?

This was a DOCUMENTARY, with actual paperwork proving his claims. What documentation has your President given you?

Just the fact that you refer to F9/11 as a documentary is a joke. Wake up!

You liked the 17 points? How about the one talking about Cynthia Mckinney? She is an anti-semitic moron who cant form sentences that sound like the English language. Great 17 point presentation. Very helpful to Moore's minions of 100s.

As for the "only thing you can say is that he is fat" comment, get over it. I have plenty to say about people who matter. Moore is just a liberal guy in the field of entertainment who has a socialist agenda and hates America. If he had something important to say, I would address it. Fortunately, nothing important comes out of the Hollywood camp--Moore included.


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Guest saintjohn
thanks guys, now homosexuals can't get married - Bush is in office again!

"The president and I have the same position, fundamentally, on gay marriage. We do. Same position."

john kerry, as quoted in the new york times:


how, exactly, would a kerry presidency have advanced the cause of gay marriage?

the democrats don't feel compelled to do anything for the gay community. as long as the party appears to be one step to the left of the republicans, the gay vote is taken for granted. when bush backed the fma, the democrats decided to just sit back and criticize. that's easy enough, and it makes them seem like the true progressives. unfortunately, there's been no action to back up all of their high-minded rhetoric. where are the pro gay marriage initiatives? where are the state amendments to legalize domestic unions? where are the "friend of the court" filings in the california marriage license cases? where are the democratic presidential candidates who are willing to openly endorse full gay marriage? the quiet acceptance of second-class civil unions isn't enough. it's either marriage, or it's not. as long as the democrats enjoy the uncritical allegiance of the gay community (and its vote), they have no incentive to move beyond their current morally unacceptable, politically expedient, "domestic partnerships are good enough" position.

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Guest web_norah

if i am not mistaken Kerry at least had the decency to not attack the union of same sex couples, the way W did.

and president Clinton at least changed the gays in the military attitude.

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