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ATTN: DSL/Cable Internet Users

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So...ADELPHIA is on my shit list now as I can no longer access the internet from my home due to the OVER-ABUNDANCE of signal that is coming into my building...whatever that means.

Anyway, its time to switch providers and I need advice. I dont have a phone line at home so I dont even have dialup access right now. GRRRRRR!!!!!

What are you using, why do you like it, how much do you pay, etc. Obviously I wont be able to check this thread very often (Im at the public librbay now and even AIM is blocked!!!) but please let me know your thoughts.

Thanks in advance and Ill see you all at Freshmans. ;D

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I looked at all the options. However comcast is not in my complex and dsl by verizon or bell south is a freaking rip off. They force you to have a land line. So we opted to sign up for the Lan in my complex.

But I don't understand why you can't get adelphia to fix their shit..

usualy what happens is in apts the lines are so crossed, that sometimes, just hook up your pc without the modem and it works..

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Guest LdySphynx

That's why I love my Comcast, even thought that half of their Techs don't know what the hell they are doing......but still they are cheap as hell and very good internet service!!!

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Guest slamminshaun

I have BellSouth Fast Access. Despite two direct hits from hurricanes, my Internet always worked (well, when I had power restored it was up and running both times). I have NEVER had a service interruption, or have had issues with the service working too slow. My friends who had Adelphia on the other hand, had service interruption for weeks in September!! Despite this, they had to pay for the full month of service, even though their shit was down for 80% of the month.

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if u can get comcast high speed go for it...i got a great deal online thru them when i was living in miami, first 6 months for $19.95, than $50 bucks after that...i was paying 10 bucks a month cuz i was sharing w/ my roommate...(router)...wireless is the way to go...

right now here in orlando ive had free wireless high speed for the last 2 months...actually there r 3 laptops in this apt all connected lol...thanks to ? who cares lol...god i love wireless! ;D

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Guest swirlundergrounder

It depends on how the infrastructure is in your area with regards to DSL or Cable. When I lived in Seattle I used Cable. The infrastructure was good in my area so it was 5 to 6 times as fast as DSL is. So when I moved here I wanted Cable but it was not available in my area so I got DSL. When I moved to my new place a year later cable was now availavble so I got that. But the infrastuture in my area was new so in my experinece cable was a little slower and it go's down more than DSL.

If your area has had a strong Cable infrastructure for a while I would go with Cable because with an area with strong cable infrastructure, cable is more stable than DSL. If cable is new to your area go with DSL....

DSL also doesn't suffer from area clog because it operates on a broadband. So for instance if you have lets say a neighborhood with 50 houses and 25 of then have cable, if all 25 homes are online it will slow down your connection. DSL doesn't have this problem. But if the phone go's out so does your DSL. DSL is more affected by wheather than Cable is. But then again this all depends on how well the infrastructure is in you area for either Cable or DSL.

Since DSL has been in the South FLorida area longer than Cable I would get DSL...

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Guest slamminshaun

I told Adelphia I had already made the appointment to switch to Bellsouth and had told my building to do the same and ....WHAMO!!! I have my Adelphia Internet again!!! LMAO!!!

What I never understood about that is, why does it need to get to that point before you're considered a "valuable customer"??

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