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What Would Jesus Drive?

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Anyone seen this commercial paid for by environmentalists targeting christians who drive gas guzzling SUV's..

So people what would Jesus Drive?

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Guest slamminshaun

Anyone seen this commercial paid for by environmentalists targeting christians who drive gas guzzling SUV's..

So people what would Jesus Drive?

As I said before, Jesus would drive a Ford Excursion. He had alot of disciples!! :P

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Guest slamminshaun

Jesus would drive a 'Segway' people......

The Segway works in desert conditions eh? I'm stickin' with a 4x4 Diesel Ford Excursion ....

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Jesus would drive a 'Segway' people......

The Segway works in desert conditions eh? I'm stickin' with a 4x4 Diesel Ford Excursion ....

Actually a Segway can go pretty much anywhere..it even works on sand and gravel...I saw it being demo-ed about 6 years ago in Seattle on all kinds of surfaces and conditions....
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Guest saintjohn

thanks for the memories, pod.


ministry, indeed:


that's the website of the evangelical environmental network.

here's a rebuttal of sorts from one of your friends at the libertarian cato institute:

"What would Jesus drive?" asks the Rev. Bill Ball, director of something called the Evangelical Environmental Network and winner of the "15 minutes of fame" award in the print media last week. "Jesus wants his followers to drive the least-polluting, most efficient vehicle that truly meets their needs — though first he might look at other ways to get around." The media, which ate this guy up, report that Rev. Ball plans to spend $65,000 to convince Americans that the road to salvation lies in selling their SUVs.

Some rather obvious questions, of course, come to mind. First, would Jesus rather have Rev. Ball spend $65,000 to campaign against energy consumption or spend that money to feed the hungry or help the sick? Second, how in the world does Rev. Ball know Jesus's opinion about automotive engineering (is there a "Book of Ford" in the New Testament that I somehow missed)? Third, because we know that SUVs are safer to drive than the cars Rev. Ball would have us buy (a matter put to bed once and for all in a study issued by the National Academy of Sciences two years ago), would Jesus really want us to put our loved ones at risk to eek out a few more miles per gallon?

For shrillness, however, you can't beat the indefatigable Arianna Huffington or her sidekick, Bill Maher (late of Politically Incorrect). Huffington, for her part, has put together a national ad campaign arguing that, if you're driving an SUV, you're complicit in al Qaeda's terrorism. Maher, not to be outdone, has written a book entitled When You Ride Alone You Ride with bin Laden. Indeed, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting some smug blue-state wise guy who relishes turning the tables on SUV-driving "Red America" for their supposed lack of patriotism.

Never mind the fact that 80 percent of the gasoline we put in our tanks is refined from oil bought from outside the Persian Gulf. Never mind the fact that al Qaeda is funded not by the oil sheiks but by bin Laden's personal fortune (derived long ago from his family's construction business), criminal schemes run by entrepreneurial terrorists, wealthy Muslims who seem to have made their fortune outside of the oil business, and charity scams that harvest money from unsuspecting Muslims who think their dollars are going to war orphans. In fact, should al Qaeda win this war, it's the guys running the Persian Gulf oil fields today who'll be the first to hang — and they know it. The idea that Saudi Aramco or the Kuwaiti royal family is bankrolling al Qaeda on the side is half-baked nonsense.

Finally, there's the constant admonition from the self-righteous that SUVs are choking the life out of our "Big Blue Marble" and that only mindless materialism, greed, and self-absorption explains the lack of concern SUV drivers have for others. What goes unacknowledged, however, is that America's romance with SUVs coincided with tremendous improvements in air quality. Since 1980, ambient concentrations of carbon monoxide have dropped 61 percent, leaving only two small towns in California in violation of federal winter smog standards. Likewise in 1984, half of America's cities were in violation of federal summer smog standards, with those cities averaging 12 violations a year. By last year, however, only 14 percent of America's cities were in violation of those standards, with those cities experiencing but four violations a year. Sulfur dioxide emissions (the cause of acid rain) fell by 31 percent since 1980; lead emissions by 94 percent; and small particulate matter (perhaps the most dangerous air pollutant) by 50 percent. Clearly, SUVs and the environment can coexist nicely.

And as far as self-indulgence is concerned, where are those critics when they need a lift to the supermarket or hospital in the midst of a snowstorm? Cadging a ride of their SUV-driving neighbors, that's where. Where are they when they need to haul some new furniture or whatnot home from the store? Borrowing the neighbor's SUV more likely than not. When a troop of kids needs to be carted off to some activity, it's the neighborhood SUV-driving parent who plays bus driver, freeing other parents from duty and thereby keeping at least a couple of extra cars off the road. And should an accident occur, it's the SUV that is statistically more likely to save little Johnny from death or dismemberment — the hybrid battery-powered car is more likely to turn said Johnny into a pancake.

Look, if you don't like SUVs, don't drive them. But the high moral horse rode by SUVs' critics is in reality a low, half-witted donkey.

— Jerry Taylor is director of natural resources studies at the Cato Institute.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I'm really sorry to say this and I normally don't post things in this manner but some people are just really stupid....

Sure SUV's are safer..they're safer to the people who are driving the SUV...and deadlier to the people in cars who are hit by SUV's

Let look at some scenarios'... What if there were no SUV's on the road and everyone drove cars or there were no cars and everyone drove SUV's..basically the weight class of all vehicles driven by everyone was nearly the same... Wouldn't it be more logical to assume that there would be less fatalities on the road? And whats better for the environment? All cars or all SUV's on the road?

And people who drive SUV's all feel like they own the road and that they can drive which ever way they want becuz they feel that they are so safe in their SUV's..how do I know this??? ? I used to own an SUV until about half a year ago...

I know that SUV's don't handle as well as a car does and I know an SUV gives you a false sense of security when you're behind the wheel of one...

What vehicles do you always see turned upside down and engulffed in flames on the roads??? SUV's that have flipped over onto the other lane because people think they handle like cars do and that they have all this metal around them to protect them...

whatever..Go on driving your SUV and wasting gas... it's your money but please try to think that you don't rule the road and drive like a normal human being...

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Guest saintjohn
Sure SUV's are safer..they're safer to the people who are driving the SUV...and deadlier to the people in cars who are hit by SUV's

curiously, you haven't mentioned the cases where the drivers of cars are at fault. if a speeding miata, corvette, or slk runs a red light in my direction, i'd like to be protected by the biggest, heaviest, best-engineered safety cage on wheels i can afford. how about you?

there are a lot of factors that go into deciding which vehicle (if any) to drive, but personal safety is an issue for many prospective car buyers (including me). i agree that not everyone is willing or able to drive a super-sized suv safely in dense traffic, but rude and reckless drivers aren't limited to any certain vehicle type, size, or weight.

i take responsibility for my actions, but not everyone else does so. that's one of the reasons i chose to buy a big, relatively safe (five star crash rating) suv before they were "cool," and that's why i still drive that vehicle today.

i should note that my insurance rates dropped dramatically when i gave away my chevrolet cavalier. apparently, my insurance company is convinced that driving an suv makes sense (because i'm less likely to be killed or maimed in a crash), even if you're not.

whatever..Go on driving your SUV and wasting gas... it's your money but please try to think that you don't rule the road and drive like a normal human being...

thanks for your indulgence.

seriously, though, i share your frustration with bad drivers, regardless of what vehicles they happen to be operating. it'd be great if every person on the road would "drive like a normal human being," but until south florida's traffic improves dramatically, i'll stick with my relatively safe suv.

if it makes you feel any better, though, i do take my suv off-road (on designated trails) regularly, i use its cargo carrying capacity for work, and i always help my friends out whenever they need to move furniture or other stuff. also, i've driven it on hurricane relief and wildlife rescue missions.

and i've towed more than a few stranded econocars out of rising water during tropical storms.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

You know what Saint John, ever since I had my baby I've almost at times wished I had my SUV back because of the way people drive down here. And now that you clariffied that you have your SUV for the reasons of you being a responsible driver and wanting to feel safe becuz of all the crazy drivers in South Florida i understand and respect your reasons. It's the people who get SUV's to feel cool and feel that they are 'king shit of the road' who really get on my nerves......(a big reason why I got a car with 8 airbags...lol)

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Guest saintjohn
a big reason why I got a car with 8 airbags

eight airbags? now i'm jealous. automotive technology has come a long way in the last two decades. i'm really glad you're looking out for your family, especially on the unpredictable south florida streets.

i know how you feel about those "king of the road" types - i hate them, too. like your sig says, "live your life in a way that makes it easier for others to live theirs." it's too crowded down here to act like a jerk behind the wheel - or anywhere else.

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Guest pod

It is too bad most SUV drivers are the polar opposite of John. Seems most SUVs are built to have 26" rims slapped on them and driven down Washington Ave at 5 MPH.

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Guest slamminshaun

It's the people who get SUV's to feel cool and feel that they are 'king shit of the road' who really get on my nerves

So people who drive other types of vehicles simply based on its "cool appeal" don't get on your nerves? Just SUV's. I'm sure that owners of Dodge Vipers, Bentley's, Ferrari's, Rolls Royce's, and Lamborghini's certainly wouldn't get them to feel cool, nor would these guys ever think they are the "king shit of the road" when everyone else has a Honda, etc. ::)

As far as this "what would jesus drive" commercial goes, did you know that Chevy Chase, Cameron Diaz, and Gwenyth Paltrow who were in some of these commercials urging Americans to not drive or buy SUV's, actually own MANY SUV's between them???? I guess its "do as i say, not as i do" when you're a liberal huh? How can you preach this "what would jesus drive" bullshit, then have the nerve to own two or three of these freakin' things yourself? Can you explain that one to me?

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Guest saintjohn
So people who drive other types of vehicles simply based on its "cool appeal" don't get on your nerves? Just SUV's.

it's a natural reaction to "conspicuous consumption," and suvs are simply more conspicuous (due to their size) than other vehicles. the fact that suvs can inspire such a response is the primary reason that certain people want them. it's a demographic that manufacturers don't understand or even want, but it exists nonetheless.

ultimately, automotive fashion (and let's not kid ourselves, this debate is about form, not function) will evolve, and the mass appeal of suvs will seem curious, at best. i don't think that we'll all be riding segways with over-sized chrome rims in the near future, but things will change. that "small is the new black" mini ad may have been premature or just wishful thinking, but suvs are definitely evolving to meet shifting consumer desires. even a hybrid hummer is under development.

of course, i'm looking forward to the inevitable buyer's market of never-been-muddy offroad vehicles that will become available when the soccer moms don't have to drive the kids around anymore.

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Guest Diabolique

Ask any Christain fundementalist (ie John Ashcroft) who takes the bible literally and they'll tell you he'd drive whatever he wants. The bible states that christians can use the land anyway they want because armageddon will come and we have natural resources at our disposal until then. Seriously. These are the people that want to run our country, by the way...

so yeah, Jesus WOULD drive a hotrod ;D

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Guest JMT
The bible states that christians can use the land anyway they want because armageddon will come and we have natural resources at our disposal until then.

it does? i missed that part.

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