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Scott Peterson Verdict

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It's dangerous line we walk when you decide to end someone's life I think. I just don't believe that we as a society should make that decision. Here's my reasons - like 'em or not:

1. Jail sucks. Spending a lifetime behind bars getting railed by your cellmate is worse than death I think.

2. Captial Punishment costs more. I have read that the legal costs of the whole appeals process costs MUCH more than the cost to keep people in jail.

3. Who the hell do we think we are to make the decision to end someone's life? Man...I'd want to be pretty sure I was certain I was right to make that kind of call. Based on #1 and #2, I'd sooner not have death be an option...

My $0.02.

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Guest JMT

when a person kills another in cold blood, they made the decision to end their own life, imo.

im a believer in "doing onto others as you want done to you..."

ive also heard that its more costly to go though the series of appeals processes, but i firmly believe criminals need to fear the chance of paying a price that is more than life in prison. what we need is judicial reform in that regard.

if life in prison was worse then death, we would have no shortage of cons offing themselves, but that isnt the case. prisons are overflowing. i recall the MTV scared straight specials and the cats they showed were total beasts, they could prob handle themselves fine inside. i dont think you would find many takers if you offered prisoners a choice of a peaceful death or life while getting fed every day, tv, a bed, etc.

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Guest durrtylexx

It's dangerous line we walk when you decide to end someone's life I think. I just don't believe that we as a society should make that decision. Here's my reasons - like 'em or not:

1. Jail sucks. Spending a lifetime behind bars getting railed by your cellmate is worse than death I think.

2. Captial Punishment costs more. I have read that the legal costs of the whole appeals process costs MUCH more than the cost to keep people in jail.

3. Who the hell do we think we are to make the decision to end someone's life? Man...I'd want to be pretty sure I was certain I was right to make that kind of call. Based on #1 and #2, I'd sooner not have death be an option...

My $0.02.

same here..I rather kill myself then spend life in jail..fck that..

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Guest JMT

nowadays these scumbags can email, take classes, get married, do all kinds of shit. you dont hear about any of them who are complaining about preferring to die.

if they had to do life in solitary, then i might say death is better.

but these dudes getting thrown in are no creampuffs.

it doesnt really bother me that its more expensive to go through the appeals for an execution. i look at it as necessary.

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Guest bcnjunkie

but I support the death penalty 100%

aren't you the one the was saying that this country was built up on christian values.... The Bible clearly mandates "Thou shalt not kill". There are no special clauses stipulating punishment or revenge. I don't care how hiddeous the crime, we are in no authority to take someone elses life. Life is prison I'm sure is not a walk in the park as you guys paint it. Plus if he goes to Jail he will be singled out and I'm sure he will pay dearly for what he did.

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Guest JMT

but I support the death penalty 100%

aren't you the one the was saying that this country was built up on christian values.... The Bible clearly mandates "Thou shalt not kill". There are no special clauses stipulating punishment or revenge. I don't care how hiddeous the crime, we are in no authority to take someone elses life. Life is prison I'm sure is not a walk in the park as you guys paint it. Plus if he goes to Jail he will be singled out and I'm sure he will pay dearly for what he did.

Christians follow the New Testament, thus Christ.

Ted Bundy lived fine in prison.

If something horrible happened to someone you loved, you would see things differently.

unless we reform our prisons, it is a WALK IN THE PARK for many of them.

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Guest bcnjunkie
If something horrible happened to someone you loved, you would see things differently.

I'm speaking from personal experience

Christians follow the New Testament, thus Christ.

when did christ say it was OK to kill ? I believe he said to give the other cheek... or am I mistaken ?

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Guest JMT
If something horrible happened to someone you loved, you would see things differently.

I'm speaking from personal experience

Christians follow the New Testament, thus Christ.

when did christ say it was OK to kill ? I believe he said to give the other cheek... or am I mistaken ?

if you were, then you would respect the fact others dont agree with your view here.

Jesus said "do onto others...."

its that liberal compassion that has our society f-ed and criminals getting released.

you should be supporting the death penalty, a great working example of separation of church and state. ;)

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Guest bcnjunkie
Jesus said "do onto others...."

you forgot to finish that quote "as you would like others to do onto you" If you would like someone to kill .... fine !

If you would like to hear about my personal experience I would be happy to tell you in person or by PM... and it's not a liberal compassion but rather a proper moral code of conduct.... being christian, you should be able to understand that no one has the authority to take a life but God, no ? executing someone is barbaric at best... it isn't civilized

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Guest JMT
Jesus said "do onto others...."

you forgot to finish that quote "as you would like others to do onto you" If you would like someone to kill .... fine !

If you would like to hear about my personal experience I would be happy to tell you in person or by PM... and it's not a liberal compassion but rather a proper moral code of conduct.... being christian, you should be able to understand that no one has the authority to take a life but God, no ? executing someone is barbaric at best... it isn't civilized

Bingo, dont murder unless you would want to be murdered.

i am human, im not God. I have anger and feel that people who cant refrain from cold blooded murder have given up the right to live (proven beyond a reasonble doubt, of course).

lethal injection is quite painless, doctors say. make that the standard.

i have seen stories where inmates continue to harass the familes of their victims from prison. maybe they should allow for the family to decide death? maybe, but there needs to be something more to fear than prison. our society is proof that prison here doesnt work alone.

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Guest bcnjunkie
dont murder unless you would want to be murdered.

that's a code of conduct not a punishment guide .... all supposed christians always twist things around when it suits them, "thou shalt not kill" suddenly becomes "thou shalt not kill except in certain instances" ... by the way I remeber in one post you said that the 10 commandments are applicable even today and you were also specific in pointing out that we don't use the hammurabi code... well "an eye for an eye" is what you're suggesting .... capital punishment has nothing to do with "do on to others......" otherwise it would read "do onto others as others have done on to you"

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Guest JMT

killing by injection is still murder...

murder means to kill unlawfully. executing a convicted killer is lawful, imo. he/she has forfeited the right to live within society's laws.

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Guest JMT
dont murder unless you would want to be murdered.

that's a code of conduct not a punishment guide .... all supposed christians always twist things around when it suits them, "thou shalt not kill" suddenly becomes "thou shalt not kill except in certain instances" ... by the way I remeber in one post you said that the 10 commandments are applicable even today and you were also specific in pointing out that we don't use the hammurabi code... well "an eye for an eye" is what you're suggesting .... capital punishment has nothing to do with "do on to others......" otherwise it would read "do onto others as others have done on to you"

see above. and i dont take a literal interpretation of the Bible. and im not Jewish, so I dont focus on the Old Testament. there are plenty of things that werent mentioned directly in it.

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Guest slamminshaun

but I support the death penalty 100%

aren't you the one the was saying that this country was built up on christian values.... The Bible clearly mandates "Thou shalt not kill". There are no special clauses stipulating punishment or revenge. I don't care how hiddeous the crime, we are in no authority to take someone elses life. Life is prison I'm sure is not a walk in the park as you guys paint it. Plus if he goes to Jail he will be singled out and I'm sure he will pay dearly for what he did.

But the same Bible says "an eye for an eye" to deal with those that break that commandment, so indeed that would be the special clause you are talking about that's "not there".

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Guest slamminshaun

Did you see the one juror--I think her name was Rochelle.

Unemployed mother of 4 w/ pink hair. This is a jury of my peers? Come on.

Wasn't she one of the jurors that said the trial was "circumstantial" and that it was his lack of emotion that she based the decision on?? How can you put someone to death on a "circumstantial" trial???

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Guest LdySphynx

I was actually one of those that was always against the Death Penalty, for the whole I think that even if it is lawful to do so it's still murder!!!

But, after this trial i'm all for it......put yourself in the shoes of Laci's mom & family, how would you feel about the person that murdered your daughter and unborn grandson in cold blood with no remorse?

Taking the law into their own hands is how alot of parents feel when this type of crime happens to a loved one, but as they say 2 wrongs don't make a right.

I say the gas him, leathal injection is way too fast for this fucker.....not so much Laci's death, but just the thought that Laci aborted Connor while in the water and God only knows the ordeal and suffering that baby went through until it died.

That alone is more than enough to kill this cynical bastard!!!!

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