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Great Inaguration News

Guest web_norah

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Guest web_norah

One of the deep pocketed-Bush fans helping foot the $40 million tab for George W.’s inauguration is Reverend Sun Myung Moon. The controversial head of the Unification Church — whose followers are sometimes derisively called “Moonies†— reportedly funneled $250,000 towards the lavish bash.

“The $250,000 cash contribution, which represents the limit set for such gifts, comes from the Moon-controlled Washington Television Center,†according to CultNews.com. “The Bushes do have a long-standing and fruitful relationship with Rev. Moon, which is why the South Korean religious leader makes it a point to attend their inaugurations and he can count on good seats.â€

“Don’t be surprised if George W. Bush pumps out a last-minute pardon for Rev. Moon on his tax-fraud conviction just before leaving the White House,†CultNews’s Rick Ross tells The Scoop. “After all, Reverend Moon has been very good to the Bush family and he may think they owe him one.â€


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Guest slamminshaun

As if Dubya is the only President that would be guilty of doing such a thing. Remember when Clinton pardoned Marc Rich? Rich's crimes included tax evasion, fraud and "trading with the enemy" -- Iran, during the hostage crisis. The Rich pardon received special attention because Denise Rich raised and donated more than $1 million (as opposed to $250,000) to the Democratic Party and also provided the Clintons directly with a $10,000 contribution to their legal defense fund (for the Whitewater scandal) and $7,300 worth of furniture.

How short-term our memories can be.

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As if Dubya is the only President that would be guilty of doing such a thing. Remember when Clinton pardoned Marc Rich? Rich's crimes included tax evasion' date=' fraud and "trading with the enemy" -- Iran, during the hostage crisis. The Rich pardon received special attention because Denise Rich raised and donated more than $1 million (as opposed to $250,000) to the Democratic Party and also provided the Clintons directly with a $10,000 contribution to their legal defense fund (for the Whitewater scandal) and $7,300 worth of furniture.

How short-term our memories can be.


Aside from Lewinsky...I think the Rich pardon will go down as one of the biggest stains on Clinton's presidency.

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Guest slamminshaun

speaking of donks... they might want to cut Ted Kennedy off sooner at these shindigs. (see last paragraph)


It always amused me that lefty's make fun of Dubya's mangling of the English language, but Ted Kennedy is the WORST speaker I've ever heard. Every other word is "um, der, uh"...now this....

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Guest LdySphynx

speaking of donks... they might want to cut Ted Kennedy off sooner at these shindigs. (see last paragraph)


It always amused me that lefty's make fun of Dubya's mangling of the English language' date=' but Ted Kennedy is the WORST speaker I've ever heard. Every other word is "um, der, uh"...now this....

[/quote']You got something against Lefties, Buddy........Huh Huh :P.

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Guest slamminshaun

You got something against Lefties, Buddy........Huh Huh :P.

Only their politics. They're usually more fun to have a drink with. Liberal chicks usually dress sexier too!! ;D

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Guest web_norah

i wont waiste time on Bush, instead i just thought this was such enlightening warm news, when 120000 troops are in Iraq.

you know with M Lewinsky, noone died right?

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Guest slamminshaun

i wont waiste time on Bush, instead i just thought this was such enlightening warm news, when 120000 troops are in Iraq.

you know with M Lewinsky, noone died right?

Debatable, especially among conspiracy theorists. The timing of the bombing in Africa that Clinton ordered was very convenient considering it took attention away from the Lewinsky scandal.

Also, the pardon of Marc Rich was pretty lousy considering he was doing business with the Iranians (which was against the law) at a time when Americans were held hostage there.

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Guest web_norah

so why is Bush dishing out so much cash for this inaguration? you know that other former presidents had very tamed events while the country is at war....austere and discrete -not pompous...but then again, you cant expect better from a tacky redneck like Dubya

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Guest web_norah

to rub it in the crybabies faces. its paid for by private donations, not tax dollars.

shut it

that's NOT the point............it is called we're at war, it isnt time to be throwing a huge bash when others are gone, risking their lives

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to rub it in the crybabies faces. its paid for by private donations, not tax dollars.

shut it

that's NOT the point............it is called we're at war, it isnt time to be throwing a huge bash when others are gone, risking their lives

to add to that point....

why didn't dubya tell all those warm-hearted contributors to put that large amount of money towards something a little more beneficial to the country.

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Guest slamminshaun

Not sure. Maybe we should ask Clinton why he didn't donate $1 million dollars to charity after Denise Rich forked it over as a payoff to get her husband pardoned.

As if the "Rock n Rollers Against Bush" charities that raised millions of dollars for TV commercials are beneficial. It works both ways, but libs have this funny notion that only conservatives and right-wingers do this.

And for all of you that went to Morillo last Saturday, SHAME ON YOU. Shame on you for partying into the wee hours of the morning and getting intoxicated while soldiers are in harms way over in Iraq. Look, you don't stop living life simply because there's a war going on. You can still live life and be sensitive to what's going on over there.

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Guest web_norah


keep spinning the wheel..

wtf does Clinton have to do with the tacky redneck dishing out all that dough for his 2nd inaguration? explain that please

he is the leader, commander in chief, the president that felt Iraq was in such need of being invaded (because his sorry ** couldnt bring a better escape goat for 9/11........and he is also the ONE who said, there were WMD..........not me or the rest of the cattle which had to go with his sorry ** desicion making process!!

do you get it now?

btw i wouldnt be caught dead with the rest of the greasy crackheads sweating Erick Morillo at Space, paying to hear his 10 Subliminal records every three hrs per hr he plays....when i can see him in an AC club just 5 mins away from my living room AND for free. as if......

i pay to see better DJs

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Guest web_norah

i pay to see better DJs


you got that flipped...you guys pay to see him play 3 hr low-common-denominator 145 bmp teenager trance

i am 30 and that shit was cool 8 yrs ago.

dont bring up the tight shirt Dolce Gabbana clad Dutch into this, i assure you, it is a losing argument for you guys.


surely, he can have a more toned down event ...and not spend all that money. i am not a party planner so i wouldnt know how much in exact $$$...i understand he has to major kiss ass to all his little contributors but certainly, not in such an extravagant way.

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Easier question' date=' how much is too much to spend on an inauguration?


of course you have a good point there, but...

keeping costs to a minimum should've been a focus, i doubt it was. of course cover all of the necessary security costs, but do what you can to lower some of the other costs. at least put forth the effort to do so...and with the extra money saved, put it towards a charitable organization, i think it would shed a good light on our government.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

As if Dubya is the only President that would be guilty of doing such a thing. Remember when Clinton pardoned Marc Rich? Rich's crimes included tax evasion' date=' fraud and "trading with the enemy" -- Iran, during the hostage crisis. The Rich pardon received special attention because Denise Rich raised and donated more than $1 million (as opposed to $250,000) to the Democratic Party and also provided the Clintons directly with a $10,000 contribution to their legal defense fund (for the Whitewater scandal) and $7,300 worth of furniture.

How short-term our memories can be.


I said "not surprised" as in...I'm not surprised because there have been tons of Presidents who have done this. ::)

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Guest slamminshaun

Ladies and gentleman, I decided to investigate this further. I noticed that Clinton spent $33 million on his inauguration back in 1993. Well, your fellow Cool Junkie took the privelege of adjusting $33 million for inflation to the year 2005. The result is:

$44,583,000 in 2005 dollars!!

compared to Bush's $40 million in 2005 dollars.

Does anyone think the mainstream press will pick up on this? I doubt it. It proves, that despite a "shaky economy" in 1991 (or at least that's what Clinton said to get elected), he spent more on his inauguration then Dubya has if you adjust the dollars for inflation. Anyone who cares to dispute this can do a Google search for an "inflation calculator" and do the math yourself.

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Guest JMT

where is that nut george soros and all his millions? they were just burning a whole in his pocket earlier, why doesnt he throw a few at things "more beneficial to the country?"

btw, i think its "scapegoat." ;)


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Guest web_norah

the country was not at war when Clinton was inagurated ...and there werent 150,000 troops and the cost wasnt an estimated 150 million to the country...........


and you think it'd be prudent of Dubya to not use all this pomp & spend all that money................

and one more thing, wtf does Soros have to do with this? he exemplifies philantrophy -since 1979 he's donated funds to help black students attend University of Cape Town in apartheid South Africa..........what has the Bush family done?

explain that.

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