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Christians issue gay warning on SpongeBob video

Guest trancepriest

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Guest maru37

Liberal, conservative, whatever...I feel like SpongeBob is a friggin' cartoon character and whoever would protest over a such a vague conclusion such as "SpongeBob promotes homosexuality" is simply a little too sensitive. If they are concerned parents, they can just turn it off so their kids can't watch it. Aren't there bigger problems in the world then an Asexual sponge who lives in a submerged pineapple? It all just seems a little silly to me, and not having anything to do with morals or values. A cartoon is a f'ing cartoon.

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Guest LdySphynx

You know what's worse than anything mentioned in this thread???


People who always assume shit, just because they have no real proof to what they say, the world would be such a much better place without those morons.......DAMMIT LEAVE SPONGEBOB ALONE!!!!!

I guess they assume my kids are gay cause they LOVE that character!!!!

Fuck Liberals, Conservatives, & Religion......we're all humans and are prone,made, & developed to make errors, sin, & be hypocrites.

Yes I am a Christian, but in no way do I live my life the way I should (especially when it is preached by a human being made of flesh and blood) just becuase he says "God" came to him last night......and ask me if I plan on changing anytime soon!!!!

I do have a God and he is my heart always, and I try to live my life to the best way I as a Human CAN.

My concious is clean & I know exactly where i'm going on my day of judgement.......I wonder if they feel the same!!!

When it comes down to it, what is Religion.............sadly in today's world a Money Maker, so who's the hypocrite!!!!

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Guest JMT

on a similar note, i read once that He-man was a gay cartoon. as a child i watched that show all the time, and i doubt i even knew what "gay" was then. i recently watched the opening credit segment of the cartoon on that 80s website and i must say there are some overtones that might be too much to be coincidence. regardless, it was a good cartoon then and lots of kids watched it. so they say sponge bob has some overtones.... could be, but i dont think it matters to the young kids who actually watch it. it seems like a harmless cartoon.

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Guest slamminshaun

Yeah, and some extreme religious groups used to say Bugs Bunny was anti-God because it portrayed talking animals. Hang me if I ever get that extreme.

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personally, i rather burn in hell. there'll be far more interesting people there, than a bunch of zzzzz personalities....

This is one of my favorite song quotes...

They say there's a heaven for those who will wait

Some say it's better but I say it ain't

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints

the Sinners are much more fun...

You know that only the good die young

- Billy Joel

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Guest tres-b

i dont do the bible.......and once again, it is usually most conservatives who do the pointing of fingers at this and that and the other...

If it is possible to paint w/ a broader stroke than this, I would like to know how...

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Guest Seb

My point was that Jesus was the author of the golden rule which you say you go by' date=' yet, you say "no" to all religion.


Where's the proof of that?

Not being critical, but where is the proof?

Matthew 7:12

the golden rule is one of most common rules know to man kind. Its common sense. The bible is just one of the first known texts to document it. Doesn't mean that Jesus can take responsiblity for it.

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Guest JMT

My point was that Jesus was the author of the golden rule which you say you go by, yet, you say "no" to all religion.

Where's the proof of that?

Not being critical, but where is the proof?

Matthew 7:12

the golden rule is one of most common rules know to man kind. Its common sense. The bible is just one of the first known texts to document it. Doesn't mean that Jesus can take responsiblity for it.

references to it existed earlier in history, but Moses and JC are the main reasons its known worldwide today.

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Guest Seb

My point was that Jesus was the author of the golden rule which you say you go by, yet, you say "no" to all religion.

Where's the proof of that?

Not being critical, but where is the proof?

Matthew 7:12

the golden rule is one of most common rules know to man kind. Its common sense. The bible is just one of the first known texts to document it. Doesn't mean that Jesus can take responsiblity for it.

references to it existed earlier in history, but Moses and JC are the main reasons its known worldwide today.

Either way its not exclusive to any religion. Its universal and thats what makes a good rule to follow. ;D

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Guest slamminshaun

The point was that many of the moralistic values we hold today (religious or not) were created by religious teachings, not a bunch of guys just wandering through the desert that thought being nice was just a good thing to do.

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