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Final Scratch , good or bad..

V. Barbarino

For a local resident dj playing localy every week is finaly scratch a good thing?  

  1. 1. For a local resident dj playing localy every week is finaly scratch a good thing?

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Guest JMT

I could care less if my fav dj's used 8 tracks, as long as the sound is good, the mixing is good and the track selection is good. Then who really cares anyway.


i couldnt agree more.

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Guest Darwin Castillo

I could care less if my fav dj's used 8 tracks, as long as the sound is good, the mixing is good and the track selection is good. Then who really cares anyway.


Yeah! This is the way to see it! Amen! :)

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Guest Cosmigonon

I could care less if my fav dj's used 8 tracks, as long as the sound is good, the mixing is good and the track selection is good. Then who really cares anyway.


I agree with you 100%. If the music is good, he could be playing a single CD for all I care... 8)

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As a former advocate of 'VINYL ONLY' dj'ng, I think that Final Scratch is a great way for dj's to experience the advance of technology while getting back to the roots of vinyl dj'ng all while allowing them to use cdj's at the same time.

I say, when it comes to adding more technology to dj'ng, bring it on.

I could have not said it better myself...

Now belive it or not... I actually DO NOT like CD's/CDJ's (although I have designed CD players and consulted for several DJ manuf. who make players)...

Now @ FS some may say I'm biased because I've consulted and help devolep the Final Scratch programs (since day-1), and I've tested and toured with every known version ever created...

I still will say as a Vinyl Junkie it's the only tool I've ever felt that gave credibility to the DJ while elevating the art form without taking away from the true roots!

I love my FS2 an could not live without it... there's no way I would have toured 13 countries in one year with 10+ crates! plus once you get familiar with the program and set up you can connect the ScratchAmp and an external harddrive (with over 1,200 tracks and plenty of room to spare) in a mere 8 min.

Soon there will be a single rack space scratch amp designed specifically for club installs. & a mixer will be released with the scratch amp built in as well ;)

I'd still rather the original record if available but FS2 allows me to crate a flawless set even if one of the turntables is completely jacked up.. i can still use one table to mix TWO different records 8)

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Here is why a local resident dj should not use FS for his local gigs.

No human dj has the discipline to follow his set flow and genre, with having thousands of tracks at his finger tips, a dj will always play tracks that he would have not normaly even brought to the club... Some might assume this is a good thing but it's not. A dj should prepare for his gig at home well before going to the club. Pack your crate and cd books. With FS, it allows a dj to really fuck up...

You can't prepare for your night with thousands of potential tracks that you now can play. It just won't work... At some point, you are going to do something really dumb....

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Guest ramon

Here is why a local resident dj should not use FS for his local gigs.

No human dj has the discipline to follow his set flow and genre, with having thousands of tracks at his finger tips, a dj will always play tracks that he would have not normaly even brought to the club... Some might assume this is a good thing but it's not. A dj should prepare for his gig at home well before going to the club. Pack your crate and cd books. With FS, it allows a dj to really fuck up...

You can't prepare for your night with thousands of potential tracks that you now can play. It just won't work... At some point, you are going to do something really dumb....

i think if anything it really gives you the ability to be more creative .. you can drag out an acapella or track you might have not normally been able to take with you. a dj set's set should come from reading the crowd and knowing what works it shouldn't be something planned if so why dj? sure you have a few tracks you are playing at the moment, but you dont have an entire set of it, a large part of djing is programming imo and if you can't do that i don't care how good you can mix you won't be a good dj on the other bad mixing can't be made up for the most part with great programming.

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Here is why a local resident dj should not use FS for his local gigs.

No human dj has the discipline to follow his set flow and genre, with having thousands of tracks at his finger tips, a dj will always play tracks that he would have not normaly even brought to the club... Some might assume this is a good thing but it's not. A dj should prepare for his gig at home well before going to the club. Pack your crate and cd books. With FS, it allows a dj to really fuck up...

You can't prepare for your night with thousands of potential tracks that you now can play. It just won't work... At some point, you are going to do something really dumb....

i think if anything it really gives you the ability to be more creative .. you can drag out an acapella or track you might have not normally been able to take with you. a dj set's set should come from reading the crowd and knowing what works it shouldn't be something planned if so why dj? sure you have a few tracks you are playing at the moment, but you dont have an entire set of it, a large part of djing is programming imo and if you can't do that i don't care how good you can mix you won't be a good dj on the other bad mixing can't be made up for the most part with great programming.

If you packed 50 tracks that fit into the club you are spinning at and prepare for the night then another guy uses FS and has 1000 tracks to choose from; who has the better set?

My money is on the first guy.... I know his set will not take any wacky turns for the worst... Every track is hand picked. The FS thing allows a dj to see a track and say "oh that may work here"

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Guest ramon

Here is why a local resident dj should not use FS for his local gigs.

No human dj has the discipline to follow his set flow and genre, with having thousands of tracks at his finger tips, a dj will always play tracks that he would have not normaly even brought to the club... Some might assume this is a good thing but it's not. A dj should prepare for his gig at home well before going to the club. Pack your crate and cd books. With FS, it allows a dj to really fuck up...

You can't prepare for your night with thousands of potential tracks that you now can play. It just won't work... At some point, you are going to do something really dumb....

i think if anything it really gives you the ability to be more creative .. you can drag out an acapella or track you might have not normally been able to take with you. a dj set's set should come from reading the crowd and knowing what works it shouldn't be something planned if so why dj? sure you have a few tracks you are playing at the moment, but you dont have an entire set of it, a large part of djing is programming imo and if you can't do that i don't care how good you can mix you won't be a good dj on the other bad mixing can't be made up for the most part with great programming.

If you packed 50 tracks that fit into the club you are spinning at and prepare for the night then another guy uses FS and has 1000 tracks to choose from; who has the better set?

My money is on the first guy.... I know his set will not take any wacky turns for the worst... Every track is hand picked. The FS thing allows a dj to see a track and say "oh that may work here"

why you must pick 50 tracks to play? why can't you just play what you want or what you think the crowd will feel as the night goes? as i said before you have to be in touch with your crowd and unless you know everyone out there those 50 tracks might not cut it .. having access to 1000 might make it easier to dj that night because you bring in something completely different than what you might play because you think it might work. :)

you are stopping creativity by limiting people to just a certian record box.

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Here is why a local resident dj should not use FS for his local gigs.

No human dj has the discipline to follow his set flow and genre, with having thousands of tracks at his finger tips, a dj will always play tracks that he would have not normaly even brought to the club... Some might assume this is a good thing but it's not. A dj should prepare for his gig at home well before going to the club. Pack your crate and cd books. With FS, it allows a dj to really fuck up...

You can't prepare for your night with thousands of potential tracks that you now can play. It just won't work... At some point, you are going to do something really dumb....

i think if anything it really gives you the ability to be more creative .. you can drag out an acapella or track you might have not normally been able to take with you. a dj set's set should come from reading the crowd and knowing what works it shouldn't be something planned if so why dj? sure you have a few tracks you are playing at the moment, but you dont have an entire set of it, a large part of djing is programming imo and if you can't do that i don't care how good you can mix you won't be a good dj on the other bad mixing can't be made up for the most part with great programming.

If you packed 50 tracks that fit into the club you are spinning at and prepare for the night then another guy uses FS and has 1000 tracks to choose from; who has the better set?

My money is on the first guy.... I know his set will not take any wacky turns for the worst... Every track is hand picked. The FS thing allows a dj to see a track and say "oh that may work here"

why you must pick 50 tracks to play? why can't you just play what you want or what you think the crowd will feel as the night goes? as i said before you have to be in touch with your crowd and unless you know everyone out there those 50 tracks might not cut it .. having access to 1000 might make it easier to dj that night because you bring in something completely different than what you might play because you think it might work. :)

you are stopping creativity by limiting people to just a certian record box.

Sorry Nick but i think you're wrong here and Ramon's on point.

With FS, you can still plan your set at home Nick... but lets say you plan to play a certain track in your box.. and the crowd just isn't feeling it... the dj will be able to quickly think of another track that will easily mix in place of that one and go from there... He has more "back up" in the event the crowd isn't into what he had originally planned to play....

I do believe a dj should have a sort of idea or set list in mind to play... but at times you get a crowd that just isn't into it... some dj's are versitile and can immediately pick up with the crowd wants/doesn't want - and with FS.. they have more tunes to choose from :P

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Personally I think Final scratch is one of the best things to happen in a while. Gives you the ability to carry all your music, yet allows you to do things that you can only do with vinyl records. Combining Digital technology with the flexibility of vinyl in my opinion is fascinating.

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oscar g and morillo don't need "back up".....

they know what their crowd wants and they give it to them...

So a B-side uses FS and he doesn't know what his crowd wants? ???

um okay ::)

bside doesn't hold a local residency like the others, clearly posted in my question...

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oscar g and morillo don't need "back up".....

they know what their crowd wants and they give it to them...

So a B-side uses FS and he doesn't know what his crowd wants? ???

um okay ::)

bside doesn't hold a local residency like the others, clearly posted in my question...

I thought bside had a residency in Lauderdale at BAR.

bside can you clarify please ???

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Exactly, why is the use of FS / FS2 an issue....

What difference does it make anyway...

most DJs (under 5 years experience) are not talented enough to utilize the standard gear let alone, hi-tech equipment...

It all boils down to "versatile experience"... the longer you've played in different enviorments the better you become as a DJ.


Oh and Nick your're dead wrong about theLocal DJ not properly using FS... I have over 1200 songs at my fingertips and on any given night I keep a steady flow and know exactly what I want to do and can adapt it when someone give me a $20 tip to play some bullshit... come out to my Monday night at E-BAR.. you'll here Classic Rock / Retro / Hip-Hop / Reggae / Danceall / and even some House all completely mixed for a continious of 5 hrs or more... there's no way I could or would want to do that without FS2... and that's something I ONLY do locally>>> Out of the country I primarily play House and NEVER play hip-hop (unless I'm booked for D&B)

and FYI: I do promote (& sometimes DJ) several nights in Ft. Lauderdale... but I've been promoting these nights @ E-BAR (which is a Hallway compared to other clubs I play) for almost two years.

>>>>> I've had the logest running Classics Hip-Hop night and the logest running Drum&Bass weekly in Ft. Lauderdale history...

and the funny thing is... I consider it "community service" instead of a residency; because I make ony a mere fraction of my normal fee.. we only play underground shit (unlike the rest of the block) & on off nights (not the normal weekend) and I am constantly putting other DJs in the loop and letting them play, while I just manage and promote the event from elsewhere.

8) No Djs were harmed while writing this post 8)

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Guest XxGrOoVeERICxX

Final Scratch, CD's, tapes, whatever you wanna use to make your set the best it can be, I'm all for it! Who cares what you use :)

Yo B-Side, you seem to know a lot about FS. I read somewhere they were coming out with FS but CD instead of vinyl. Can you confirm or give any info? Thanks!

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the soundcard (ScratchAmp) for FS2 has a switchable input so you can use either CDs or TT... and utilize all the standard features..

NOTE: you cannot use the effects from a CDX but all the hot cue's and loops work like normal..

and it's not a seperate kit like before the new FS2 comes with timecode on both Vinyl and CD's. and you only need one scratch amp which now is Firewire only.

and finally both PC and Mac are equally stable.. although I prefer MAC (esp since my PC harddrive just took a shit)...

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Exactly, why is the use of FS / FS2 an issue....

What difference does it make anyway...

most DJs (under 5 years experience) are not talented enough to utilize the standard gear let alone, hi-tech equipment...

It all boils down to "versatile experience"... the longer you've played in different enviorments the better you become as a DJ.


Oh and Nick your're dead wrong about theLocal DJ not properly using FS... I have over 1200 songs at my fingertips and on any given night I keep a steady flow and know exactly what I want to do and can adapt it when someone give me a $20 tip to play some bullshit... come out to my Monday night at E-BAR.. you'll here Classic Rock / Retro / Hip-Hop / Reggae / Danceall / and even some House all completely mixed for a continious of 5 hrs or more... there's no way I could or would want to do that without FS2... and that's something I ONLY do locally>>> Out of the country I primarily play House and NEVER play hip-hop (unless I'm booked for D&B)

and FYI: I do promote (& sometimes DJ) several nights in Ft. Lauderdale... but I've been promoting these nights @ E-BAR (which is a Hallway compared to other clubs I play) for almost two years.

>>>>> I've had the logest running Classics Hip-Hop night and the logest running Drum&Bass weekly in Ft. Lauderdale history...

and the funny thing is... I consider it "community service" instead of a residency; because I make ony a mere fraction of my normal fee.. we only play underground shit (unlike the rest of the block) & on off nights (not the normal weekend) and I am constantly putting other DJs in the loop and letting them play, while I just manage and promote the event from elsewhere.

8) No Djs were harmed while writing this post 8)

Thanks B..

nick - game, set, match ;)

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