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How Big are your sunglasses?

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After taking pictures and looking at pictures of people with sunglasses on all over the country, I have been making an observation. In the last 3 months I have been in NYC, Ohio, Detroit, Toronto, and have looked at pictures from god knows how many places. I know it is Miami style to be over the top and the bigger the better, but come on. I don't mind people wearing sunglasses but, one that actually fit.

How big can your sunglasses be before they look totally idotic?

These are covering half of the face


Biz is okay, but girls are on her forehead


I won't even comment on this, it speaks for itself


MR S and his friends have it right


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Guest Clauds

aviators ;)

WERD!!!! Aviators are mad kewl and they seem to fit perfect if you know how to rock 'em!

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Guest mursa

I won't even comment on this, it speaks for itself


It really depends on what type of face one has that determines if the sunglasses look good or not ...


.. I for example have a wide face and my head isn't small so I opted for these , but in Black Versace_VE2022.jpg ....on me they look good, but i must admit some don't look good in em .

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Guest LeVeL

Hey its a form of style. If you dont like them then its you but a lot of people out there are into them.

I for one have no problem with the Aviator Style.

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Guest krazyyoya

It takes balls to wear things that no-one else is wearing....

I say hats off to the "trendsetters"!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest mikepayne

Come on guys, you all know this game... Which one of these is not like the other?


Hmmmmm... :P

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Guest anniilroc

LOL....no no no!!! u guys have it allllll wrong.

here is how it goes.....the more fucked up u get....the bigger the glasses......DUH!

like that no one sees all the make up melting away on ur skin....or huga black bags from endless-sleepless-fucked-up nights.


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Guest mikepayne

like that no one sees all the make up melting away on ur skin....or huga black bags from endless-sleepless-fucked-up nights.

Or huge bugeyes with dilated pupils. :P

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Guest mikepayne

are you guys aware that BIZ & NELSON DIAZ are in these pictures that you are bashing!!!!!!! :-\ :-\

They're not talking about Biz, they're talking about the girl in the picture with him. His shades are normal human size.

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Guest anniilroc

no one is bashing, i don't think.

big glasses are hot.... 8)...see?? lol.

no really, they are.

but they also DO help you hide when ur at space super banged up.

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Guest mikepayne

maybe i missed the part that said EXCEPT FOR BIZ & NELSON.


Nobody said LOOK AT BIZ AND NELSON'S SUNGLASSES either. Perhaps you think they're also talking about the girl on the left in the first picture who isn't wearing glasses at all?

Get a grip, relax, and realize that there's plenty of playful poking fun that goes on on this board, we're all grownups and know how to take a joke. This thread isn't a personal attack on anyone, it's just someone mentioning a trend and illustrating with pictures.

I doubt Biz or anyone else pictured above is going to lose any sleep over this thread. ::)

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Guest krazyyoya

if talking about "dialated pupils, bug eyes, running make up & bags under eyes" is considered "PLAYFUL POKING"....

then I reeeeeeaaally do need to grow up & be as mature & kool as you are my friend!!!!


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Guest mikepayne

if talking about "dialated pupils, bug eyes, running make up & bags under eyes" is considered "PLAYFUL POKING"....

then I reeeeeeaaally do need to grow up & be as mature & kool as you are my friend!!!!


I love how newbies want to come in and lay down their first posts talking a bunch of shit to the regulars here and telling them what kind of stuff should and shouldn't be posted. If you don't like what you're reading, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, mmmmk?

Oh, and I really apologize for not being "kool" enough for you, I'll try harder next time.

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Guest krazyyoya

is that the absolute best you can do?......totally switching lanes, pointing your jabs @ a "NEWBIE", after you've literally called people crackheads simply because of their personnal choice of sunglasses.

damn it sux being a "NEWBIE", i wish i was kool :'(

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Guest krazyyoya

this post is just to bump my numbers up so i won't be a "NEWBIE" anymore


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