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AD LIB: My mom wants me to convert to Scientology...

Guest vaughan

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Guest vaughan

OK... here's how this works... You've all done Ad Lib's.. .Kinda like that...

I start the story... and each person adds a sentance or two... or even a paragraph if you're feeling funny and creative... DO NOT QUOTE the story... just keep adding your work of art to it.... (Hey... it's Tuesday and I'm bored at work, and Nicole thought this would be really funny... so I'm gonna kick-it off!)


So I was walking in the mall the other day... And as I was shopping for a really cool new Trucker hat I saw on Ashton, I took a quick Starbucks break... I had to get off my feet for a second... My new UGG boots were KILLING me. Well, they were my sisters, so that might explain why. ANYWAY, back to the story... So, as I was sipping on my Starbucks Mint Mocha Chip Frappuccino®, my Sidekick starts blowing up... it's my freakin mom... The text message reads... "Vaughan, please call me right away... I really think you should consider converting to Scientology... Everyone's doing it!" I was sooo confused by the message, I ran outta the mall, hopped in my Beemer and headed home....

..... (pick-up where I left off people)

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Upon arriving at home, i see katie holmes and tom cruise coming to knock on my door like a bunch of jehovah's witnesses.. me, being the nice person that i am, invite them in to hang out in my pad... so they explain the scientology gig to me and i act interested.... little do they know, i called the saleen to come over and knock some sense into these clowns... so the saleen rolls up and starts guido fist pumping these ass hats to some nasty junior vasquez sets...

I bust out the camera and take some pics of Tom Cruise and katie holmes guido fist pumping in my living room.....next thing i know, the feds are knocking on my door... seems tom cruise sent out a secret code via Mission Impossible STyle....

so the feds knock down my door and..........

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The only thing that i can clearly remember is MJ asking me if i wanted to try a new soft drink called "Jesus Juice". I gladly accepted, knowing that i had a sore trought from earlier activites. However after drinking that soft drink i cannot remember much of what traspired, Although when i woke up the next day....

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my head was ponding harder than the system inside of space. most of my memories from the prior day had been erased.....what the fuck....i open my eyes and to my suprise here is willl smith in his boxer shorts hobering over my head asking me if i was ok??? what is going on????? is this some sort of dream i ask my self????...after i shake my head and take a good look around i notice i am in a 8x8 cell wearing only a pair of flip flops and the man i thought to be will smith was bill cosby asking me if i wanted a pudding pop or a light yet oh so tasty sugar free jello..............

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Guest LeVeL

So I proceed to look for Michael, to ask him what had happened since I didn't remember a thing.

I start looking around the Neverland Ranch Mansion when I entered a room and mistakenly bump into Janet Jackson who had a shirt on exposing one boob.....

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i asked jay why he thinks he is funny because quite frankly the man is a bore..... i then shockingly revealed to jay my true identity. i am the man behind triumph the insult comic..... so i put on the infamous puppet upon my left hand and i say IN A MICROPHONE NO LESS (shocking i know :P)........

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Guest michael^heaven

...he begs me to not reveal his love for coke. So, he hands me the pipe but...wait!!! I noticed it's not a pipe at all...it's...

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Guest LdySphynx

a Dildo and he asks me to give it back to Micheal Jackson cause he had stolen it from him (thinking it was a Bong) and MJ was going crazy looking for it. So as I try rushing back to the room I bump into Prince and he sees what I have in my hand and he asks what I plan to do with it, and..........................

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Guest aquabooty1078

My response to him was that I wanted to fix myself a muddled

Old Fashion cocktail.. So he proceeds to follow me into the the kitchen where we run into Angelina Jolie.. :o I will never forget the words she said to me.. which were......

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"my place or yours my love" i instantly forgot about the dildo in my hand and passionately grasped her thigh, started to lift up her short skirt where a sexy white garter belt was wrapped ever so tightly around her smooth upper leg."

she took me into the bedroom as prince stood in amazement and started to cook pancakes. after we shut the bedrooom door, angelina...

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(in continuation of blings post)

Took the 2 patches off of her eyes, and realized the magnitude of the mistake she had just made.

She proceeded to run out the door where she ran into bill kamal and said omg i have the same ugg boots as you...He paused and...

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Guest LdySphynx

and asked you have any idea where the 14 year old went? He was just here and disappeared when I showed him my......

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Guest pussErox

Turn the kid over to L. Ron Hubbard. They have agreed that him having custody of all younglings would be best fro Earth. Because it would make him feel good, and if it feels good, it must be allright!

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Guest KellyKel

But then...I decided this shit was Bananas!!! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!!

So I looked for the nearest escape!

As I was looking around....I heard a..

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fart.. i looked around and lo and behold i saw a 400 lb gorilla whose name was megilla. he came up to me and began to hump my leg. i screamed in holy terror and ran back to Neverland knowing that Michael enjoys taming these mighty beasts. as i entered the compound...

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Guest macfunk19

selling my ass in the street coner with sluts and hoes to bring more money for drugs and clubs..........

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Then i woke up and realized it was all a dream...I was falling behind and needed to get ready for a party that me and all of my friends were planning to attend later on that evening with some dj named derrick carter or something like that.

When i finally cleaned myself up and got dressed....

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