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y do girls suck

Guest tiltmiami

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Guest LeVeL

OK kids, do me a big favor and go to the Chesapeake Hotel off of Okeechobee Blvd.

Dan how you know about that, that is way out of your jurisdiction.................my my for someone who does not have a car you sure manage to get around ::).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh they just redid the Chesapeake Hotel...lol Pod :P

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Guest LeVeL

Messageboard 101:

1) DO NOT profess your affection or undying love for someone that you are not currently involoved with.

2) Any REALLY personal issues should be dealt with via PM...the entire board does not need to know your business.

More people should follow these listed on this board ::)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Sorry bro but you're fu*kin' one ugly MO-FO..

Just Kidding right....I hear this all the time from my friends from all different walks of life. My rich and poor friends. My friends with Benz's and Jags to my friends who drive the Metro bus..

They all say the same thing about SOBE women. That is if you don't drive at least a BMW 5 series then you are shit out of luck.

So what's the problem then? If you don't have a problem hooking up with girls from Broward or tourist from out of town. ASS-IS-ASS..Don't be so picky brother...

if you're getting down with some chick are you going to kick her out of bed just because she's not from SOBE? LOL

BTW people this is my past alter ego giving advice that I no longer practice because I'm an old dad guy now.....LOL

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Guest ericac

ok, and the last thing. tilt.

erica is super-cool.

just dont stress her out. if she likes you back i think she'll let you know. (i happened to be there the night of tantra)

if she dosent let you know, then assume she likes you but not in the relationship way.

putting this out there on a message board is a highly unlikely way to make any relationship progress, even is she does like you.

just a word to the wise cause i think you sound like an alright person, maybe just on the younger side of experience.

thanks satan :D !! Very sweet.

Thats right tilt listen to satan: a word from the wise

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Guest LdySphynx

Messageboard 101:

1) DO NOT profess your affection or undying love for someone that you are not currently involoved with.

2) Any REALLY personal issues should be dealt with via PM...the entire board does not need to know your business.

More people should follow these listed on this board ::)

Hence me asking why this sounded so familiar to me ;)!!!
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Guest Satan

Messageboard 101:

3) DO NOT start an ATTN: LULAMISHKA thread if you are not in the Circle of Trust.

4) If your name is DaveNavarro10...give up now.

LMAO, c!

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Guest LdySphynx

ok, and the last thing. tilt.

erica is super-cool.

just dont stress her out. if she likes you back i think she'll let you know. (i happened to be there the night of tantra)

if she dosent let you know, then assume she likes you but not in the relationship way.

putting this out there on a message board is a highly unlikely way to make any relationship progress, even is she does like you.

just a word to the wise cause i think you sound like an alright person, maybe just on the younger side of experience.

thanks satan :D !! Very sweet.

Thats right tilt listen to satan: a word from the wise

Yeah listen to Satan...................he has no shortage of PUSSY!!!!!

And he carries Pomegranate<<<<<or however you spell it :P!!!

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Guest lulamishka

Messageboard 101:

1) DO NOT profess your affection or undying love for someone that you are not currently involoved with.

2) Any REALLY personal issues should be dealt with via PM...the entire board does not need to know your business.

3) DO NOT start an ATTN: LULAMISHKA thread if you are not in the Circle of Trust.

4) If your name is DaveNavarro10...give up now.

5) Do not start bashing a club and/or dj with your 1st post.

Thank you...

The Mgmt

PS...Im sure there are MANY more but this is all I can think of at the moment. ;)

LOL Carisa. All are so true, so true...

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Sorry bro but you're fu*kin' one ugly MO-FO..

Just Kidding right....I hear this all the time from my friends from all different walks of life. My rich and poor friends. My friends with Benz's and Jags to my friends who drive the Metro bus..

They all say the same thing about SOBE women. That is if you don't drive at least a BMW 5 series then you are shit out of luck.

So what's the problem then? If you don't have a problem hooking up with girls from Broward or tourist from out of town. ASS-IS-ASS..Don't be so picky brother...

if you're getting down with some chick are you going to kick her out of bed just because she's not from SOBE? LOL

BTW people this is my past alter ego giving advice that I no longer practice because I'm an old dad guy now.....LOL

I was like...WTF!?!?! Somebody log off Turbo and put Terry back on. LOL!

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Guest Devilicious

LOL at you boys talking shit about "SOBE" girls/women because you can't get any of them. They're picky. They can be. If all they want is your car, then why would you want to be with them anyway?

There are a lot of shallow women in this town, and there are a hell of a lot of shallow men, too. There are also some truly good people, and you need not be discouraged by the riff-raff. You also need not be bitter (that goes for a lot of you) and make gross generalizations because of a negative experience you had.

Carisa's right, you can meet someone anywhere. My last boyfriend I literally met on the street at 3AM.

The idea that women who go to clubs in Miami are "not girlfriend material" is preposterous. Maybe YOU just aren't boyfriend material! Maybe the girls you choose are less than classy. Maybe you are going for girls who don't desire a boyfriend at all. And maybe, you're looking/trying too hard.

Sorry I'm late on this, but all this bullshit flying around just can't go unnoticed. There are greedy, selfish, fake people out there, and there are genuine, honest, loyal, real people too. Gender is not part of the equation, and neither is geography. You just have to learn how to read people.

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Guest Cosmigonon

I agree. I met my last gf at Nerve, and we had lots of fun while it lasted. I don't think I could be with a girl that doesn't like to party like me, I mean, that's basically what I like to do. If I started dating a girl that didn't liek to party, I don't think we'd last 2 months.

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Guest Clauds

I agree with T 100% ;)

Also, my last serious relationship was with someone I met at Club Spin and we were together for 2 years!!! So this whole crap about not meeting 'girlfriend material' chicks at clubs is so not true. I mean, you see a little bit of everything here in Miami but making stupid assumptions about girls before actually getting to know them is just retarted. Like T said, it's all about knowing how to read people.

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The idea that women who go to clubs in Miami are "not girlfriend material" is preposterous.

Where were you born and raised again?

Sorry but the born and raised Miami girl is very hard and has a lot of BS that comes along with them. Trust me I married one. ;D

Of course there are exceptions to every rule.

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Guest lulamishka

LOL at you boys talking shit about "SOBE" girls/women because you can't get any of them. They're picky. They can be. If all they want is your car, then why would you want to be with them anyway?

There are a lot of shallow women in this town, and there are a hell of a lot of shallow men, too. There are also some truly good people, and you need not be discouraged by the riff-raff. You also need not be bitter (that goes for a lot of you) and make gross generalizations because of a negative experience you had.

Carisa's right, you can meet someone anywhere. My last boyfriend I literally met on the street at 3AM.

The idea that women who go to clubs in Miami are "not girlfriend material" is preposterous. Maybe YOU just aren't boyfriend material! Maybe the girls you choose are less than classy. Maybe you are going for girls who don't desire a boyfriend at all. And maybe, you're looking/trying too hard.

Sorry I'm late on this, but all this bullshit flying around just can't go unnoticed. There are greedy, selfish, fake people out there, and there are genuine, honest, loyal, real people too. Gender is not part of the equation, and neither is geography. You just have to learn how to read people.


I second everything she just said.

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Guest lulamishka

The idea that women who go to clubs in Miami are "not girlfriend material" is preposterous.

Where were you born and raised again?

Sorry but the born and raised Miami girl is very hard and has a lot of BS that comes along with them. Trust me I married one. ;D

Of course there are exceptions to every rule.

Ahem. I was born & raised in Miami. I'm not hispanic. And no, I do not have "a lot of BS" that comes with me. I don't like games.

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Guest JMT

I know I'm not boyfriend material, so I fit in perfectly with girls who aren't girlfriend material.

lol, i like that logic.

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Guest lulamishka

Ahem. I was born & raised in Miami. I'm not hispanic. And no, I do not have "a lot of BS" that comes with me. I don't like games.

Please refer to line 3 of my post. :P

I know. But I still had to speak up. :P

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Guest pod

A lot of you people take dating waaay too seriously considering your ages.

Go out have fun, she likes you, fine, close escrow. If not, next!

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I agree. I met my last gf at Nerve, and we had lots of fun while it lasted. I don't think I could be with a girl that doesn't like to party like me, I mean, that's basically what I like to do. If I started dating a girl that didn't liek to party, I don't think we'd last 2 months.

Yep. I'm not a believer in the saying that 'opposites attract'. When it comes down to it, it's your similarities and the understanding of one anothers similarities that will keep you together with someone. The people who we are with, weather they are friends our we are intimate with them are generally a reflection of ourselves.
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Guest Electric Eel

The idea that women who go to clubs in Miami are "not girlfriend material" is preposterous.

Where were you born and raised again?

Sorry but the born and raised Miami girl is very hard and has a lot of BS that comes along with them. Trust me I married one. ;D

Of course there are exceptions to every rule.

Ahem. I was born & raised in Miami. I'm not hispanic. And no, I do not have "a lot of BS" that comes with me. I don't like games.

Amen to that! I wasn't born here but have been living here since I was 9 months so its just the same and i'm not hispanic as well.

This is why lula and I get along so well, also the other girls we hang with Carisa, Claud, T... We are all down to earth non-materialistic girls. Sure there are plenty out there but it doesnt mean we should all be stereotyped that way. I could give a shit what kind of car a guy drove and how much money he had. I have my own car, I own my own apt, I make a great living. I don't need a man to depend on. All I ask for is that their education level is somewhere near mine. All this stereotyping is driving me crazy!

To go back to the buying a girl a drink at a club, this is why I dont accept drinks from people that aren't my friends or i'm not interested in. I don't want to feel obligated to sit there and make conversation with someone i'm not interested in, I'd rather buy myself a drink.

I had to vent, thank you and have a nice day :-*

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Guest lulamishka

The idea that women who go to clubs in Miami are "not girlfriend material" is preposterous.

Where were you born and raised again?

Sorry but the born and raised Miami girl is very hard and has a lot of BS that comes along with them. Trust me I married one. ;D

Of course there are exceptions to every rule.

Ahem. I was born & raised in Miami. I'm not hispanic. And no, I do not have "a lot of BS" that comes with me. I don't like games.

Amen to that! I wasn't born here but have been living here since I was 9 months so its just the same and i'm not hispanic as well.

This is why lula and I get along so well, also the other girls we hang with Carisa, Claud, T... We are all down to earth non-materialistic girls. Sure there are plenty out there but it doesnt mean we should all be stereotyped that way. I could give a shit what kind of car a guy drove and how much money he had. I have my own car, I own my own apt, I make a great living. I don't need a man to depend on. All I ask for is that their education level is somewhere near mine. All this stereotyping is driving me crazy!

To go back to the buying a girl a drink at a club, this is why I dont accept drinks from people that aren't my friends or i'm not interested in. I don't want to feel obligated to sit there and make conversation with someone i'm not interested in, I'd rather buy myself a drink.

I had to vent, thank you and have a nice day :-*

;) :-* Between you and Talmage, I think everything has been said.

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