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Post a picture of your 'PET' thread

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Here's one we haven't done..Post some pics of your furry, winged or scaled companions..


This is my little cat 'Marble'. I found her on the street in Bal Harbour in front of the post office when she was only 4 weeks old. I picked her up and put her in my backpack and brought her home. I had to bottle feed her and everything. She's a handful now. But a sweat cat. Her and my dog wrestle with each other non stop. She's a little more than a year old

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Guest Diabolique

I have better pix offline, but..as you can see..she's trippin' O.U.T.! ;D

may I present: Isis


little known fact: kittens hallucinate (my thoery is they still do when they're older, just not as much)

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Guest saintjohn

Cool cats.

Terry, you never know what you'll find on the street in Bal Harbour. Nice name change, btw.

Orisha, I've got a cat that plays with mirrors, too. Never got a picture of her in the act, though.

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Guest ic143

Here's my family...

Dexter posing for the camera!


Sasha laying on her daddy...


Fat girl doing what she does best...


Bobi stealing a seat in the dog's crate...


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Guest shannon_coolj.

hi all. i haven't posted for a while but when i saw a post a picture of your pet post, i took that as a clue to jump back into junkie chatting. here is timo:


an interesting fact about timo. i've had timo for 5 years. when i adopted him, the pet store said, he's such a beautiful little boy! timo was always fluffy...his fur must have stood at least 2 inches above his skin - he was always a little puffball.

when i moved in with my husband a few months ago, we had to have timo shaved because my husband is allergic...and guess what? HE turned out to be a SHE! for 5 years, my poor cat suffered from gender identity issues. my cat and i have a lot of things to work through now.

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Guest Seb


she is almost identical to my cat Hercules who I had for 19 years and is no longer with us :'( He was a great cat. :)

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Guest kcariaga

This is a pic of my sweet, precious Destiny!


I know she looks evil here, but we caught her in mid-meow.


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Guest swirlundergrounder

This is a pic of my sweet, precious Destiny!


I know she looks evil here, but we caught her in mid-meow.


Remember that looks exactly like my cat Treble I was telling you guys about...
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Guest swirlundergrounder

hi all. i haven't posted for a while but when i saw a post a picture of your pet post, i took that as a clue to jump back into junkie chatting. here is timo:


an interesting fact about timo. i've had timo for 5 years. when i adopted him, the pet store said, he's such a beautiful little boy! timo was always fluffy...his fur must have stood at least 2 inches above his skin - he was always a little puffball.

when i moved in with my husband a few months ago, we had to have timo shaved because my husband is allergic...and guess what? HE turned out to be a SHE! for 5 years, my poor cat suffered from gender identity issues. my cat and i have a lot of things to work through now.

LOL your Timo is a she? You can call her 'Tima' or something now..So you kept your catg..Good to hear. Hows the shaving the cat thing working out with your hubby?
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Guest swirlundergrounder


My Precious.

Ha that's funny. There's a cat that lingers around my house that looks exactly like yours. We don't know if it's a stray. So we name it 'Patchy'.. Patchy is my cat 'Marble's nemesis. Patchy and marble hate each other and are always scowling through the window at one another
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Guest Devilicious

me and Zoë, chocolate lab, when she was a puppy


Sampson, when he was a puppy


Sampson, I think he's full grown here, weighing in at about 100 lbs!


They like to play.


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Guest Devilicious

I couldn't leave out my kitty cats.......

This is Eliot, who passed away earlier this year :'(

He was the best cat ever (I'm not really much of a cat person)

because he was independent, loving, sweet, strong, affectionate...

And he killed a lot of rodents. Sometimes he killed birds too though

and that was sad.


This is Yeats, who is only a year old. He is very sweet and affectionate, but will never be the regal creature Eliot was.

But damn if he isn't just one of the cutest things I've ever seen!

He also holds a special place in my heart because he was my late uncle's cat before he passed away.


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this is my lovebird sugar though we pronouce it SUHGEE!!

we got him when he was 3 weeks old from Sinbad bird store on bird road.

he talks

we taught him how to say three after we say 1....2...

he says "kiss kiss kiss the birdie" and also "peekaboo"

always been a bird lover....... not so much into dogs and cats


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Guest swirlundergrounder

this is my lovebird sugar though we pronouce it SUHGEE!!

we got him when he was 3 weeks old from Sinbad bird store on bird road.

he talks

we taught him how to say three after we say 1....2...

he says "kiss kiss kiss the birdie" and also "peekaboo"

always been a bird lover....... not so much into dogs and cats


Bro..I'm going to buy you a new camera.....LOL
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Guest lyrik


This is the love of my life Chuck...we call him bubba...notice the buuba gump lip.

Hopefully it posts up and stays with no red x.

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Guest Electric Eel


This is the love of my life Chuck...we call him bubba...notice the buuba gump lip.

Hopefully it posts up and stays with no red x.


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Guest Electric Eel

wow, so my bulldog is not the only crazy hyper bulldog out there. Good to know, lol

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Guest lyrik

wow, so my bulldog is not the only crazy hyper bulldog out there. Good to know, lol

I think all the bullies have such great personalities..my dog grew up exactly how I pictured him to be in my mind before we got him..I even detailed to my wife how he would act etc...and we laugh all the time at him becuase he is right on point. Best dog I have ever had...he's my 80 lb lap dog.

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Guest Electric Eel

wow, so my bulldog is not the only crazy hyper bulldog out there. Good to know, lol

I think all the bullies have such great personalities..my dog grew up exactly how I pictured him to be in my mind before we got him..I even detailed to my wife how he would act etc...and we laugh all the time at him becuase he is right on point. Best dog I have ever had...he's my 80 lb lap dog.

I totally agree, bulldogs are great dogs, such personalities. Lulu is the favorite in my building, little miss social butterfly, lol. Just waiting for her to get older so shes settles down just a little bit, she's definitely too much sometimes.

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Guest lyrik

wow, so my bulldog is not the only crazy hyper bulldog out there. Good to know, lol

I think all the bullies have such great personalities..my dog grew up exactly how I pictured him to be in my mind before we got him..I even detailed to my wife how he would act etc...and we laugh all the time at him becuase he is right on point. Best dog I have ever had...he's my 80 lb lap dog.

I totally agree, bulldogs are great dogs, such personalities. Lulu is the favorite in my building, little miss social butterfly, lol. Just waiting for her to get older so shes settles down just a little bit, she's definitely too much sometimes.

mine only has rare freak out sessions and def gets really excited around new people - other than that he is lazy couch potato...took 4 years but he is a lot better now than those tough early puppy days...he was a terror...but he loves people so much...he's a very sweet dog.

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Guest Electric Eel

wow, so my bulldog is not the only crazy hyper bulldog out there. Good to know, lol

I think all the bullies have such great personalities..my dog grew up exactly how I pictured him to be in my mind before we got him..I even detailed to my wife how he would act etc...and we laugh all the time at him becuase he is right on point. Best dog I have ever had...he's my 80 lb lap dog.

I totally agree, bulldogs are great dogs, such personalities. Lulu is the favorite in my building, little miss social butterfly, lol. Just waiting for her to get older so shes settles down just a little bit, she's definitely too much sometimes.

mine only has rare freak out sessions and def gets really excited around new people - other than that he is lazy couch potato...took 4 years but he is a lot better now than those tough early puppy days...he was a terror...but he loves people so much...he's a very sweet dog.

You mean I have to wait 2 more years, ahhh

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