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What have you accomplished today?......

Guest Chica

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Guest swirlundergrounder

It's 11:00 am

So far I've walked my dog.

Feed my baby breakfast.

Gave her a bath.

Packaged up an item I sold on ebay

BS'ed on CJ for a second

Vacummed my Living room

Did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen

Put away laundry

Did some calculations about the volatage of certain current configurations for school work.

Answered all my emails I got from the west coast last night.

Now I have to go put the baby to bed for a nap and then start my mid afternoon cycle....

I'll complete this message later when my day is done and this list will be 4 to 5 times as long...

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Guest Seb

I completed some TPS reports

thats just greeatttttttttt

ur gonna have to come in on sat and sunday as well..


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Guest LeVeL

Just got up from sleeping..yeah,yeah I have the day off.

Put some of my clothes in the washer, currently I am cleaning my house and Im rolling a fat Cripdo Blunt as we speak.

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Guest LeVeL

Did some calculations about the volatage of certain current configurations for school work.

Hey Terry you going to School for Electronics Engineering...well if you are.

I hope your enjoying measuring,analyzing, building circuits... that stuff is so interesting and fun. :)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Did some calculations about the volatage of certain current configurations for school work.

Hey Terry you going to School for Electronics Engineering...well if you are.

I hope your enjoying measuring' date='analyzing, building circuits... that stuff is so interesting and fun. :)

[/quote']I'm actually going to school for audio engineering. All of it is a lot of fun even though it can be a challange at times...

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Guest ericac

i woke up at 7am (as opposed to still being up from last night ;D)

applied to every job i saw posted on craigslist.com

have an interview in the morning :-\

jogged 4 miles

cleaned my car :o :o (to any1 who knows me thats HUGE)

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Guest Chica

Done with work THANK GOD

now I need to accomplish going to the gym lol now that's a hard one.........

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Guest mursa

On my way home from the gym , I saw a tetraplegic (sp) in one of those motorized scooters try to get into a store but couldn't ....i ran across the street to open the door for her ...she said thank you and i said your welcome

...Made me feel good (yea i know it seems corny)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

So far I've walked my dog.

Feed my baby breakfast.

Gave her a bath.

Packaged up an item I sold on ebay

BS'ed on CJ for a second

Vacummed my Living room

Did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen

Put away laundry

Did some calculations about the volatage of certain current configurations for school work.

Answered all my emails I got from the west coast last night.

To add to this list.

Took my dog for another walk.

Did about 2 hours of homework after I put my little girl to bed for a nap.

Did some push ups and curls.

had a snack.

made some dinner

went to office depot

went to school and spent 3 hours doing lab assignments

now I'm home and I have to pick up my daughters toys in the living room

Then I'm going to pop me some popcorn and watch ESPN to wind down and get to bed by 12:30am and wake up at 7AM and do this process again..

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Guest Civs

i'm awake. ready to jump in the pool. and then start work. i'm very fortunate to work out of home. makes my day less stressful, especially since i don't have to deal with traffic on a daily basis.

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