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Guest michael^heaven

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Guest trancepriest

On CNN.com video (free) government sources are talking at least 20 dead. Real bad news especially after London had been awarded the 2012 olympics.

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Guest michael^heaven
Real bad news especially after London had been awarded the 2012 olympics.

---Quite a coincidence...wouldn't you say??

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Guest trancepriest

I think the timing of this had more to do with the G8 summit... if it had went off yesterday then it would be olympic related. I heard soemthing in the news about an Israeli ambassador that should have been in the location of one of those bombings but he was warned by Scotland Yard about imminent terrorist attacks.

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Guest Chica

This is horrible! I hope my friends there are OK :( ...... God bless this country no one deserves this.....



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Guest Clauds

I think the timing of this had more to do with the G8 summit... if it had went off yesterday then it would be olympic related. I heard soemthing in the news about an Israeli ambassador that should have been in the location of one of those bombings but he was warned by Scotland Yard about imminent terrorist attacks.

I agree with you. This tragedy may be well linked to the G8 summit. Terrible indeed! Why do innocent people have to pay with their lives? :-\

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Guest tres-b

I think the timing of this had more to do with the G8 summit... if it had went off yesterday then it would be olympic related. I heard soemthing in the news about an Israeli ambassador that should have been in the location of one of those bombings but he was warned by Scotland Yard about imminent terrorist attacks.

I agree with you. This tragedy may be well linked to the G8 summit. Terrible indeed! Why do innocent people have to pay with their lives? :-\

Because Muslim terrorists put no value on human lives.

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i was thinking it was olympic related...i was just announced yesterday....so it could still be a possablilty?? ???

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Guest mursa

I think the timing of this had more to do with the G8 summit... if it had went off yesterday then it would be olympic related. I heard soemthing in the news about an Israeli ambassador that should have been in the location of one of those bombings but he was warned by Scotland Yard about imminent terrorist attacks.

I agree with you. This tragedy may be well linked to the G8 summit. Terrible indeed! Why do innocent people have to pay with their lives? :-\

Because Muslim terrorists put no value on human lives.

hey tres-b ...........


... lets go waste another couple of hundred billion on ridiculous wars...

..as you can see the war on terror is being won . ::)

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Guest mursa

close gitmo! leave iraq and afghanistan! appeasement is the key to making them stop. ::) ::)

No thats not it either ...........put those 300 billion that have been wasted so far into something called ... COUNTER TERRORISM OPS ..and we would be better off .

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Guest JMT

close gitmo! leave iraq and afghanistan! appeasement is the key to making them stop. ::) ::)

No thats not it either ...........put those 300 billion that have been wasted so far into something called ... COUNTER TERRORISM OPS ..and we would be better off .

you have a point. but i do think we needed to go into Afghanistan after 9/11.

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Guest tres-b

I think the timing of this had more to do with the G8 summit... if it had went off yesterday then it would be olympic related. I heard soemthing in the news about an Israeli ambassador that should have been in the location of one of those bombings but he was warned by Scotland Yard about imminent terrorist attacks.

I agree with you. This tragedy may be well linked to the G8 summit. Terrible indeed! Why do innocent people have to pay with their lives? :-\

Because Muslim terrorists put no value on human lives.

hey tres-b ...........


... lets go waste another couple of hundred billion on ridiculous wars...

..as you can see the war on terror is being won . ::)

Actually the war on terror is being won slowly but surely. Are there going to be attacks that occur? Today answered that. However, we have to be right 100% of the time. Terrorists only have to get it right once.

Having said that, your comment had nothing to do with mine. The money spent on the war in Afghanistan was not a waste. The money we continue to spend there to is not a waste. The money spent on Iraq is an investment in the future of the Middle East. The majority of Iraqiis are thrilled that Saddam has been removed. If you went over and asked all the people who have had family members murdered since the first Gulf War, they would give anything for this to have happened in 92.

Shame on France and Germany for not standing with the Coalition against terror. Shame on the citizens of Spain for bending to the will of Muslim low life terrorists post-Madrid massacre.

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Guest mursa

close gitmo! leave iraq and afghanistan! appeasement is the key to making them stop. ::) ::)

No thats not it either ...........put those 300 billion that have been wasted so far into something called ... COUNTER TERRORISM OPS ..and we would be better off .

you have a point. but i do think we needed to go into Afghanistan after 9/11.

I would accept going to Afganistan ............but i was more refering to Iraq.

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Guest djqba

It is really sad to see innocent people hurt because of some asshole who wants to make a point.. As far as I'm concern they are cowards and should be shown no mercy...

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Guest trancepriest

It is really sad to see innocent people hurt because of some asshole who wants to make a point.. As far as I'm concern they are cowards and should be shown no mercy...

They are terrorist willing to kill themselves.. about the only lack of mercy we can show them is to somehow capture them alive and burn them to death slowly. what type of lack of mercy were u considering... blinding them? Cutting off their toes and making them unbalanced for live. Hmmm... give some options. They are already willing to take a bullet, willing to blow themselves up, willing to face life in jail, etc. It's like fighting human zombies.. the only thing we can really fight... is to not turn them into zombies in the first place.

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Guest LeVeL

They are terrorist willing to kill themselves.. about the only lack of mercy we can show them is to somehow capture them alive and burn them to death slowly. what type of lack of mercy were u considering... blinding them? Cutting off their toes and making them unbalanced for live. Hmmm... give some options. They are already willing to take a bullet, willing to blow themselves up, willing to face life in jail, etc. It's like fighting human zombies.. the only thing we can really fight... is to not turn them into zombies in the first place.

U see when things like this happen we all tend to agree but lets talk a little bit about all those terrorist we have in Guantanamo Bay, its really something when we capture these fuckers and all the people and the media do is complain how bad we are treating them down there.

When we all know that they are more than capable of doing similar things that were done today without no mercy. Yet we show them all the mercy in the world and even feed them food and give them clothing and a bed to sleep on.

They dont deserve non of that shit in my opinion...they put allegations on us about Human Rights violations. But look what happened today, unsuspected citizens of London get bombed without no mercy at all.

I bet you anything that Algazeera is not airing this as the top news in the Arab World...I bet its all the BS the US had done...bla...bla..bla.

This is Bullshit!!These fucking camel riders deserve to be treated like the shit they are. :-X

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Guest trancepriest

This is Bullshit!!These fucking camel riders deserve to be treated like the shit they are. :-X

I'm sure alot of them drive BMW's and perhaps even have satellite TV too... ;D . Now what if some of those people are innocent? They sure haven't been tried in a court of law.

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Guest jbit

They are terrorist willing to kill themselves.. about the only lack of mercy we can show them is to somehow capture them alive and burn them to death slowly. what type of lack of mercy were u considering... blinding them? Cutting off their toes and making them unbalanced for live. Hmmm... give some options. They are already willing to take a bullet' date=' willing to blow themselves up, willing to face life in jail, etc. It's like fighting human zombies.. the only thing we can really fight... is to not turn them into zombies in the first place.


and all the people and the media do is complain how bad we are treating them down there.

You can thank the liberal media for that. The fact that a Quran gets flushed in a toilet makes bigger headlines than when someones head gets cut off these days.

Somethings way off kilter here.

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Guest LeVeL

This is Bullshit!!These fucking camel riders deserve to be treated like the shit they are. :-X

Now what if some of those people are innocent? they sure haven't been tried in a court of law.

Dont you think the people who got bombed today were innocent also and you know what they were never tried in a court of law either. They dont deserve this BS

But I guess you dont get it Mac Boy

All around the world the Allies are protrayed as Bad, we are protrayed as people full of greed and hungry for more power. The terrorist are considered the good guys in their part of the world, the terrorist are considered Heroes who risk their life to make statements by standing up for their people and Muslins saying its all for Allah.

Yet we the Allies are the ones trying to make peace in the world. We value human life and human rights we dont just kill innocent people, its no where in our strategy.

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