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lets have an open discussion

Guest tiltmiami

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Guest vegasguy25

Yup. Has to do with the fact that the vast majority of people are followers. If all they hear on the radio and see on TV is pop & hip hop, then that is what they are going to think they want.

With a hip hop nightclub, you have the billions of ad dollars spent by companies like Clear Channel and MTV backing your musical style.

With EDM, of any type, it is more about knowing what you like, or actually liking to dance. It is a more difficult style to promote because it does not have all that backing by the corporate music conglomerates.

Space has pulled it off because, even though they bring down great DJs and have marketed those to the niche EDM market, what they really do in their mass marketing is advertise themselves as THE fun place to be. For them, it is about making sure that everyone knows that *everyone* is going to be there. Same goes for Crobar, really. It's more about the party than the music. The fact that we get to enjoy our favorite type of music is just coincidental.

If you notice, all of the venues that promoted primarily on their music, Nerve, Privilege, NV, um, etc, have gone out of business.

If you throw a good party, the kind of music is less relevant. If you throw a good party WITH mainstream music, these days that is hip hop, then you have more marketing clout because of everyone's familiarity with it.

I think that is pretty much the best explanation we're going to hear on this topic.

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Guest vegasguy25
You wono't be seeing any decent dance music on the beach within the next 2 to 3 years.

So do you think Crobar is going to move downtown, or do you think they'll switch to an all hip hop format?

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Guest swirlundergrounder
You wono't be seeing any decent dance music on the beach within the next 2 to 3 years.

So do you think Crobar is going to move downtown, or do you think they'll switch to an all hip hop format?

It's a good question. Hasn't there been a rumor now for the past few years that Crobar was moving downtown? It all depends on the direction that they want to take their chain of clubs. With that being said, they would have to change their main music format here, NYC and Chicago.

The beach is becoming more and more commerical over the years. I've only lived here 3 full seasons and even I have seen this trend.

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Miami djs are playing the wrong kind of house...

What type of house should they be playing?

classic house tracks :P

FYI: 90% of the time... I only play CLASSICS (with the rare execption of an unreleased track that's bound to be hot)...... and I can barely get booked in my own State. :-X

I don't complain, because the crowds in Latin America are much nicer anyway ;D

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Miami djs are playing the wrong kind of house...

What type of house should they be playing?

classic house tracks :P

FYI: 90% of the time... I only play CLASSICS (with the rare execption of an unreleased track that's bound to be hot)...... and I can barely get booked in my own State. :-X

I don't complain, because the crowds in Latin America are much nicer anyway ;D

Bside, in due time young jedi....

We both know it's not the miami house scene but rather the house the miami djs are playing... I'm changing that.... I've had it with the house down here, I want the old days back...

Generaly Miami DJs have little understanding how to play FOR a room rather they play TO a room.

At Amika, with my ass on the line, I scouted that club, I knew what tracks to play and not to play. I came up with a blacklist of tracks Denny was not going to play. We talked about the set, the crowd, what the club wants, classics to play, style of house etc.. We prepared months ahead of time. I don't care if it's OG, you need to prepare to play a room and I think most djs don't...

When OG comes to NJ, Tsettos brings a crew and comes out, not just to support him, but rather they are fans of the guy, he's a legend. They learn, they compare, they show their respect and they all love house music.. I rarely see Miami djs doing this, all I see is Miami djs trying to sneak their way onto the decks thinking they can do what a OG does, aka bedroom dj syndrome.. When OG played Deko in NJ, Anthony Acid, Richie Santana, Scribbles, Tsettos and others all showed up... They are fans.. How come I never see Miami djs out at the clubs???

OG has no more god given talent than any of yous, he simply works harder..


ps bside, lets smoke a bomb and hit up noc tomorrow night..

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My 2 cents...Guys follow girls. If girls want dance music, guys want dance music. If girls want urban, guys want urban.

Hip Hop will be always be around just like house will always be around...both started around the same time. They just take turns.

Personally, hip hop allows you to get a little closer to the girl and actually be sensual with them. Dance is too fast and too much jumping.

I think also, restaurants are taking over the money people. I think more money gets blown in restaurants than dance clubs. Around here we have what I call "fake money". A lot of wannabe drug dealers who make a little cash and go and blow it in the VIP. There is always the exception so don't everyone go jump down my throat. But the real money...I see them at Barton G's, Prime 112, etc...

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Guest vegasguy25
You wono't be seeing any decent dance music on the beach within the next 2 to 3 years.

So do you think Crobar is going to move downtown, or do you think they'll switch to an all hip hop format?

It's a good question. Hasn't there been a rumor now for the past few years that Crobar was moving downtown? It all depends on the direction that they want to take their chain of clubs. With that being said, they would have to change their main music format here, NYC and Chicago.

The beach is becoming more and more commerical over the years. I've only lived here 3 full seasons and even I have seen this trend.

Crobar doesn't have to change their entire format. 1-2 nights of mainstream music and hip hop, and one night of house, is fine. That's what a lot of the clubs in Vegas do, or they have separate rooms with their formats all the time. For example, Pure has hip hop in the main room, mainstream in the red room, and house upstairs on the terrace. Ice has hip hop in the smaller front room, and house in the main room. That setup works quite well for the clubs, as many of them make money hand over fist.

I assume if crobar were to move downtown, they would be somewhere right around 11th St. That entertainment district with the special laws doesn't reach too far, does it?

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Guest tiltmiami

Open format its ok specially for Mansion which is goin after a high class people but wed,thurs same fucking music then u go to Opium friday is the sme shit it feels like som one is playing a cd.Nikolas i like the u spin now just a couple advices buy some new house the world is mine does not mix with candy shop and just play some more house in ur sets

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Guest djnikolas

Open format its ok specially for Mansion which is goin after a high class people but wed,thurs same fucking music then u go to Opium friday is the sme shit it feels like som one is playing a cd.Nikolas i like the u spin now just a couple advices buy some new house the world is mine does not mix with candy shop and just play some more house in ur sets

thanks for the advice .. im working on it baby ,, educate people is not easy .. and is harder educate the $$ of the owners .. lol

but like I said .. expect more and more house in my sets .. and the world is mine does mix perfectly with candy shop !! lolo just kidding

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Guest tiltmiami

Open format its ok specially for Mansion which is goin after a high class people but wed,thurs same fucking music then u go to Opium friday is the sme shit it feels like som one is playing a cd.Nikolas i like the u spin now just a couple advices buy some new house the world is mine does not mix with candy shop and just play some more house in ur sets

thanks for the advice .. im working on it baby ,, educate people is not easy .. and is harder educate the $$ of the owners .. lol

but like I said .. expect more and more house in my sets .. and the world is mine does mix perfectly with candy shop !! lolo just kidding

Cool u didnt took what i said in the wrong way,good i hope u play more house for now one and u are doing a good job @ Mansion

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Guest Diaga

Miami djs are playing the wrong kind of house...




Bside, in due time young jedi....

We both know it's not the miami house scene but rather the house the miami djs are playing... I'm changing that.... I've had it with the house down here, I want the old days back...

Generaly Miami DJs have little understanding how to play FOR a room rather they play TO a room.

At Amika, with my ass on the line, I scouted that club, I knew what tracks to play and not to play. I came up with a blacklist of tracks Denny was not going to play. We talked about the set, the crowd, what the club wants, classics to play, style of house etc.. We prepared months ahead of time. I don't care if it's OG, you need to prepare to play a room and I think most djs don't...

When OG comes to NJ, Tsettos brings a crew and comes out, not just to support him, but rather they are fans of the guy, he's a legend. They learn, they compare, they show their respect and they all love house music.. I rarely see Miami djs doing this, all I see is Miami djs trying to sneak their way onto the decks thinking they can do what a OG does, aka bedroom dj syndrome.. When OG played Deko in NJ, Anthony Acid, Richie Santana, Scribbles, Tsettos and others all showed up... They are fans.. How come I never see Miami djs out at the clubs???

OG has no more god given talent than any of yous, he simply works harder..


ps bside, lets smoke a bomb and hit up noc tomorrow night..


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bruno i know ur "new" to south beach but after a few months you'll realize how the places u mentioned just suck dick literally

i know dj's gotta make their $ so if they choose to work at a french owned aka tight leather pants place thats their choice..

but i cant even recall the last time i went to any of the "opium group" venues...

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Guest djqba

Miami djs are playing the wrong kind of house...




Bside, in due time young jedi....

We both know it's not the miami house scene but rather the house the miami djs are playing... I'm changing that.... I've had it with the house down here, I want the old days back...

Generaly Miami DJs have little understanding how to play FOR a room rather they play TO a room.

At Amika, with my ass on the line, I scouted that club, I knew what tracks to play and not to play. I came up with a blacklist of tracks Denny was not going to play. We talked about the set, the crowd, what the club wants, classics to play, style of house etc.. We prepared months ahead of time. I don't care if it's OG, you need to prepare to play a room and I think most djs don't...

When OG comes to NJ, Tsettos brings a crew and comes out, not just to support him, but rather they are fans of the guy, he's a legend. They learn, they compare, they show their respect and they all love house music.. I rarely see Miami djs doing this, all I see is Miami djs trying to sneak their way onto the decks thinking they can do what a OG does, aka bedroom dj syndrome.. When OG played Deko in NJ, Anthony Acid, Richie Santana, Scribbles, Tsettos and others all showed up... They are fans.. How come I never see Miami djs out at the clubs???

OG has no more god given talent than any of yous, he simply works harder..


ps bside, lets smoke a bomb and hit up noc tomorrow night..


I second this .... ;D

With that said dance music is about energy and a Dj has to take his crowd on a journey. Its not top 40 music so unless you gain your crowd trust you won't be able to play anything new.. I can tell you I try to play for the crowd and look for reactions when dropping a track.. I put a lot of love into my selections weekly and try to keep it fresh and clean. As to a mix format, I don't like it and that's it. I respect a DJ who can do it well and heard many do just that. But the truth is I like my shit Pure like the driven snow.. If I want hear Snoop, i don't want to hear Guns n' Roses next, I want to hear 50..enough said...

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