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$20 Cover and the Right Zip Code

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$20 Cover and the Right Zip Code

July 22, 2005

NYC map.JPGAnd you thought your doorman was picky.

We all know that most trends start in Europe, so you never know, this could creep across the ocean just in time for New Year's.

Over in Denmark, a nightclub decided to discriminate not on looks, age, fashion, or vibe, but rather on . . . postal code.

According to the Copenhagen Post, Club Retro, a hotspot in Helsingor (Elsinore), has had a history of trouble with patrons from two neighboring towns--Niva and Kokkedal.

Club Retro's solution?

They now forbid anyone from Niva or Kokkedal. Specifically, they deny access to anyone who lives in post codes between 2980 and 2990.

This could be a covert way of racial profiling, as the trouble-making patrons were believed to have immigrant backgrounds, and those postal codes skew towards immigrants.

Not everyone is thrilled with the new policy.

"I can understand that some people don't want their nightclubs hurt by people who cause problems, but I think it seems like unfair discrimination to take a whole postal district and say that people from there can't come in," said MP Peter Skaarup, chairman of parliament's justice committee and from the Danish People's Party.

Will the trend catch on? Who knows. But I can already see the poor souls from Queens and the Bronx, scratching their driver's license and changing their zip code to 10022.

-Jeff Wilser


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In NJ the piazza places tried this and they went to court and lost so did the taxi companies. A pizaa delivery guy once a day would get robbed at gun point in lakewood nj and the pizza places only would delivery to certain parts of the town, and then they lost and then stopped delivering altogether.. same thing for taxis..

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Guest macboy

In NJ the piazza places tried this and they went to court and lost so did the taxi companies. A pizaa delivery guy once a day would get robbed at gun point in lakewood nj and the pizza places only would delivery to certain parts of the town, and then they lost and then stopped delivering altogether.. same thing for taxis..

Nick, get me the info on that case. Interesting, but doesn't sound right, at least as to the pizza places. Cab companies are government regulated, so they have to follow rules. But pizza places can set their own boundaries and deliver to whomever they want.

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Guest slamminshaun

This could be a covert way of racial profiling,

As if venues in the U.S. don't have their own unique and subtle ways of racial profiling already.

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In NJ the piazza places tried this and they went to court and lost so did the taxi companies. A pizaa delivery guy once a day would get robbed at gun point in lakewood nj and the pizza places only would delivery to certain parts of the town, and then they lost and then stopped delivering altogether.. same thing for taxis..

Nick, get me the info on that case. Interesting, but doesn't sound right, at least as to the pizza places. Cab companies are government regulated, so they have to follow rules. But pizza places can set their own boundaries and deliver to whomever they want.

macboy, just type "pizza redlining" into google, and you'll get tons of material...

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In NJ the piazza places tried this and they went to court and lost so did the taxi companies. A pizaa delivery guy once a day would get robbed at gun point in lakewood nj and the pizza places only would delivery to certain parts of the town, and then they lost and then stopped delivering altogether.. same thing for taxis..

Nick, get me the info on that case. Interesting, but doesn't sound right, at least as to the pizza places. Cab companies are government regulated, so they have to follow rules. But pizza places can set their own boundaries and deliver to whomever they want.

I love it when Dan gets all professional on us. ;)

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Guest Untouchablepurple

Anyone know the zip code for Hialeah? :P

hahhaha that was good =)

But HIALEAH isnt that bad .. maybe ALLAPATAH, or NMB ;D

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