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important question


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Yup. 5htp is just the trick you need. Sleep if you can, and eat well, too. Eat something balanced, with a lot of vitamins C and E.

Take a couple 5htp NO LESS THAN 8 hours before you plan on rolling. As a wise e-tarded one once said, it takes 8 hours for your body to process 5htp, so taking it in less time than that is fairly useless.



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I don;t know.. somebody says hours before, somebody hour before... and 1 when you feel that you are going down... I tried to tho this this Saturday. I took 1 5HTP 5 hours before I was drinking gallons of OJ and took vitamin C... Then I dropped I Euro Dollar and it was much worse than usually... I don't knom but I think that the pill wasn't good I was soooooo slllllllooooowwwwwww like never before... So is it me? or the pill? or 5 HTP and vitamin C just don't work for me?

I just started with E and I need more informations..I know all web sites already but I need some personal experiences other people.. So maybe U can help me out?

Thx Love Amalka


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But this time I think I mean it for sure

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This is probably going to come across pretty harsh, but don't be stupid! First of all 5-HTP takes more than one day to replenish your saratonin, or to even make a difference. It is a pretty slow process. You only have so much saratonin, and by rolling the next day there probably isn't much left and the only thing you are going to end up doing is causing permanant damage. To keep this simple, your saratonin will eventually not beable to replenish itself. Not only will you never be able to roll again, but you will become permanantly, and severly depressed. If you want to use 5-htp and have it make a difference you need to take it 3 times a day depending on the mg. Most places sell 50, so I am assuming that is what you are taking. If you are taking 100 or 200 take it in the morning and at night. I have tried taking it during a roll or right before, and if it made a difference I didn't notice. I did notice when I took it after a roll to replenish my saratonin. People will say that they took it during a roll, and it helped a lot, but that isn't true. They just got some good pills. Don't roll two nights in a roll. It is just about the dumbest thing you can do. You should be able to have fun without it, otherwise you obviously have a problem. It gets me angry seeing all these people that have no idea what they are doing to themselves. You obviously haven't researched the drug enough and shouldn't even be taking anything period. -SIN

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Sorry, Sin, but you did come accross harsh.

You have some good points, although not entirely true.

The main one that I'd like to talk about is the depression thing. MDMA, in and of itself, has no physically addictive properties. The only time that you feel addicted is when you want the feeling back. That's a mental addiction. You can't tell someone that they're going to be depressed if they roll too much. It's simply not fact. True, it may happen, but it's not a GIVEN truth. I started a few months ago, and hit it HARDCORE (10+/night, 3 nights a week). Then, one day, we couldn't find it. I didn't get depressed. Quite the contrary, I had a great time looking back, while sober, at the experiences. It just made my next time even better.

While I freely admit that doing that much E was simply retarded, I'm only trying to prove a point. Depression, for the most part, depends upon the mindset of the individual.



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It is possible to roll the next day, but it wont be as nice as the night before. most of your serotonin will be depleted, and 5-HTP isnt going to help you really enough. Also by doing this you build up a tolerance to mdma. it takes anywhere from a wk to 2 wks for the serotonin to be completely replenished



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About the depression thing. What happens is eventually the saratonin will not beable to reproduce. It doesn't happen from just rolling two nights in a row once in a while. It is caused by repeated misuse. Some people it takes a year, some people it takes 5 years, but it will happen. The parts of your brain that release the saratonin will no longer beable to restore it. That is what I am talking about. It is one of the long term damages that they know MDMA does cause. I got it from the AMA, I will try to find it again. -SIN

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Yeah Kove when you first start year 1-2 most people wont get the depression. But it will come, it is (unfortunately) fact.

There is very little research to prove or disprove I am talking from 12 years experience and seeing how it effects other and myself.

The mid-week blues is something that creeps up on you after the honeymoon is over (which is why it's called a honeymoon, you don't see the negative effect for a while).

But nobody believes (or wants to) at first.

I don't believe the effects are permanent but the biggest drugs trial the world has ever seen is still running. We may not know for 10 more years what the REAL long term effects are. This 5HTP stuff just makes you feel better it does not reduce Neuro-toxicity, so don't think your doing yourself any favors by taking it.. in fact I have read at least 5 articles now that say it may makes matters worse.

Kove, trust me on this take it easy or you will regret it when the drugs "just don't work anymore".

If anybody wants my resources let me know.


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when you do e, it causes your brain to release all its seratonin. in order to have a good roll the next night, you have to make sure that your brain has replenished its seratonin levels, or else the roll will be hindered. protein rich foods - steak, hamburgers, chicken, anything that swims etc. - will help your brain replenish those levels quickly. also, the vitamin c and e replace a lot of the vitamins which are depleted by the e. it basically removes all the nutrition from your body which is part of why you feel kind of sore and your muscles feel kind of jellyish the next day. another trick is to take a xanax, which relaxes your muscles quite a bit and brings them back to the baseline quickly. working out the day after you roll, as exhausted as you may be, can also make quite a difference. Just lift for about 10 minutes, doing a few reps on your calves, a few on your biceps and about 10 minutes of something cardio - treadmill, bike etc. - can help a ton. hope this all helps -LB


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LBressler1@Bloomberg.net...(917) 561-7500 - Call me if you're out and want company

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I don't really have any info to back myself up here, but I have read several times that taking xanax with E is very dangerous. Don't do it. Just taking xanax alone can have side effects that are bad. Why mix two chemicals? Just don't do it. If anyone has some info here to back me up that would be great. -SIN

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