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Nocturnal review...

V. Barbarino

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I have so much to say about this night that Im sure its going to come out as a jumbled mess but oh well...deal with it people. ;)

#1- Greg laid the smack down on that club. Ive known that he is a great dj and producer, but Sat proved it. You could feel the love in the room for him and it showed in his performance. I mean why else would all these people get to a club that damn early? LOL! I kept trying to listen for his new track but never caught it...send it to me please. ;D

#2-Josh's main room set really seemed to lack direction. I think he is great but found myself bored alot. But I really dont blame that all on him, alot of it has to do with the way that the club is set up. Which brings me to...

#3-The main room setup MUST be changed SOON. I realize that you cant lower the booth because it will block the exits at the rear of the club but when you walk into an empty dancefloor it kills the clubgoers vibe INSTANTLY!!! :(

There are some very good aspects of the main room...1) the dancefloor is big but not so big that you have to have half of Miami in it to fill it up, 2) its nice and cold on the main floor, 3) the sound is EXCELLENT and 4) there are plenty of very friendly bartenders there as well.

BUT there is ZERO connection with the DJ, he cant see us, we cant see him. He has no idea how many people are there, if they are dancing or just standing there yawning. I think this was a major issue with Josh's set. When Stryke was on we were all up on the 2nd level and connecting with him directly, dancing, screaming, having a good time...but by the time Josh got on the 2nd level was much more packed and there was little room to move around. So we go downstairs but then there is no connection. VERY frustrating. >:(

A few ideas...1) Can you LOWER the booth by 10 ft? I cant remember how high the ceiling is. 2) Maybe move the booth to the left of the main entrance and raise it above the dancefloor a bit? It would stick the dj in a corner but it would also limit the amount of people trying to get into the booth. 3) take part of one of the bars on the main floor and move it into that corner and but the dj booth in its place...again..RAISED over the crowd a bit. Im not an architect, just a few ideas because I would really like to see the club succeed. Ok enough of all that onto...

#4-The patio was absolutely RAWKING!!!! Josh's set was ON POINT!!!! THIS is the Josh I feel in love with last year. I had to leave early because I actually had things to do on Sunday but I had soooo much fun. I rarely dance on the boxes anymore but this time I didnt want to get off. And the weather is getting better so it wasnt AS hot as usual but I was still a sweaty mess. Dade, can you put more fans on the opposite side of the booth. You already have a few pointed toward the dancefloor on the right side...what about the left? :)

Overall it was a great night and made me want to come back to Nocturnal again...especially if Greg is playing. ;D

Whew, ok..Im done..Im sure you are happy. :P

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Stryke was amazing on saturday. I'm glad that a lot of people finally got to hear and see what I've been raving about for months. And Josh's patio set was incredible...Absolutely flawless.....I love those minimal techno tracks he dropped... Everybody went insane!!! Who says you can't play minimal in Miami and rock the house. Stryke and Josh need to come back to Noc more often. At least once or twice a month.

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Guest swank

Stryke was amazing on saturday. I'm glad that a lot of people finally got to hear and see what I've been raving about for months. And Josh's patio set was incredible...Absolutely flawless.....I love those minimal techno tracks he dropped... Everybody went insane!!! Who says you can't play minimal in Miami and rock the house. Stryke and Josh need to come back to Noc more often. At least once or twice a month.

I hope someone at Noc is paying attention to the 6 threads and 100's of people that were at this event early on the 24th. Any clearer and the thread would read 'two cool dj's looking for gig'. They don't need to look too hard...I'm sure some other smart entrepeneur will scoop up that team if no moves are made.

just my $0.02...

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Guest gmstenback

First Thank You Nocturnal for great talent, we all appreciate it!

What else can we say about Stryke and Josh...... I could go on forever, but I won't. We all know how freaking good they were. 8) :D

Now, I know everyone is probably tired of seeing this over and over, but here it goes.

Up until now I had only beeing to the ever so popular Nocturnal Patio, which is always a good time. Saturday was my first time inside Nocturnal.

Nocturnal inside: Actually a beautiful club, with a nice, classy decor, really good lighting and video effects, and a great staff! ;)

There is a big problem with the sound and the booth. The sound is great downstairs, but no booth, no vibe (even with the best of talents). Upstairs, we have the booth, the vibe, but no sound, and as we learned Sat it can get extremely packed and hot up there. This is such a nice club it would have it all if the booth was positioned differently, please if you're out there lurking, reading, posting,.... Is there a way to fix this ???

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