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To clarify the WMC vs MMC...

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People have been confusing that this was just a name change, it's not..

The press release does not tell you that MMC is not the same company(s).

WMC is aligned with Ultra with their own dates and MMC has Global Gathering with their own dates.

MMC gave WMC a chance to be part of the longer MMC but they didn't want to. Thus all the clubs will following the MMC and clubbers should book trips based upon the MMC dates. I'm not picking sides here, but I know the clubs here in Miami are on the MMC side. Also the dates from year to year won't change, something WMC could never figure out.

hopefully this helps..

For those around the world who will read this, who have no idea who the saleen is, please reads this post I made last year that clearly outlined what is going on now. Look at the date of the post.


These dates have been locked down for about 2 months now, they just had to work with the UK partners who were skeptical at first but as you see with GG they are on board. Everything was super hush hush. Even the big jocks had zero idea.. Dates would have gone out a month ago, but a local drama erupted over something that I won't dicusss...

Most clubs are booked up for the mmc already, most just have one or two more dates to fill. WMC is nonesense in terms of you getting on a plane and comming to Miami to party.

I'm curious to see if the Hard Rock is going to try and get in on the partying this year.. I have a feeling they will...

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my bad because i caused confusion ... but hey, if it is 2 different things, at least come up with a more "original" name ... ::)

year after year people dont even say the word "winter" .. they say "the conference in miami" or just "the conference" ....

MMC with Global Gathering and WMC with Ultra is a very interesting approach to us .... already looking forward to it ;)

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Guest pod

Well, like the press release is saying, these dates will be advantageous to all whom are concerned. Artists, clubs, clubgoers, and the city/county.

One of the biggest complaints of years past has always been "so much to do, so little time!"

We hope with these extended dates, to rectify the issue. ;D

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Guest Spankmeister

Im just trying to book my damn room for the best dates!!!!

you can stay at my house...


Awfully nice of you to invite us to stay with ya Nick.... ;D

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Guest Cosmigonon

Im just trying to book my damn room for the best dates!!!!

you can stay at my house...


Awfully nice of you to invite us to stay with ya Nick.... ;D

LMAO!!! ;D

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Guest Clutch

People worldwide are laughing at this greedy attemt 'mmc'! It has not been recieved well by major industry players and in my humble oppinion will start a negative domino affect for all people organizing it.

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People worldwide are laughing at this greedy attemt 'mmc'! It has not been recieved well by major industry players and in my humble oppinion will start a negative domino affect for all people organizing it.

how so? how is it greedy???

I know the major players and they all have signed up with zero issues..

as for the people organizing it, you are posting on the very board that is owned by track enetertainment which is part of the mmc...

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Guest dirtyhouse777

People worldwide are laughing at this greedy attemt 'mmc'! It has not been recieved well by major industry players and in my humble oppinion will start a negative domino affect for all people organizing it.


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Guest Clutch

People worldwide are laughing at this greedy attemt 'mmc'! It has not been recieved well by major industry players and in my humble oppinion will start a negative domino affect for all people organizing it.

how so? how is it greedy???

I know the major players and they all have signed up with zero issues..

as for the people organizing it, you are posting on the very board that is owned by track enetertainment which is part of the mmc...

Then what? Isnt this board set up as a forum for people to post there feelings on certain topics? Or because it is owned by Track they will delete this post cause it isnt in there best interest? What kinda messageboard would only let biast info be posted? I am just giving my opinion as I have heard from numerous people who have major pull in the industry how they feel about this failed attemt to hijack what the WMC who has been working so hard on for over 20 years and has put Miami on the map worldwide...

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People worldwide are laughing at this greedy attemt 'mmc'! It has not been recieved well by major industry players and in my humble oppinion will start a negative domino affect for all people organizing it.

how so? how is it greedy???

I know the major players and they all have signed up with zero issues..

as for the people organizing it, you are posting on the very board that is owned by track enetertainment which is part of the mmc...

Then what? Isnt this board set up as a forum for people to post there feelings on certain topics? Or because it is owned by Track they will delete this post cause it isnt in there best interest? What kinda messageboard would only let biast info be posted? I am just giving my opinion as I have heard from numerous people who have major pull in the industry how they feel about this failed attemt to hijack what the WMC who has been working so hard on for over 20 years and has put Miami on the map worldwide...

1. cj never deletes any posts unless it's some troll posting some nonesense.

2. Pod, who works for track entertainment, clearly has posted the wmc dates:


3. The #1 guy in the US for clubs LP is running the show. The BBC radio 1 guys are on board, tiesto is on board, Global Gathering is on board and the vast majority of big name djs and their agencies are on board. How do I know? I know ever club operator in town..

4. WMC failed to see their problems, so now MMC was born out of fustration, even LP owner of space wrote a letter last year and made it public as to the sort commings of the WMC. MMC tried to get WMC to join forces they said no, but now the wmc is in "talks" with mmc..

as for greed, I'll quote mr gordon gecko "greed is good"..

If I told you:

1. cheaper flights

2. cheaper hotels

3. longer stay

4. more parties

5. cheaper parties

6. less hetic

7. longer time to book hotel and flights

8. You can see the big jocks twice!

9. Two festivals, over 3 days

What would you complain about now? The clubs in Miami will make the same amount of money whether it's 4 days or 9 days.. Also that "greed" as you put it, funds our roads, schools, etc and builds NEW CLUBS! Spirits at the hard rock is a direct build off of Space's WMC success. Crobar can build crobar nyc based off of it's wmc success..

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Guest Clutch

I had a post deleted from this board which wasnt about noncence!

When you get so defencive about something you should look deep inside because I can tell that your subconcience knows how this is going to play out. Maybe the WMC is in 'talks' with the mmc but you can be sure it isnt about helping LP make more and dissapoint more then last year! mmc may seem cool to the Miami crew but you can be assured people will be arriving in Miami for the WMC dates.


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I had a post deleted from this board which wasnt about noncence!

When you get so defencive about something you should look deep inside because I can tell that your subconcience knows how this is going to play out. Maybe the WMC is in 'talks' with the mmc but you can be sure it isnt about helping LP make more and dissapoint more then last year! mmc may seem cool to the Miami crew but you can be assured people will be arriving in Miami for the WMC dates.


You'll be wrong trust me... Did you see the post above by Metropolis Chic? Do you know who that is? Thats the marketing director for metropolis, the largest club in Miami! There are 15 24/hour rooms ready to go for downtown Miami for the mmc.. The amount of parties will be staggering this year and plenty of time to see them all.

I'll list the 24 hour rooms for you:

Space has 4 rooms and a patio

Nocturnal has 2 rooms and a patio

Metropolis has 5 rooms

Players has one room

Pawn Shop has one room

About 15 rooms in total that will go 24 hours for 9 days!

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Guest Clutch

Dont get me wrong I am all about good music being played loud! The Metropolis Chic might of been a bit quick to jump the gun but its all good. Saleen I do have respect for you but think that sometime you support things that bring you down. Anyways Miami is going to be sick this WMC!!!

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Guest ctferni

why are people picking sides. When it comes down to it its just two weeks of parties rather than one. I really dont see MMC hurting WMC considering the actual "WMC" involves panels and displays and that sort of thing. The only thing affected by this will be Ultra. Some might chose to go to only Global Gathering and Ultra's attendance will drop a bit. We will all benefit from this because these festivals will compete for us by offering better talent, production and possibly cheaper tics.

Im predicting two weeks of packed clubs all over miami. Some will stay one week ,other will stay both but in those two weeks every club in miami will bring in more $$$ than wmc last year.

When march comes around and your in some club watching your favorite dj spinning do you really care if its WMC or MMC??

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Guest vegasguy25

Saleen, I would say you're right on everything except the cheaper hotels. Rates are running well ahead of last year.

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Guest coach

What I want to know is what makes the MMC a "conference"? Why is it not the Miami Music Festival? Is there anything remotely conference-y about it? Have a bunch of club-parties all in the same week in no way constitutes a conference.

Not that I'm saying more parties is bad, I just think the naming is misleading.

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Guest Cosmigonon

Not that I'm saying more parties is bad, I just think the naming is misleading.

I think that's the whole purpose. Brilliant, isn't it??? ;D

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Guest coach

Not that I'm saying more parties is bad, I just think the naming is misleading.

I think that's the whole purpose. Brilliant, isn't it??? ;D

Actually, most research shows that misleading the public is a bad idea. It may work in the short-term, but it eventually will cause a backlash.

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