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Lethal ecstacy


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dude, if you check them out and they are not good (laced with something) or your friend recommends not to take them, get rid of them- but don't go selling them to other friendly clubbers. That is kind of a shitty thing to do, sell pills to people you know might be lethal? If that happened to me I would be so pissed, show some consideration to your fellow clubbers and take one for the team if you are going to get rid of them.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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I'm not bad. None of us know what we are taking. I mean, no matter what, most of us are taking a chance and these are the same way. If I knew they were bad, then I'd force my dealer to give me back the money and he can do what he wants, but I'd never sell if I knew these were bad. They look fine to me, so I'll probably take a half and see what happens. I'll probably have a bad time though since I'll be paranoid and scared as hell. I hate this. Once, a wonderful drug that makes people happy. Then, years later, we have these stupid people lacing it with all kinds of poisons and shit. I hope all of you know that when you take acid, you are taking strichnine(spelling?), and rat poison. Eventually, I think we're all going to have to quit for fear that we might all die. It's a big deal. I just wish all of us knew exactly what we are taking.


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Ok, I live in Tucson, so this might just be in Arizona, but on the news last night, it said that 3 teenagers died at a rave in the dessert from ecstacy. 2 went into convultions and 1 went into cardiac arest. The next day, my friend and techncaly dealer called me and told me that I might not want to take the E he gave me because of these deaths. Now, I want it really bad, but if there is even a slight chance I could die, I won't do it. I've rolled before, and it was great, so I figured these would be fine too, but I don't know. Everyone thinks that they are invincible until they are the one that gets sick or dies. So, have any of you had similar situations where you live? Also, I know there are E testing kits, but is there a way to see if it was laced with any shit? I really want these, but 3 deaths? That is a lot in my opinion. Usually the stuff i get is normal and great, but it isn't the 60s/70s/80s any more and nothing is pure. What do you all suggest? Should I take maybe a half and see how I am, or just sell the damn things. Thanks


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Originally posted by sabre:

Ok, I live in Tucson, so this might just be in Arizona, but on the news last night, it said that 3 teenagers died at a rave in the dessert from ecstacy. 2 went into convultions and 1 went into cardiac arest. The next day, my friend and techncaly dealer called me and told me that I might not want to take the E he gave me because of these deaths. Now, I want it really bad, but if there is even a slight chance I could die, I won't do it. I've rolled before, and it was great, so I figured these would be fine too, but I don't know. Everyone thinks that they are invincible until they are the one that gets sick or dies. So, have any of you had similar situations where you live? Also, I know there are E testing kits, but is there a way to see if it was laced with any shit? I really want these, but 3 deaths? That is a lot in my opinion. Usually the stuff i get is normal and great, but it isn't the 60s/70s/80s any more and nothing is pure. What do you all suggest? Should I take maybe a half and see how I am, or just sell the damn things. Thanks


If your DEALER is taking the time to call you to tell you NOT to take what he sold you.....I WOULD TAKE THAT AS A HINT!! If you MUST...make sure you test the pills first!


"Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT

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Shit sabre dont be selling them on. I think it's been said, but if your dealer rings you TAKE THE HINT.

Sound like PMA to me, you can get testing kits, which cost less that a single pill and will test 5 pills. This PMA stuff has killed more people in the last year than the total amount of E related deaths for the last 5 years. It is serious.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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seriously..you should listen to the worries of your source and yourself. Did you see the recent article on PMA on the planet webpage, it sounds serious so if you ar enot sure of its source id wouldnt take it!!

"Dancesafe has recently identified a number of PMA containing pills stamped with the popular three-diamond Mitsubishi logo on it. There have also been a number of recent seizures in Florida in which the drug has been mistaken by experts as Ecstasy pills."

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