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freaky incident: real or K?


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friday night, i was clubbing with two friends and some club acquaintances. we were all rolling and bumping a little K. we're all experienced with both. when it was getting late in the night and we were all pretty cracked out, one of the acquaintances gave me a lil' baggie of a bunch of rolls to hold onto "just for a second" and then he left. i was wondering why would he ask me to hold onto his stash. after a little bit, i saw him talking to some guy and looking at me. they both started walking toward to me and at that moment i realized i wasn't in the clear holding on to all those rolls. i jumped up and walked away quickly. they followed me rather quickly through the club and so i just left and called my friends' cell when i got outside. my friends figured he had to have been undercover or a narc trying to bust me for dealing, but then i also wonder if i was just flipping out because i was so k'ed up. but i've never gotten paranoid before. and i've done k several times and done more before. and why would he want to set me up to get busted for dealing when i wasn't a real dealer?

my main question: was this really as i thought it was, or could i have just been flipping out on the k and imagining it all? has anyone ever made up an entire scenario on k?

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Yes you probally did too much drugs and were paranoid.He was probally going to sell someone some pills and was going back to you to get them.He might have got a little paronoid himself,and thats why he gave you the baggie to hold.Whats this world coming too!!!!! cwm5.gif

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anthonyp, i hope you're right. but there are some other things about that night that made me think what i did. like, he first kept asking me to hook him up, he needed several. i told him i was going to take the only two i had. then he turned out to have plenty of his own and offered me one.

i've met this guy once before, through a club friend. that night, he asked me, "so, what's your real name?" i was like, "whaaat?? i don't have any fake names." he acted like he didn't believe me for a little bit and asked what was my last name. unfortunately, i told him. isn't this kinda sketchy?

really, i hope you're right. because i'll probably run into that guy again

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Originally posted by deanna11:

anthonyp, i hope you're right. but there are some other things about that night that made me think what i did. like, he first kept asking me to hook him up, he needed several. i told him i was going to take the only two i had. then he turned out to have plenty of his own and offered me one.

i've met this guy once before, through a club friend. that night, he asked me, "so, what's your real name?" i was like, "whaaat?? i don't have any fake names." he acted like he didn't believe me for a little bit and asked what was my last name. unfortunately, i told him. isn't this kinda sketchy?

really, i hope you're right. because i'll probably run into that guy again

I have an idea...lay of the K...you dumb crack fiend bitch..and then maybe you wont have to question your reality..K is for animals anyway..grow up and get a clue..how old are you 14?


Stop fuckin' around and be a man

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Originally posted by gq2727:

I have an idea...lay of the K...you dumb crack fiend bitch..and then maybe you wont have to question your reality..K is for animals anyway..grow up and get a clue..how old are you 14?

no, i'm 12. and it wasn't the K; it was the dust and G, cutie

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