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Reoccurring visuals?


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I was just wondering if anyone has ever had a reoccurring visual when they get high. Whether it be acid, weed, shrooms, e, etc. I usually see these pink dots floating around. Sometimes they turn into bugs, but only when I'm on a hallucingen. Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else?


I'm gonna go hit the pipe now...

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me and two of my friends dropped some bombs and on two different occasions, we thought that everyone in the room was wearing glasses. Yet in fact, we were just fucked off our ass!...it was pretty cool.


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

How the hell are you?....I am rolling!, rollliiinng.

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Oh hell yeah!!!

Shit, I've had'em since I was fuckin teenager. I think it' from all the cid I ate at the Fuckin dead concerts! In my case, I know I ate waaaaaaaaay too many squares in my life time to last for my next 10 fuckin generations. I don't get like mad visuals or anything, but like for instance, when I'm looking at the digital clock, the numbers move around and shit, like the clock is fucked up or something and I can't sleep at fuckin night unless i'm baked!

I feel yo pain, bro!


Suck It!!!

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stevanamos - acid doesn't stay in your system or your spinal cord for six months, it is 100% water soluble. This means that it will be completely absorbed and out of your system after a few days.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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hey sonicgroov,

My homey Esey dropped at a party a couple weeks ago and thought all of us were wearing glasses too. Damn, that's weird shit that it happens to multiple people! What a fuckin trip.


Know your body. Know your mind. Know your source. Know your roll.

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A lot of times when I'm candyflipping in the clubs, I see little gnomes running across the floor but when I try to focus on them, they disappear. Sometimes they jump on my head and I can feel them dancing up there or if someone is rubbing my back, the gnomes are giving me a massage.

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Originally posted by sonicgroov:

me and two of my friends dropped some bombs and on two different occasions, we thought that everyone in the room was wearing glasses. Yet in fact, we were just fucked off our ass!...it was pretty cool.

LMAO!!! The same shit happened to my friend once. After he told me about it I just thought he was a freak. Seriously, what's the deal with glasses?


I'm gonna go hit the pipe now...

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Yeah, I know what you're saying about recurring visuals. it's happened to me a couple of times-- both times not long after I dropped some highly visual paper. once when I was rolling, and once when I was high...

I think what it is is that the trip stays in your system (specifically your spinal chord) for up to 6 months and some other substances trigger it. If you want the visuals to stop, I would suggest staying away from the trip for a while....

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Now that you brought it up, I see the same shit! I also keep thinking that I'm seeing a friend all night when in fact he isn't even there. Throughout the night I'll be seeing him and he's just some other person and I think it's him. It can be any friend but once I think I see him once, I'll "see" him all night.



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tiesto is right, its not the acid that stays in your system forever, its the chemical they use to put it on the paper. when they look for any signs of acid use, they test for that substance b/c traces of it are in the spine forever.




"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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freaky that other people were seeing glasses. and it was weird that on two different rolls and two different pills i saw people with glasses.

my friend was in a club and saw different kind of glasses on a kid...those big circus glasses that take up your whole face. it was pretty funny.


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

How the hell are you?....I am rolling!, rollliiinng.

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