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Spirits club report

V. Barbarino

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Great time last night even though I was really not in the mood to go out..

Few issues with the club..

1. lights, by far the whole club needs a new lighting plan and design, coupled with movable lighting trusses, this is by far the dumbest oversite by Spriits, those lights are way way too high up and it causes issues with the atmosphere.

2 dyncort is bad, old space bad, time to get rid of it, it really hurt my ears, the mids were way way way off..

3. video screens need to go or be dimmed and used less, it really ruins the club.

4. bring the K and Angel to Sprits for fridays, door was awful.

5. lights in hip hop room last night were awful

Og for the 1st hour up till 2:15 was really bad, he fucked up royaly with not playing the good mixes of i feel loved and another DT track whose name i can't think of right now.. Too much chain saw muisc and hard beats, no vox.. At 2:15 he play mr fingers and the place got going again since he played real house... Overall considering to play to that room is by far the hardest room to rock as a jock in miami and broward, I'd say og was a pro last night.. Next time he'll know his way better, but no local yocal besides a pro can rock that room.. Why? Is it space? Is tourists? Is it fort lauderdale? Are they there for OG? Did they just stumble in there? What is the demographic of the crowd? right now, no one knows, thus why og did really well...

By far the best club in florida... If you don't bring in guests each week it will fail on fridays.. Only pros can rock that room, it's really that tough... OG seemed to have a hard time mixing, lots of fuck ups, he didn't seem like typical og in terms of mixing... might be a mixer issue.

bar staff are zombies....

Well done mr gecko and mr bud fox.....

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Guest Darwin Castillo

for sure, good review. it was kept real and to a point. not like your regular cjers on here that say, everything was great, great sound, great dj great blah. thanks for keeping it real! we need more reviews like this in the future.

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Guest Cosmigonon

for sure, good review. it was kept real and to a point. not like your regular cjers on here that say, everything was great, great sound, great dj great blah. thanks for keeping it real! we need more reviews like this in the future.

Exactly. I can't stomach another "the atmosphere was magical" review...

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Guest Civs

typical Saleem. keeping it real. now if the rest of the crowd can avoid being "pc" (politically correct) once in a while, this can only benfefit the scene. if the truth is not told, then how can we expect changes.

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Guest Clutch

typical Saleem. keeping it real. now if the rest of the crowd can avoid being "pc" (politically correct) once in a while, this can only benfefit the scene. if the truth is not told, then how can we expect changes.

Civs...Thanks for those important words.

Miami needs more of that oldschool vibe. Community.. ;)

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Guest coach

typical Saleem. keeping it real. now if the rest of the crowd can avoid being "pc" (politically correct) once in a while, this can only benfefit the scene. if the truth is not told, then how can we expect changes.

Bah. What's the point? Generally, when people try to "keep it real", they are just accused of being haters. And it's not like the people in charge are going to listen, they all "know better" than us poor clubbing peons. (That was my "keeping it real" for the day.)

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Guest pod

Miami needs more of that oldschool vibe. Community.. ;)

Yeah, that'll happen. It's politics here. Shit happens, roll with the punches, move on. You want community, move out west and smoke weed with the rest of the hippies.

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Guest coach

Miami needs more of that oldschool vibe. Community.. ;)

Yeah, that'll happen. It's politics here. Shit happens, roll with the punches, move on. You want community, move out west and smoke weed with the rest of the hippies.

Ha Ha! Burning Man roadtrip!

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Guest Clutch

Miami needs more of that oldschool vibe. Community.. ;)

Yeah, that'll happen. It's politics here. Shit happens, roll with the punches, move on. You want community, move out west and smoke weed with the rest of the hippies.

OK pod you have made your stand. Its just sad that you need to try and be 'cool' on a messageboard to feel good about yourself. Each to his own.

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for sure, good review. it was kept real and to a point. not like your regular cjers on here that say, everything was great, great sound, great dj great blah. thanks for keeping it real! we need more reviews like this in the future.

Fortunately there are some of us junkies that actually appreciate hearing the truth. Not some endless chatter about how wonderful the club was. Props to Nick for being real.

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Let me finish this up, I couldn't before, my internet is still down at my house..

The traffice issue is really bad, so bad this will only hurt the HR, Yogi Beara said it best "it's so crowded, no one goes there anymore!"

I live 3 miles from the HR and going to space takes shorter time. Where are the cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cars driving on sidewalks, road rage, speeding, it's a cluster fuck and yet, NO COPS!!!!!!!!

WHY SHOULD I OBEY THE LAWS AND LET EVERYONE ELSE GET THERE QUICKER??? Someone will die out there and it will ruin that place.

Rumor has it they are trying to buy the car auction next store and the parking garage will hold somewhere in the 2k range, but with no cops it' won't make a difference!!!!! They need police presence like the dolphins games! Visable!!!

As for the club, it's truely the best club in south florida and with some needed tweaks it will only get better. I wish they'd spend the money and put that hard wood floor in properly.. You should have ripped 2X4's into 1 by 2's and laid out a grid, then you name the flooring to the grid and you have a sweet vibrating floor that moves... Old school clubs only had it this way, but clubs these days don't do it, why???

Keys to success:

1. Guest djs only! Locals will ruin that room.. You need B+ A- jocks that don't play Space, then once a month you brand a party with some trendy name and bring in a big jock but you have to book a huge name guy at the same time at space, so you don't kill both parties.

2. scan the ids of customers, find out where your base is comming from, right now, no one knows. Also this will allow you to id where to advertise at.

3. hip hop night is perfect with their plan, don't change a thing

4. The upstairs in the main room is lacking it's potential, I'm thinking space birthday styled parties could be done up there, but turn down the music!! too loud

5. door staff, FIRE THEM! On fridays, get angel and the K up here!!!

6. get shoppers to test the bar staff, i think you'd find they are boring and lack any personality!

7. the middle of the dance floor is missing something, I just don't know what it is missing..

8. lights, bring in movable trusses and clear the lighting program and start over.

9. have a smart and senisble video screen plan, the jackass who keep having the g string sluts shown up there, needs to be fired, that was about as "Cancun" as you can get.. You have OSCAR motherfuckingn G spining and you have G string sluts on your video screens??? Lets not cheese this place out like that.. I can't belive mr gekko let that screen go that long, bad move, and yes I did say something to him in person about this.

10. Space on tour? hey why not, might as well try it..

11. OG should have opened, the opener did ok, but when og got on , it was too different...

12. it's all about hot chicks, need more vocals!!!!!!!

13. The djs they book should not be based upon marketability, since maybe 20% of the crowd came out for og, the rest came out because it's new and heard "good things"... You need jocks who will play that room right, big jocks won't help a thing over there for the bottom line, you need consistent jocks who don't tread on their names for their success.... NYC house styled jocks are the only guys who should be booked, then do one off trancer events...

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Guest colione98

success.... NYC house styled jocks are the only guys who should be booked...

You were doing fine, actually well.. Then you had to go and ruin things... Believe, being from up north jrsy/ny I can respect that comment between you and me...

But trash like that may get you tossed in the fire by some other cats....

But other than again, it's not a saleen thread unless you slip in a few shots..... ;)

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success.... NYC house styled jocks are the only guys who should be booked...

You were doing fine, actually well.. Then you had to go and ruin things... Believe, being from up north jrsy/ny I can respect that comment between you and me...

But trash like that may get you tossed in the fire by some other cats....

But other than again, it's not a saleen thread unless you slip in a few shots..... ;)

The top 2 jocks at Space are both NJ/NYC guys (Roger and Erick) then toss in mr DT if he didn't have a falling out with LP, then toss in Tsettos, and Boris does well at Crobar, etc, NYC guys are by far the most crowd friendly and consistent jocks around and broward has a huge demographic from the tri state area and a huge gay population.. A HCCR at Spirits would seriously go over reall well, Harry would play that room perfect and he's another NYC/NJ guy...

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Guest colione98

Keys to success:

1. Guest djs only! Locals will ruin that room.. You need B+ A- jocks that don't play Space, then once a month you brand a party with some trendy name and bring in a big jock but you have to book a huge name guy at the same time at space, so you don't kill both parties.

There goes your keys to sucess doing the drive by sensation... :o

......Diaga this Friday

So, what's plan B? ;D

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The top 2 jocks at Space are both NJ/NYC guys (Roger and Erick) then toss in mr DT if he didn't have a falling out with LP, then toss in Tsettos, and Boris does well at Crobar, etc, NYC guys are by far the most crowd friendly and consistent jocks around and broward has a huge demographic from the tri state area and a huge gay population.. A HCCR at Spirits would seriously go over reall well, Harry would play that room perfect and he's another NYC/NJ guy...

bring in a gay night with victor calderone and i'm in.

love victor.. he needs to give me plenty of advance notice though since i'm never in town. lol ;D

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Guest ClubDiva05

It took almost an hour from the time I got off the highway to finally park!!!Terrible traffic situation!!!The music was alright, even though I hate to admit this OG must have been in a bad mood or something cause he was definitely not himself.Could also have been that he just wanted to party though since it was his B-day.I think Armand really rocked, unfortunately by the time he took the decks the crowd was pretty much gone.

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It took almost an hour from the time I got off the highway to finally park!!!Terrible traffic situation!!!The music was alright, even though I hate to admit this OG must have been in a bad mood or something cause he was definitely not himself.Could also have been that he just wanted to party though since it was his B-day.I think Armand really rocked, unfortunately by the time he took the decks the crowd was pretty much gone.

COMPLETELY UN FUCKING TRUE!!! UMMMMM, were you there????? it was a damn good time, armand did a great job setting up, and OG rocked the place. There was no need for him to get silly, he played exactly what the crowd needed. OG had no issues that nite whatsoever.

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